♡ Valentine's Day 2 ♡

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m it's valentine's day

now you get some priest time 


"What the fuck do you want?"

"..You should know, Y/N." Pucci spoke, resting his hands on the table. You couldn't really tell if he was under the strange spell or if he was genuinely normal.

"Uhh..I may need a recap, Mr. Priest. I'm not really interested in your life goals all of the time, especially since my friends are, you know, not themselves at the momen--"

Pucci raised his hand up, silencing you. "Hush now. You don't need to worry about them..let's just spend this moment like we used to, Y/N. Talking like..friends.." He spoke. You raised an eyebrow. "Uh, dude, I can't really consider being friends with you, since you are sending a hell of a lot of people after us. Plus, you hurt Jolyne's dad. That lowkey sucks." You stated.

The priest continued on. "I am finding the way to achieve heaven, Y/N. It is what I must do to avenge Dio-sama, who I believe was send from above, since he helped me when my life was going downhill." He explained. Achieve heaven? What? You looked confused, but Pucci said nothing else about the subject to explain. "..In fact. Y/N, I believe that you were a gift from God."

Oh, you thought you were some sort of curse. Oh well, guess you were some holy ass bitch now.

"I've been preventing you from achieving heaven though. How am I a gift?" You demanded, raising an eyebrow. Pucci let out a sigh. "I'm afraid that's the problem. I intended for you to aid me, but unfortunately, before I could do anything, you met that cursed Kujo. You merely are on the wrong side. Your blessed heart is being tainted. So, Y/N..I'll give you an offer.."

You were beginning to think Pucci was indeed being controlled by Cupid, so you decided to play along. "What's this offer, Father Pucc?" You asked. "Please, just Pucci. We're..friends." Pucci corrected you, before continuing on. "Leave them behind, and join me. I'm sure they'll just leave you behind if they do happen to defeat me, which is unlikely. You can be by my side..you can achieve heaven with me, and together, we can have control over the universe, and wipe out the Joestar bloodline, just as Dio-sama wanted." He offered.

You stared at him with a blank expression. You thought of Jolyne, Foo, Ermes, Weather. Hell, even Anasui. You would never leave them behind..not in a million years. So, you leaned back, acting careless. "Yea, nah homie. I'm on the right side. Also, fuck whoever this Dio is."

Pucci stared at you for a moment, before sighing. "I suppose it would be hard to change you. I guess you leave me no other choice." He stated. "Oh, I guess I'm gonna die now." You replied sarcastically. Pucci was silent as he began to rise up.


Pucci fell onto the floor, and you looked up to see Emporio, who was gripping a baseball bat in his hands. "Hell yea, kid!" You patted him on the head. "T-Thanks, Y/N. It looks like I got here just in time. Now, let's go!" He shouted, and the two of you once again took off.

Yea, whoever this cupid guy was..he was definitely getting his ass beat.


You and Emporio ran down the street. "Alright..guy with a red and pink tuxedo..red and..there!" You pointed at the male, who was sitting at a table, drinking tea. He looked up, and as you approached, you can tell he wasn't expecting you, as he dropped the cup. "Yea, spill that hot drink all over yourself. You deserve it for fucking with my friends." You sneered.

"W-what? How? I thought you wouldn't have hurt your friends! You should've been defeated.."

You rolled your eyes. "You obviously don't know who Y/N L/N is. Actually, you don't know who you're messing with..which, gives me the impression you just charged in headfirst, eager to please the priest. That was your first mistake. Secondly..if someone is trying to attack me, even if it was my friends, I fight back. Of course, they're not too hurt. I care enough to spare their lives. Third..you used them just to get me to the priest, who was also probably under your spell. He probably would've killed me, and then I guess you would've killed the others. So..all three of those mistakes..is the reason I'm not sparing your life."

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