☆ Chapter 13 ☆

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☆ Chapter 13: True Intellect ☆


Jolyne and Anasui had left you and F.F behind while they went to pursue a stand, while you and F.F were to kill the user. 

You glanced at F.F, who, after a moment, turned their head to look at you, before a smile formed on her face. 

"You know..Y/N. Maybe if we all get out of here..wouldn't it be nice if you took me around the world? It's..so much bigger than I ever imagined. There's just so much I want to see." She stated in a quiet tone.

You paused, before nodding. "Yea, yea. We're going to Disney World first. You can't start your life as a normal being without going to Disney World." You whispered. F.F's eyes widened. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" She asked. You leaned in close. "Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, F.F. You'll never gain happiness without going there." You replied.

You saw that F.F looked a bit shaken, and laughed slightly. "Don't worry. It won't kill you if we don't have time to go. Disney will always be there waiting."

F.F smiled. She knew that your words were true. 

"Y/N..I just wanted to say something. It's about this love thing y-"

F.F then cut herself off as she noticed that the guards were coming, and quickly pulled you back, her eyes narrowing. Stupid guards really had to ruin her moment. 

"What the hell is going on here?! It was only 10 minutes..where did the 41 prisoners and the two guards go?! Who caused this?!"

One shouted, and you caught a glimpse of one of the guards approaching D&G's body. 

However, F.F saw something, or, someone else. 

It was..

'That's Father Pucci..but, why would he be here? I understand the guards coming to investigate, but why would he..he's looking after D&G!' 

You began to hear counting, and turned your head, your eyes widening once you saw who it was, and turned to F.F, who already seemed to have a plan, as she grabbed your hand, and led you over to two guards that had strayed away from the group. 

Meanwhile, Pucci approached a male on the ground, the male's ribs sticking out of his back. "Looks like you have not seen anything, Guccio. However, something was born from those plants. This calls for celebration, doesn't it?" He then pulled out a disc. "I'm going to obtain the way to heaven!" He then inserted the disc into Guccio's head. 


'Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah--'

Pucci extended his arms as the music began to play from Guccio's mouth, a smile forming on his face. What better way to celebrate his path to heaven than to listen to holy music?

"Alright, close the door! We're leaving."

Pucci heard the guard's voice, and immediately  turned his head to look, only for his eyes to widen as he spotted two figures.

"..All right."

"You got it, boss."

It was F.F..and..You.

F.F aimed her gun at D&G, as you grabbed onto the door. "Let's kill this guy, F.F. It's what he deserves for being a shithead." You stated. F.F aimed to shoot, only for someone to grab her hands. You turned your head to see the medic. "Hey, mind your own business!" You shouted.

"What? There's a disc...that must mean..Whitesnake is here!" F.F exclaimed. You then brought out your stand, and made it enter the medic's body. You brought a finger up to your lips. "..Jump out of the vehicle..and hit your head." You commanded softly. The medic then turned, and jumped out of the vehicle, your gaze traveling upwards as you noticed someone approaching. 

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