☆ Chapter 15 ☆

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☆ Chapter 15: True Memory ☆


There comes a time when the truth hits you like a brick being dropped from a building with 20 stories and hits you in the head.

Y/N L/N never figured out she had been living a lie in prison this whole time. She always felt like she had been forgetting something, but couldn't seem to remember.

But now, the memories came flooding back, much like a storm.

The truth.

The truth why Y/N had really been placed in the prison in the first place.


"Y/N..you need to go out and make at least one friend. You can't just sit here all day. I've got things to do."

"I don't really want friends. They'll just think I'm weird and start poking fun at me. That would suck, lady."

Y/N had a pretty decent relationship with her mother. It wasn't really the best one though. Ever since her mother had found out that Y/N's father had been arrested for attempted murder, the two had been rather awkward. Y/N only kept to herself, finding it quite a bore to make friends who would just look at her weirdly or whatever 'friends' did. She didn't care enough to wonder if she was being too paranoid.

"You know what? I'm done with your attitude." Before you could even speak, your mother pushed you out of the house, and pointed at you with a smile. "The door is locked until you make a friend. Remember, your uncle will be coming in a few weeks, so don't be too long." She exclaimed.

"That's stupid."

As the door closed and locked, you simply sat down in front of the door, leaning your head against the door.

Y/N didn't believe that she'd be successful. So, perhaps the best thing to do was to wait those few weeks until your uncle came, and sneak in with him.

At least, that's what the plan originally was, until she met him.

You walked down the street in the pouring rain. People would often look at you, and either whisper something to a friend, or just look away. Sometimes, they would ask if you needed something, but you just looked at them, and said,

"I need some chicken nuggets."

After that, you'd usually walk away. However, once you looked up, you felt the raindrops come to a sudden halt, and your view of the sky was blocked by an umbrella. Looking to your right, you saw a male holding an umbrella.

"Uhh...what the fuck are you doing?"

The male tilted his head to one side, the small ponytails of his white hair moving along with him. "How long have you been walking here?"


"..That did not answer my question. I've seen you walking around for at least 2 days."

You then raised an eyebrow. "Woah there. Didn't know I got a stalker." You then smirked lightly. "Soo~ What caught your eye? Was it my disheveled appearance? Or was it my expression? Or, are you just attracted to me?"


"No, don't answer. I don't really care what you think. Piss off, dude."

The male then let out a sigh. "None of those. Come, let's get you somewhere warmer."

That was the first time Y/N had met Enrico Pucci. Not in a prison..no. The two really met beforehand.

And, surprisingly, Y/N had found a friend. Pucci seemed not to judge her for her personality, which showed Y/N that she was indeed being paranoid. Well, that sucked.

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