☆ Prologue ☆

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"You're surrounded, Father Pucci!" A kid decked in baseball attire yelled.  Your eyes immediately flicked to Emporio for a moment, your breath hitched in your throat as you crouched next to Ermes, returning your gaze to the priest who had crashed through a frame, then at Jolyne and her father, Jotaro. There was a tapping on her shoulder. "Oi, Y/N!" You looked at Ermes, who returned your stare with an expression of slight concern. "You look unnerved. What's wrong? We're going to kill Pucci now. Aren't you supposed to be saying some salty ass one liner right now?" The Mexican-American asked. "No, something feels off. Something isn't right." You replied, turning your gaze back to Pucci. The priest then said the words that confirmed your concern. That sent shivers down your spine.

"I finally realized! When you forced me into the frame! That my allies are the Kujos!"

He began to rise up, making you jump up as Anasui shouted "What the hell?! The priest is floating up towards the sky!" Your heartbeat raced, as your eyes were wide. 'He doesn't need to wait any longer...whatever is going to happen next, it's not going to be pretty!' You thought, staring in a mix of awe and fear as Pucci continued to rise.


Yea, this is definitely going to be hard to explain. You're probably wondering, why the hell is there a priest floating? Why is there a kid wearing baseball attire? Who are the Kujos? Who's Y/N?

I wondered that too, each at separate times. Trust me. To begin, we're not performing some demonic ritual to sacrifice that priest to some weird sun god or something. Actually, I'd rather do that then what truly happened.

Well, I'm Y/N L/N, and to describe this to you in perfect detail, we have to go back. Way back. Sorry for starting off my story with some cliffhanger. I just wanted to see your reaction when I told you that there's a lot more that happened before the levitating priest. To start off, my story begins a year ago. Before I first met Jolyne Cujoh.


Y/N L/N, daughter of an overwhelming mother who committed a crime. What crime, you may ask? Oh, nothing much. Just a murder. The murder of Y/N's uncle. Even though Y/N had witnessed this, she couldn't just turn in her own mother. Even though she disliked the woman, the guilt would linger on in her heart. So, looking into her mother's wide and crazed eyes, she said the words that would start her story.

"To the world, I committed the crime. You found me standing over his body, and called the police."

Her mother agreed, and promised to break her out. Y/N was put on trial, where she confessed to the crime without a moment to waste.

"Why should I lie about a crime I committed? Send me to jail, boys."

And so they did. Eventually, Y/N L/N found herself at Green Dolphin Street Prison, where she waited for her mother to sneak in and break her out. Day by day, she waited, and day by day, she began to not give a damn about anything. Ask her for money? That would be a no. She missed lunch? Who cares? The only thing she did seem to care about..

Was that her mother didn't come for her. Y/N L/N was stuck in a prison for 10 years for a crime she never even considered doing. Yet, she didn't tell anyone this, for some odd reason. Maybe it was because she liked the prison? No, that wasn't the answer.

Y/N wanted to break free.

And as days passed, there seemed to be a chance for that to happen.

The year was 2011. When Y/N L/N met Jolyne Cujoh.


Prologue END. 

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