☆ Chapter 21 ☆

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☆ Chapter 21: We'll Meet Again ☆


"No.." You whispered. Your fist trembled, before your voice cut through the air, filled with agony.


Pucci stood, a confident look in his eyes. "Whatever happened just now..it shows that fate is on my side." He spoke. "3 days from now..it's destiny..the New Moon shall arrive." He spoke.

Weather Report was a quiet man, he always was. But there was always something..charming about him. 

Maybe that's why you had grown accustomed to his presence..maybe that was why you felt like you were in pain..

The clouds cleared, and Pucci and Weather were gone.

"No...NO!" You shouted angrily. "He's getting away again. He kills someone, and then he runs..not this time..no, I'll kill him!" You declared. With that, you ran off.

You wanted more than anything to slam his head into the pavement, and cave it inwards.

When would you see Weather again?


Jolyne got out of the car, alarmed. "..What the hell just happened?! Where's Weather?!" She exclaimed.

The clouds were there once more..and the silhouette of the priest attracted Jolyne's attention. Anger filled her eyes. "Bastard..! What did you do to Weather?!" She then ran at him, using Stone Free to propel herself forwards. Ermes climbed out of the car. "JOLYNE' STOP! IT'S MORE IMPORTANT TO LOOK FOR WEATHER!" She shouted. Yet Jolyne didn't listen. What happened to Weather? What happened to you?

As Stone Free sent a fist barrelling towards Pucci, the priest revealed he was holding Weather. "It's useless to pursue me now. You should spend the remainder of your days with your friends and family, while you still can. Thanks to you and Weather..I have been shown the way to heaven. The New Moon is merely just inches away from my reach at this point." He spoke.

Jolyne's eyes would widen in alarm. Weather..he was bleeding out, his eyes were closed.. "It can't be.." Her voice shook. "...Weather?!" She then exclaimed. Before she could move, Diver Down's fist suddenly rammed into Pucci's head. Anasui wore a grim expression.

"It's no use, Jolyne..that isn't the priest." Slowly, the priest slowly began to turn into that of one of Dio's sons, Versus. "The priest isn't here anymore." He then added. Jolyne had sweat dropping from her face.

"Then..where is Weather?! Where's Y/N?" She exclaimed. Ermes would look around, seeing you weren't there. Worry filled her, and she spoke. "..You and Anasui look for Weather. I'll search for Y/N." She then ran off, as Anasui and Jolyne began to search.

Jolyne looked around wildly, before her eyes laid upon Weather's body, blood pooling around him. "No..! Anasui, we need to get a doctor!" She exclaimed. "Jolyne.." Anasui trailed off. "The wind stopped."

Jolyne's eyes widened. 


No..this couldn't be happening.

"Jolyne, don't blame yourself." Anasui finally spoke. He wished you were here so he could tell you the same thing..he knew you were probably taking this hard, wherever you were.

"..Listen, Jolyne. People have called me a murderer. The papers called me that, and I can't say I disagree with them. When people asked me if I would sacrifice myself for my family, I answered 'No'. I would answer the same now, as my heart was never moved by them." He paused, before turning his head to look at Jolyne.

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