☆ Chapter 17 ☆

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☆ Chapter 17: Rise of Mickeyism ☆


Well, now that you were done trying to beat up your friends, it was back to the regularly scheduled 'Where the fuck is Pucci' show. 

The best idea Jolyne had was to split up, so while she, Ermes and Emporio went one way, you had to go with Anasui and Weather Report. 

As the three of you walked down the street in silence, in the pouring rain, you let out a sigh.

"Y'know..I want to start a cult."

Both Anasui and Weather looked at you oddly.

"Yea..yea, a cult. And we're going to worship..uh..Mickey. We're gonna fucking worship him, and then at the end of every day gather around the campfire and sing that one song about hot dogs.."

You closed your eyes a bit, feeling the rain tap against your eyelids.

"Yea..Pucci will be our first sacrifice to Mickey."

"Um..Y/N, we need to find him first." Weather said. "Besides..I want to know what he has taken from me." His gaze was distant. "Yea, well I wanna kill him. I thought he was cool, but he was just stupid. I can't just forgive him when he killed F.F. The only way I'll be happy to see him is if he's fucking dead."

"Same. I will protect Jolyne from that asshole." Anasui declared. "Hey, don't forget me. How am I supposed to be jealous of Jolyne if you don't give me a reason to? In your little daydream where we all get together or something."

Anasui gasped. "Y/N..you're a genius. Yes..I think that'll work. I saved your life from an evil person, and due to my devilish looks and flirtatious personality, you've fallen head over heels. However, that's when the beauty Jolyne comes i-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've gotta piss." You stated.

And so, you changed directions to the nearest bathroom, hiding as you saw police cars speed by. Not as fast as Lightning McQueen though.

As you went to the bathroom, Anasui turned to Weather. "Say..that birthmark on you..I saw Jolyne had it..as well as her father." He noted. "Why were you at Green Dolphin?"

"All I can say is that the priest is my enemy. He's taken something from me..and I need to get it back." Weather stated quietly, a determined glint in his eyes.

"And..Y/N. I've seen you gravitate towards her. Last time I checked, I don't have room for you. So, gladly leave her al-"

"That was honestly the best piss I've had in a few months. Oh, fuck, am I interrupting something?"

Weather shook his head. "No."

"Ok, good."

You then frowned. "How are we gonna avoid the cops? They know which car we took, so we can't use that. And walking would just be a pain in my ass."

Anasui glanced at Weather, who was silent. "I dunno. Stealing a car would also be a bad idea..how about we take the bus?" He questioned.

It was then you noticed an old man walking down, carrying a heavy bag, as he appeared to be struggling a bit. "Are you waiting for the bus?" He asked. "..I feel very good right now. The pain in my knees is even gone. There's even a light shining through the clouds.."

You looked up, seeing that a singular gap between the cloud was shining on the old man. You paused, before looking at Weather. 

You then walked forwards. "Hey. How about I take those bags off of you? I'll carry 'em to your car." You offered.

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