☆ Chapter 23 ☆

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☆ Chapter 23: C-Moon ☆


The glass shattered as you flew out of the window next to Jolyne. Shit--you forgot to put on your seat belt..you should've listened to those 'educational' videos in school.

"Y/N!" A string wrapped around your hand, and you were now grasping onto it as the car began to fall. "Anasui, pull me!" Jolyne shouted behind her. "We can't let Y/N get crushed by the car!" 

Anasui nodded, determination in his eyes as he wrapped one hand around Jolyne's waist, the other grabbing onto the driver's seat, where Emporio was currently freaking out. With a grunt, he pulled Jolyne--as well as you upwards. You managed to get into the car, Jolyne pulling you into a hug to protect you from the fall. The car collided with what was now the ground.

"What the hell..Jolyne, are you okay?" You asked, concern in your voice as Jolyne wiped away some blood that had come out of the cuts made by the glass shards of the window. "I'm fine..this has to be an enemy stand user. But who could be strong enough to alter gravity itself?!" She questioned.

The group climbed out of the car, as you took a good look around you. The world seemed to have shifted. The angle had changed. You narrowed your eyes as you noticed the space center, jumping backwards to avoid a tree that had been uprooted. Damn, trees really had it out for you.

"..We need to head to the space center over there..Jolyne, you might be able to user your Stone Free to climb up there--"

"FUCK!" Turning, you saw Ermes stumbling, the woman falling over the edge. "Ermes!" Jolyne ran, trying to use her strings to catch her, only to fail. "..Shit." you whispered. "Jolyne, go to the space center! I don't know why..but maybe due to this phenomenon, Pucci is trapped somewhere around there..or he's the cause of this. I'll go after Ermes!" After all, Ermes went after you when you tried to go and find Pucci on the own..you had to repay her.

Jolyne paused, before nodding, this time not doubting your choice as she trusted that you'd find a way.  Emporio opened his mouth to protest--your stand didn't have what Stone Free had, a way to navigate places like this. But Anasui beat him to it.

"Are you sure that you want to do this, Y/N? I don't think Suspicious Minds is able to uh- you know." He looked at you. "..Anasui, someone needs to go after her. Besides, you three would make a good team." You hesitated, before deciding to manipulate him a bit so he wouldn't be persistent on making you stay. "..You do need to stay with Jolyne and protect her. Go and do that." Without waiting for him to respond, you jumped off of the edge, unaware of the presence stealthily observing you from the space center.

'You simply do not understand, Y/N. You don't understand you are in the wrong here..' Pucci thought to himself. The priest had evolved..he was only steps away from achieving his goal. He couldn't feel any less triumphant. He had doubts before, but he was confident now. His gaze traveled to the remaining group, Jolyne in particular. First..he had to deal with Jolyne Cujoh and her friends once and for all. Since you were currently searching for the one called Ermes, he didn't have to worry about you witnessing this.

He'd then kill Ermes..and finally get it into your head why following him was the better choice. He could no longer make you understand by taking a disc from you, since his stand had evolved into a much stronger form. And..if you didn't understand then..

He'd have no choice but to kill you. But it was okay..he'd have the power to bring you back once he achieved heaven. He'd bring you..as well as Lord Dio back.

His mind was set. It was time to unleash C-Moon upon the sinful pain in the ass known as Jolyne Cujoh.


You leaped down, Suspicious Minds catching you every now and then when you fell too fair. "Ermes!" You called, before hearing a slight groan.

"Ermes?" You then landed on a fence, seeing Ermes laying on the ground. "Ugh..that was a tough fall..." Ermes groaned as she stared at the sun, only for a silhouette to block it. "Huh..? Is there a goddess in front of me?" She mumbled. You then gently hit her forehead. "Far from it. It's Y/N..you need to get up, Ermes, so we can get back to the others." You extended a hand.

Ermes nodded, taking it as she narrowed her eyes. "How are we gonna climb all the way to the space center?" She asked. You looked at her with a light side smirk.

"..Let's work as a team..shall we?" You then held out your hand for a high five. Ermes paused, before lightly smirking. She high fived you, before harshly pulling you into a side hug. "Alright then, team work! What are we gonna do first--"

Without wasting a moment, Suspicious Minds came out, throwing Ermes upwards to the next ledge. Ermes let out a shocked "SHIT", caught off guard. "Okay, now summon Kiss." You called up to her. Ermes did so, raising an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to do?"

Suspicious Minds reached its hand up as far as it could. "Get your stand to grab mine and pull it up!" You then instructed. "Okay, professor." Ermes teased as Kiss leaned over the edge, reaching out. It almost couldn't reach Suspicious Minds, but with one more stretch, you were send flying towards Ermes, who grabbed you.

"Me, a professor? Oh, hell no. I'd be fired in a day if I worked at a school." You commented as the two of you began to repeat the process.

"Really? Why is that?"

"Well..I wouldn't have much patience with children."

"But you work with Emporio pretty well. He seems to look up to you like he does Jolyne."

"..Emporio is the only exception. I'm talking about a hoard of small children."


"Yea, I'd probably end up punting one."

"..That's..pretty concerning Y/N."

"..That's why I wouldn't be a teacher if I wasn't an escaped prisoner."

Ermes paused as she caught you again. "What would you be?"

"Oh..I dunno. Maybe a [whatever you readers want idk]."

"That's pretty interesting." The process repeated once more, yet the two of you were quickly tiring out.

You flopped down on the edge you were currently on. "Gah..I forgot how much energy using our stands take."

Ermes groaned. "We'll never make it to Jolyne and the others! What if they die?"

You began to rise up again. "We won't let that happen, Ermes. We..just got to keep on going."

Just as you were about to throw Ermes upwards again, you heard someone land behind you.

A deep voice then spoke, startling Ermes.

"You two. You're friends of Jolyne, right?"

Slowly, you turned.

A male with a long coat, an interesting hat as well as pants, and cold blue-green eyes stared at you. He narrowed his eyes.

"..Jolyne needs us. We'll need to get to the space center, now. I'll help you two out."

You blinked slowly in shock.

This guy..

This must be Jolyne's father.


Happy Thanksgiving! And surprise, y'all get to see Jotaro. 

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