☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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☆ Chapter 5: There's Seven of us? ☆


Ever since the incident with Lightning McQueen or whatever his name was..Thunder McQueen? No, Lightning McQueen sounded better. You began to see Ermes around more often, and you had a feeling she was being dragged deeper into the bizarre adventure you had gotten into days prior, when you approached Jolyne. Not that you were complaining--more women for you to admire.

Speaking of admiration..

"Isn't it a wonderful day today, Y/N?" 

You glanced over your shoulder, your eyes landing on Gwess. She was still keeping up with that act of hers to please you, and, honestly, you just let her do her thing. At least she wasn't crushing you under a pile of books or anything. You, along with a group of prisoners, had been sent out, and were now crowded around a guard with a..crocodile puppet? You had seen him before, when you first arrived, but it still surprised you.

"I guess. Much rather be at Disney World than at prison, though. But I guess you can't get everything that you wish for." You replied. Gwess nodded in agreement, though by now you couldn't tell if she was actually agreeing, or agreeing to get back on your good side. "Maybe once we both get released, we can go to Disney World together. It's the happiest place on earth!" Gwess suggested.

"We're not going to get released at the same time, Gwess." You stated bluntly. If you were shattering her hopes and dreams, that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was wondering why the hell that guard was carrying around some crocodile thing. 

"What the fuck is-"

Before you could finish, the guard began talking. 

"Why on earth did we have to gather everyone up here at the sports grounds?" He questioned. You raised an eyebrow, wondering what was going on. And, them, something even weirder happened. He-- or, the crocodile, began to speak. Now this was entertaining.

"This morning..two prisoners went out to work at the Farm and didn't come back! They're missing!" The crocodile spoke. You sarcastically made a gasping noise just to add on to this little show they were putting on. 

Honestly, this was just amusing. Finally, some good fucking entertainment. You were..pleased. Eventually, you heard the guard then ask for some volunteers. For a moment, you paused, before raising your hand along with some of the others. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that Ermes and Jolyne had raised their hands. Gwess had drifted over to bother Jolyne, and you could tell Jolyne was already tired of Gwess's dedication to pleasing her.

After putting on the 'Like a Virgin' bracelets, which, you could admit was an interesting name, you, along with the other prisoners that had been chosen, gathered around the gate. You happened to notice your cellmate, Atroe, was one of the chosen prisoners, and attempted to catch her attention. Atroe looked over at you, and, once you waved, she looked surprised, and waved back, walking over. 

"I..didn't expect you to volunteer, L/N." She told you, recieving a small laugh. "Heh, this counts as getting some fitness in, Atroe. Besides, two of my friends are here. And you. I could never forget my Johnny Depp loving cellmate." You winked. At your compliment, Atroe suppressed a small laugh, scratching her neck. "You always manage to flatter me. I, uh..guess I'll see you around?" She then took a step away, leading you to glance over at Jolyne and Ermes.

And, once the gate opened, and the guard sped off in a small vehicle, you took off, sprinting after the vehicle. You heard complaints from several of the other chosen prisoners, and smirked lightly. "Must've spent all of their time at Green Dolphin sitting around doing nothing. Of course we'd have to run." You muttered. 

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