☆ Chapter 12 ☆

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☆ Chapter 12: Dragon's Dream ☆


"Why do you want to get this woman outta the picture so quickly?"

Pucci stood before a male who had his eyebrows raised ever so slightly, rubbing his forehead with a confused expression.

The priest turned away, looking at the wall, before letting out a sigh. "I'm afraid there are some things I cannot tell you." He then turned back to the male. "..Then just tell me the things you can tell me, duh." The male responded.

Pucci hesitated. "Very well.."

He then looked at the male. "Miss Y/N and I..are friends. We've been friends." His hand trailed along the wooden desk he had in the chapel, running along a desk drawer for a moment, before stopping. "Meeting Jolyne Cujoh gave her a bad influence. It was bad luck that they clicked together so well.."

Pucci hated that you had chosen to follow the Cujoh girl and her apparent team of inmates that she had picked up along the way. 

..Pucci knew things about you that nobody else knew.

Not even yourself. 

He knew how dangerous you could be, and it was his job to get you away from Jolyne. The priest then would wave the male visitor away, before closing his eyes. 

Jolyne Cujoh was in the punishment ward. Perhaps going there was the best thing to do.


Water. What F.F needed was water, and, once Jolyne had pointed her in the direction of a hose, she immediately began to move towards that direction.

Seeing you getting hurt by Kenzou had angered F.F. She hated that you had fallen down, and she hated the fact that the person that was responsible for this hadn't been dealt with yet.

So, F.F decided that she would protect you, no matter what. Just like her desire to protect the discs before she had joined Jolyne's side, you were just as important.

F.F had fought Kenzo and Dragon's Dream, and now, was still trying to find a way to beat him.

Jolyne turned to look at Anasui, who, so far, had done nothing.

"Hey! Don't just stand there and explain things! Go and help F.F! You're a stand user too, right? You two should be able to beat that old guy!"

Anasui had a cold look in his eyes as he watched F.F run, the old man chasing her. He was pissed that the old man had harmed you, sure..but he had to protect Jolyne.

"..Once F.F dies..sure. My services only extend to your protection."

F.F reached the hose, and began searching. "Where is it?! Where do I get the water?!"

As Kenzou ran to finish F.F off while she was distracted, his stand suddenly spoke.

"Wait! If you move any closer to F.F..you're in danger of losing. Move to the left."

Kenzou looked confused. "What?"

That's when F.F happened to see movement from out of the corner of her eye. 

Kenzo slowly moved to the left, barely avoiding a punch. "What the hell is this? I thought I took you out of the battle."

Behind him stood you, your fists raised. However, taking a closer look, Kenzou could see that your eyes were closed.

You then tilted your head to one side, then the other, before silently running at Kenzou again. "Move two steps back..! Y/N is unconcious." The dragon stand beside him stated. "Then why is she attacking right now?!" Kenzou exclaimed.

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