☆ Ending: Secret Ending ☆

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Secret Ending


The waves crashed against the sand, you sitting in the water silently.

The dead body of Jolyne rested on the shore, along with the rest.

Why were you waiting? It had been 2 days.

The priest wasn't going to come back to finish you off. He was dead. Were you waiting to wake up from this nightmare?

Everyone was dead now. Even Emporio and Pucci.

..They weren't going to come back. You had finished the priest off too early. Perhaps your rage made you not think of a plan..

You were alone now. The sole survivor.

Guilt washed over you.

This was what happened when you chose to care for someone. They all died.

You then laid down on the sand, looking at the sky.

There was a sound, a loud one..a helicopter. You sat up, noticing a helicopter landing behind you and the dead bodies of your friends.

"Y/N L/N!" A voice shouted. You watched as someone, with a hat that said 'Speedwagon Foundation', came out.

Ambulances were now pulling up, as other people wearing the Speedwagon Foundatipn hats moved the bodies inside.

"We're here to help..get into that ambulance over there, so we can check you for any injuries."

..It wasn't like you could say anything against it.


'Jolyne Cujoh is dead. How about Jotaro?'

'He's dead too. How about Ermes Costello?'

'No heartrate, nothing.'

'Narciso Anasui is dead too.'

'..So is the kid.'

'..And Y/N L/N?'

'She's being patched up right now. She's alive, and conscious. But she's been unresponsive. She's just..staring blankly.'

'Well, she's the sole survivor.'

'..They died two days ago.'


'Those who died..they died two days ago.'

'Then..what has Y/N been doing?'

'...Nothing..she hasn't ate nor slept.'

You listened to the SWF workers conversing. It was true..you were disheveled.

You then laid down on the bed they had supplied.

'..What are we going to do with her?'

'..I think it's best to get her out of Florida.'

'Where should we send her?'

'..Perhaps..Morioh? It seems like a good place. Those in Morioh might be able to help her recover.'

'I'll bring her there. Perhaps Josuke Higashikata will take her in.'


Months had passed by. You had arrived in Morioh a few days after you were found by the SWF. You had met one of Jolyne's relatives, Josuke Higashikata. Despite his kindness, and upbeat personality, whenever you looked at him, you saw nothing but Jolyne, dying to save you and Emporio.

You had reverted back to not caring about anything, to hide your true feelings once more.

Josuke, despite not knowing you for too long, was concerned. 

"What do you want, Higashikata?" You asked, looking at him nonchalantly.

Josuke fumbled with his hands. "..I know it's only been a few months, but I want to get to know you a bit more."

"..Fuck off." You turned, walking down the street.

Josuke watched as you walked away. Seeing someone so..cold, especially after knowing what had happened to you..

He couldn't let this happen.

You walked down the street, before feeling a hand grab your shoulder. You turned, to see Josuke looking back at you.

"I'm not going to leave." His eyes were filled with the hauntingly familiar determination you saw Jolyne with months prior.

You knew he meant it.

Walking past a butterfly which had a wing slightly torn, weakly flying by, you stopped. 

"..I guess if you're not going to leave, I have to let you stay."

Josuke felt relieved. "Great! Come on. I'll take you somewhere cool where we can chat."

You followed Josuke down the streets of Morioh. Why were you doing this?

Why were you walking with another Joestar? When was he going to die? 

Why were you giving yourself a second chance, when you felt like you didn't deserve it.

Josuke pulled you into an Italian restaurant, smiling as he noticed one of his best friends.

"Oi, Josuke!" A male with two scars on his face called. "Is that a friend?" He called.

Josuke nodded. "..She is, Okuyasu."

Okuyasu was confused by the serious tone in Josuke's voice, but soon understood. You were Y/N L/N. Yea..Josuke made the right choice, taking you to Tonio's.

The man himself came out of the kitchen, giving Okuyasu the dish he made for him, before spotting you. Walking over, he had a warm smile that could put anyone at ease, even you. "Hello, Josuke. Hello, Josuke's friend. Table for two?" He asked.

"We'll sit with Okuyasu." Josuke stated as the two of you sat down. Tonio followed, as Josuke nodded at you. Tonio then grabbed your hand. "Let's see.."

"What are you doing?" You asked in a blunt tone. Tonio's eyes filled with worry as he silently stared at you, before brightening up with a smile. "I see what you need..I'll have the food ready for you!" He said.

"Just get me a water." Josuke said.

With that, Tonio walked away.

"..What the fuck was that?"

"Er..Tonio doesn't really use menus. He just knows what you need." Okuyasu explained.

"That's sketchy." You mumbled.

"Just wait and see!" Okuyasu smiled.

These guys..they really weren't going to give up, were they?

You thought of what Jolyne would want you to do..

'You shouldn't blame yourself, Y/N. It was not your fault..you need to move on.' That was what she would say..but you couldn't. How could you, with their blood on your hands?

Josuke noticed you freezing up. "Are you okay?" He asked. You narrowed your eyes at him. "I'm.."


Maybe..just maybe, it would be okay to move on.

If that was what you thought your friends would want..you'd try your best.


secret ending finished

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