☆ Chapter 25 ☆

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☆ Chapter 25: Made in Heaven ☆


A bright light immediately surrounded you, as you couldn't see anything.

Damn, who turned on the lights? Maybe it was the priest who literally began levitating a few moments prior to assert dominance over your friends.

None of that mattered now, as the next moment, you slowly woke up, your hands on the ground as you then slowly stood up.

"What..the fuck?"

"This is..!" You heard Jolyne exclaim at the same time.

In the background, you could hear a news report, describing an accident, yet the helicopters were unable to approach.

"Where's Anasui?!" Jolyne then questioned, concerned.

Oh, right. Whatever that horse looking thing was came out of Anasui's arm. Screw Pucci.

"I think he's under that table." You stated, kneeling down as did Jolyne. Anasui was grasping his arm, blood coming out of his arm.

"..Are you worrying about me?" Anasui questioned. "Duh, you idiot." You quietly mumbled. "That makes me happy, worrying about me..but we have to find that damn priest first. He was covered in light, and then he disappeared!"

"..Wherever he could be, he definitely has plans to come back. He wouldn't just run off." You stated.

Jotaro gave a nod, before speaking. "The shuttle is over there." You turned your attention towards said shuttle. But..weren't you just by it? Jotaro seemed to read your mind, as he continued. 

"It wasn't the shuttle that was moved. We're the ones that moved around 200km behind it." 

Ermes paused. "Ehh? I uh..don't wanna be rude or anything, Mr. Jotaro, but I can't remember moving." She quickly looked around, sweating slightly as she was a little nervous. "No one saw anything?!"

Emporio's eyes widened. "We must've been blown away as a result of the reversed gravity!"

Anasui paused. "The priest. He said C-Moon was gone, so that couldn't be it."

You leaned against the table. "..Anasui is right. I think the priest's stand evolved again."

Emporio turned towards Jolyne. "Jolyne, can you sense where the priest is?! We need to find him!" He exclaimed.

Jotaro remained stoic as he was the one who spoke up as Jolyne looked around. "I can feel his presence. But I can only feel that he's here. What direction could he be heading in?" He questioned.

Ermes narrowed her eyes as she went towards the door. "I get it! He was all like 'It's complete' and 'TiMe foR hEaVen or whatever--but it's all a lie! He ran away so he can wait for the New Moon to come! He's just hiding--it's all fake!"

Jotaro quickly spoke. "Ermes, don't go inside of that building! Stay where you have a good vantage point. As soon as this rain stops--"


You were suddenly soaking wet.

"What the fuck? Did the clouds all collectively decide they'd take a huge piss on us or something?" You questioned.

Looking around, you could see everyone else was soaked too.

"We're soaked..?" Emporio questioned. 

"Guys, what's going on?!" Ermes moved to return to the others, only for the door to close at an alarming speed on her foot.

"GAHHH!" Ermes cried out, pain on her face.

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