☆ Chapter 8 ☆

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☆ Chapter 8: A Prison Paradise ☆


"Heyy, Pucc. Long time no see."

"..Hello, Miss. L/N. What brings you here?"

You paused, sitting down across from the priest as Pucci moved aside a basket of fruits so he could properly talk to you.

"I don't really know. I guess I wanted to come say hi." You stated with a shrug.

"Oh?" Pucci raised an eyebrow. He thought you would come back for more advise, not to simply chat with him. Though, it had been a while since he had a genuine conversation with you. "I suppose I can let it slide for once, Miss. L/N. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

"Yes..actually. There has been a question on my mind. Ever since..yesterday." You had an almost concerned look on your face, as Pucci immediately sat up. Would you tell him about what had happened? No, you probably thought he was just an ordinary priest. Though..he did wonder what you thought of him. Wait, he shouldn't be wondering that. 

"You see..if there was a window on a ceiling..really high up..and you jumped from it. Would you die?" You asked, seeming genuinely confused. Foo Fighters really made a good point. Jolyne and Ermes probably thought it was an obvious answer..but you just couldn't help but feel confused. As if you never really thought about it before.

Pucci paused, before letting out a long sigh. He watched you for a moment. What an..odd question. However, he knew he had to answer. "..Depends on how high. You might make it out alive with a few broken bones, but if you were any higher, then yes." You nodded. "Thanks, man. I really wanted to know. It's been bothering me and I knew you'd have an answer." You told him. Pucci watched as you then got up, turning around. "See you in like..I don't know. Maybe it'll be a month this time." You stated, before starting to walk.

"..Miss. L/N?" You stopped. 

"Uh, yea?"

"Come visit sooner than a month. I enjoy your company."

"We'll see what I can do, Pucc. Now see you later." With that, you left. 

Pucci then rose up, turning away from where you had just been, as he quietly pulled out a disc, seeing a few branches in the reflection. He knew the risks of sending a stand user after you specifically, but he knew he could cover it up. Luckily, he had a stand in his collection of discs  that might take you out of the picture, at least until after his plans were complete. He then looked up again. He knew that soon, he would be getting some visitors that would put his plan into action.


"Yea, so we have another person who you can count on, baseball kid."

"Oh, wow..well, thanks for letting me know, Y/N." Emporio told you, sounding grateful. "Yea, yea." You then paused. "Is Weather or the pink haired guy in the ghost room today?" You then asked. As if to answer your question, you suddenly heard breathing behind you, and turned to see Weather Report. The male took a step forwards, leaning down close to your face. "Both Anasui and I are here today, Y/N. Why do you ask?" He asked softly. 

"Jolyne, Foo Fighters and Ermes are all busy with some shit in the courtyard, so I wanted to see if you dudes wanted to hang out." 

"What's Jolyne doing?" There was Anasui. "Holy shit, you haven't even met her yet, man." You stated. "..But I've seen her." Anasui frowned. "She's just with Foo and Ermes." You replied. "Oh. Well, I suppose spending this time with you is alright as well.." Anasui stated. "And Weather."

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