☆ Chapter 11 ☆

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☆ Chapter 11: Punishment Ward and Simps ☆


You stared down at the gravely injured Ermes, who had been put under intense medical care. You had decided to go and see her during free time, and, if you weren't allowed to, then you didn't care. You'd accept another 5 years if it meant you could go and visit the woman who you had befriended.

You then crouched down next to her. 

"So..you did it."

Ermes was bandaged up. She had recieved several critical injuries during her fight with the man who killed her sister, and you were glad she survived. Ermes eyes were barely opened as she recognized your voice. You had come to visit her? She attempted to open her mouth to speak, but you immediately put a finger to her lips.


You then tapped her lips a few times, whispering "Shh" around 20 times, before speaking. "Don't want to damage those vocal chords. Just rest for now. You deserved it. I wish I could lay around and do nothing, but I've got a Joestar to look after, and make sure she doesn't bite the dust while I'm away."

Ermes made a breathing sound that somewhat sounded like amusement as she watched you closely, before her eyes closed. You then put a hand on her shoulder. "Oi, Ermes. You did it. You fulfilled that goal of yours, and now your sister can be at peace. She's probably watching you right now." You then paused. "Great job, Ermes. Now that you avenged me, shut your fucking eyes and sink into the oblivion we call sleep." You pretended that you were Ermes' sister--though, you didn't even know what she was like.

Ermes opened her eyes again. You..had encouraged her to fulfill her goal. And, she did it. It was worth it, getting hurt. So she knew that Gloria was avenged. And so she could hear you saying 'Good Job Ermes.'

..She really liked that.

So, as she laid there, and as you were called by a guard, a small smile formed. She definitely wanted to see more of you once she recovered.


"When I finally beat you, Anasui..you'll be begging for my mercy."

"Not if you start begging first, Y/N."

"Well then.."

Emporio watched you both with wide eyes, holding in his breath, before gasping as you glared st Anasui. "No, don't do it, Y/N! He's gonna win!"

You smirked. "..We'll see about that." You then glared spitefully at the pink haired male, and as you both raised your fists, Emporio shut his eyes, preparing for the worst.

Only to hear a groan.

"Come on..how do we both keep choosing the same thing?" You complained.

Anasui huffed. "We've tied 6 times now. And three of those times, we've both chosen paper!"

Emporio groaned, wiping away the sweat that had begun to roll down his forehead. 

"This has gone on for 30 minutes..can't you just find something else to do?"

You shook your head. "No. I kinda wanna be the champion of rock paper scissors, Emporio. Besides, I don't want to lose to Anasui or he might make me do some weird shit."

Anasui groaned. "All I want you to do is tell Jolyne how good of a boyfriend I'd be."

"No, I don't care about your love life." Besides, you'd rather put in a good word for yourself. 

The pink haired male glared at you. "Then set us up on a date!"


"Get me a wedding ring so I can propose to her!"

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