◇ Halloween Special ◇

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Spooky special


"Bro Jolyne it's Halloween" You shouted into your phone, as you heard Jolyne laugh slightly. "It is. Are you all dressed up?" She asked. "Yep! Are we still doing the group thing?"  You then asked

"Mhm. I'm gonna get my dad to drive over and pick you up, okay? The others are already here." Jolyne informed you. Your eyes widened. "Hold the phone Jolyne."

"I am."

"I meant like--the saying." You then said. 

Jolyne would laugh. "I know, I was just messing with you!" She exclaimed. "What is it, Y/N?"

"You're telling me...I get to be in a car with your hot dad?" You questioned slowly.

"Y/N NO! STOP BEING WEIRD!" Jolyne quickly said as you grinned. "I'm not complaining. Your dad is a total hunk." You then hung up before Jolyne could yell at you for hunting down her dilf dad.

You looked at yourself in your mirror. You, along with Jolyne, F.F and Ermes had decided to dress up as Ghostbusters together. Why? Jolyne was holding a small Halloween party. Hopefully it wouldn't turn out like the Valentine incident. 




"Okay fuck I'm coming, Jolyne's dad!" You shouted, running outside as you immediately jumped into a car, only to realize it wasn't Jotaro's car. You made eye contact with a mom and her child, who began crying. "Hey, hot stuff." You winked at the mom, who let out an 'oh!', blushing.

Hell yea, plot armor. 

You then walked to the correct car, getting inside as Jotaro wore a look that said he was done. "..Heyyyy, Mr. Kujo." You grinned at him. "..Hi." Jotaro muttered as he began to drive.

"What are you dressed up as?"

"A marine biologist."

"Cool. I'm a ghostbuster."

"I didn't ask."


The car was silent for a moment, as you looked off to the side, staying silent. 

"You know, a marine biologist is pretty boring. You should be like..Jason Vorheehee or whatever." You commented. There was a moment of silence, before you realized Jotaro was a marine biologist.

"Wait, hold on, you're not even dressing up!" You accused.

"That's not my thing. It's childish." Jotaro said.

"We're all practically adults! What's wrong with a..40 something year old divorced man dressing up for halloween?"

"How did you know I was divorced?" Jotaro asked suspiciously.

"Oh. Jojo rants to me sometimes. I can dress up as your divorce papers next year." You then offered.

Jotaro was silent for a moment, before muttering a 'Good grief..'

Eventually, you arrived at the house, stepping out as you ran inside, leaving Jotaro in the dust. You then ran smack dab into Ermes.

"Y/N THERE YOU ARE!" Ermes grinned, slapping you on the back. "Heyyy, mamas." You shot her some finger guns. "Where's Jojo? I want to apologize for joking about how hot her dad was." You then would ask. "Oh, she's talking with F.F." Ermes then grabbed your hand, dragging you along to where Jolyne and F.F, in their ghostbuster costumes, were talking. Jolyne stopped, and grinned.

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