☆ True Ending ☆

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☆ True Ending: What a Wonderful World ☆


There..was no hope. Pucci would kill everyone here, without hesitation. 

You watched as Jotaro fell into the water, his blood turning the water around him red. Anasui was gone..Ermes..

Without realizing it, tears began to fall from your eyes, quickly drying due to time getting faster and faster. 

It was just you, Jolyne and Emporio, all of you were panicking..losing hope.

"He..he did it. He's going to kill us all.." Emporio whispered.

You then stepped forwards, closing your eyes. "Jolyne, run and take the kid with you." You stated in a serious tone.

Jolyne's head whipped around to face you. "What..? No, Y/N! Not without you!" She exclaimed, almost panicked. Jolyne didn't want to lose anyone else..especially you. You had been with her since the beginning..and she had realized over the course of your journey together that she had fallen in love with you. Why? Why was this stupid priest going to take away everything Jolyne loved?

"..We don't have time to argue, Jolyne. The priest can one shot us if we stand here like a bunch of clueless bowling pins." You declared.


"Jojo. Trust me..you need to go. I'll stall some time for you. You don't want to be late again." You said, somewhat referencing your first words to her when she was late to the cafeteria, due to an issue with her pants or something.

Jolyne paused, before her eyes darkened. She nodded, grabbing Emporio, as her eyes laid upon a dolphin that was swimming nearby. Yes..that would be the escape route.

"Oh, Jojo." You said, turning your back so you weren't facing her.

"..You've really changed me. Thank you."

Jolyne's eyes watered slightly, yet she kept a straight face. "Y/N..I..I love you." She said.

You lightly smirked. "Don't worry. I like me too."

You then spotted something fast coming towards you. Pucci, you guessed. So, you took a step forwards.


For a moment, as you made your final choice, you found yourself contemplating.

Jolyne..your first true friend. Emporio...you could tell he was going to be a good kid.

Pucci was drawing closer.

'No, no..I could just step away now..I could run now..'

You thought. You, Y/N, had never cared much, but now..

You knew you cared for Jolyne.

You cared for Ermes.

You cared for Anasui.




Even Jolyne's dad.

You felt yourself breaking down in that moment, realizing that now, having made so many good friends..you had so much to live for.

Your time was running out..Jojo! You didn't want to die..there was so much you wanted to do now! So much you cared about! 

You didn't want to die.

You didn't want anyone to die.

Your time was up, you were running out of time, yet you didn't want your time to end.

☆ I Want To Break Free ☆ Stone OceanWhere stories live. Discover now