☆ Good Ending ☆

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☆ Good Ending ☆


The group was huddled together. Every angle, you had to watch every angle.

It was nearly impossible to spot Pucci, as he was going too fast..at any moment, any one of you could be killed by the priest.

 Jotaro waited, waited to stop time so he could put an end to Pucci, once and for all.

You, instead of feeling almost hopeless, felt angered. This idiot..this goddamn idiot had the guts to mess with your friends, and expected to get away with it?

You weren't to let him use this stand to win. Even though your chances of surviving were low, there was still a chance.

You all waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until suddenly, you heard Anasui shout "NOW!"

At the same time, you lunged towards Jolyne, Suspicious Minds coming out as you heard Jotaro shout. 

"Star Platinum: The World!" Jotaro exclaimed. 

Jotaro looked around, spotting Pucci. Yes, there he was..just as expected, he was there, blood flying out of Anasui's mouth, as Suspicious Minds was currently diving towards Made in Heaven, a  hand outstretched. However, something made him stop.

Pucci had already made the first move..knives were all pointed at Jolyne, and were bound to hit Suspicious Minds as well. 

He could beat Pucci..but..at the cost of his own daughters life?

Jotaro immediately began knocking away knives, however, suddenly time unfrozen too soon, and Jotaro grunted as a knife flew into his eye. Pucci smirked lightly. He could finally finish off Jotaro Kujo, for Dio. He moved towards Jotaro, preparing to bisect his head, when suddenly, he was jerked back. 

Suspicious Minds was currently attempting to enter Made In Heaven, strangling the stand, which in turn, was strangling Pucci. A butterfly flew past as you gritted your teeth, as your strained expression turned into a smirk.

"I'm sending you and your stand to hell before you even get the chance to kill any more of my friends..!"

Jolyne's gaze flickered to you as she brought out Stone Free, moving to attack Pucci as Ermes immediately spun around. However, before she could move, Made In Heaven reared back, kicking Suspicious Minds away, as it immediately spun around.

You couldn't react in time as a fist was drove through your chest. Before you could even react, Made in Heaven already moved towards Ermes.

'I had to end you sooner than I hoped.' Pucci thought. 'But my plan must succeed before I can bring you into the picture..'

"Y/N!" Jolyne shouted.

Pucci moved to strike Ermes, but suddenly he noticed that the butterfly that had flew past was now..flying backwards..? And the sun was now moving backwards, as well as the moon.


A loud 'MUDA!' broke Pucci's thoughts as a golden fist sent Pucci flying back, the priest crashing into the ocean. Shock filled him to the core. Walking towards him, was a tall male, around 25 in age, his golden hair blowing to the side as his blue green eyes stared coldly at him.

He looked almost like Dio, but he wasn't Dio..

Could it be that there was another son..?

"It's a good thing I was in Florida at this time." The male said. "Your stand is very dangerous, and could've done real damage..but I won't spend any more time explaining. Your end is now.."

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