☆ Ending: Ermes Costello ☆

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Ermes Ending 

*Y/N's basketball rival belongs to a good friend of mine-- DonutnutHair69


The sound of a basketball colliding with the ground broke the silence as Ermes shot the basketball towards the hoop. The dusk light was only just illuminating the driveway.

A year had passed since the events of Pucci's plan. You and Ermes had bought a house together, thanks to the Speedwagon Foundation supplying you with money. And you had enough money to buy a basketball hoop, so currently, you and Ermes were having a rather intense shooting match.

"Damn, nice shot." You said with a wide smirk. Ermes would turn, grinning at you. "Let's see you try to beat that one, Y/N."

You caught the ball that was thrown at you. "Are you trying to hit me on purpose?" Ermes winked. "Perhaps. So that I can help you get up when you fall."

"You sound awfully cocky."

You then smiled a bit. "But I'm afraid you're going up against the basketball champion, sweetheart." You then ran towards the hoop, and dunked the ball. 

"Damn!" Ermes exclaimed.

You smirked. "People were afraid to challenge me in prison because of how good I was."

"You played in prison?" Ermes questioned. You nodded. "Yea. There was this one dude in the courtyard who always challenged me, lost, then didn't get the memo that I'm cooler than him and challenged me again."

Ermes smirked. "Heh, if I topple the queen from her throne, do I get a kiss?"

You smirked. "You can get a kiss anyways."

The sound of footsteps disturbed the romantic moment between you two.

"OKAY, ENOUGH WITH THE KISSING SHIT! It's been a long time since our last encounter, Y/N.." A hooded figure with an oddly enough misshapen head and the outline of..horns?

You raised an eyebrow. "Who are you again?"

Ermes paused. "I think a demon is coming for revenge against you. What did you do this time?"

You shrugged. "I dunno. I've pissed off a bunch of people."

"Hey, stop ignoring me!" Immediately, the hooded figure snatched the basketball away from you.

"?" You said.

"Don't you remember?" The hooded figure struck a dramatic pose. "You humiliated me, caused me to sink to the bottom of the hierarchy of Green Dolphin Street Prison! I've wanted nothing more but to get my revenge on you!"

Ermes stepped in front of you protectively. "Oi, leave Y/N alone or I'll make you regret being born!"

"Stay out of this, random woman!" The hooded figure declared. "This is between me and my arch nemesis!"

You would slowly blink. "Which one are you?"


"I've crushed many dreams at the prison. Which one are you again? Tree lady? Tony the tiger? Wait no, he's probably evaporated into the water cycle by now..hm.."


You paused. "Waiiit..oh, it's you. This is the punk I was talking about, Ermes. Come for another rematch that you're going to lose in? Also, what's with the creepy demon look?"

Ermes would scoff a bit.

"This is the day you finally lose, Y/N!"

"How'd you even find my house?"

"..JUST BE QUIET! I'm doing a monologue."

"..I have trained for years..and I've found out the one thing I've been doing wrong!" 

You just stood there.

"I haven't been playing basketball..in style!" Your basketball rival then ripped the cloak off, revealing a basketball Jersey that was very sparkly.

"Damn. Nice fit."

You then turned to Ermes. "If I win this, you're gonna have to kiss me." You said casually. Ermes smirked, knowing you were confident. "Alright, alright." 

The basketball rival then shoved a boombox in Ermes's arms. "If you drop this, I will rip you apart limb by limb." He said in a menacing tone, before pressing the play music. Immediately, basketball pump up songs began to play as you two started your basketball match.

Ermes's gaze was only on you. God, you were so damn hot, such a goddamn badass. And most of all, behind your exterior, you had found in your heart that you were able to care about your friends and her. 

She watched as you scored hoop after hoop, watching as you made snide remark after snide remark.

'Come on,just win the stupid match so I can show you how much I love you.' She thought.

At first, Ermes had been..hesitant to confess her feelings to you. She was afraid that she'd lose you just like she lost her sister Gloria.

But..it was all thanks to Jolyne. She remembered her friend giving her a small, encouraging smile. "You never know unless you try Ermes..but if you do manage to win her heart, treat her right." Jolyne advised.

And, once Ermes had confessed to you, you smiled. That smile was what made Ermes realize you loved her too.

"Heh..it took you long enough. I love you back, Ermes."

Ermes smiled at the memory, before she was broken out of her thoughts when you let out a laugh.

"Heh..I think that victory speaks for itself..I will always be better than you." You said casually.

"Huh?! No! I wore the Jersey! I had the pump up music!" Your rival exclaimed. Ermes grinned, and threw the boombox on the ground, breaking it. "My b o o m b o x!" 

You then began to spin the ball on your finger, going towards Ermes. "There's one thing that makes me the obvious victor." You then smirked.

"..I just radiate coolness."

You then kissed  Ermes, while the basketball spun around your finger. Your rival mourned the loss of his boombox, as you both ignored him at this point.

After all, when you both had each other, what could possibly stop you?


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