☆ Chapter 2 ☆

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☆ Chapter Two: Goo Goo Dolls ☆


What was going on? Why were you suddenly the size of a mouse? As you pondered this, you suddenly saw Gwess poke her head out from behind the corner, making you and Jolyne pause. "How's the weather up there?" You asked, feeling slightly intimidated as your former cellmate dodged the question. To you, she looked like a deranged maniac, as she spoke.

"So, it really was you two who took my darling away from meee! Why would you do that?"

As you were about to give a remark, she grabbed the two of you, saying your names in a creepy singsong way as she walked towards her. As this was happening, you only had one thought in mind. 'How much drugs did the food lady put in here?' 

Gwess threw Jolyne and you against the table, as she leaned against the doorway. You coughed up blood. Gwess currentlyhad a creepy smile on her face. "You know, Jolyne, I'm beginning to like you more and more, and I want to be good friends with you! And Y/N..I've always wanted to break your careless shell and find out how you truly feel!" She cooed, as you rolled your eyes. "Yea, yea. I'm just truly careless. Maybe you sh-" Suddenly, a finger was jabbed at your gut. "DON'T TALK BACK IN THAT VOICE!" Gwess snapped angrily, and you only shrugged. "Kay. I'm not a very good impressionist, so I guess that I'm never going to talk again. How unfortunate for me." Jolyne looked at you, feeling a bit annoyed that you were giving in so easily.

You began to Space off as Gwess began to explain her plans to escape prison, replying with a 'mhmm.' or 'wow'. Apparently being shoved into a dead mouse was apart of the plan as well, because suddenly, Gwess grabbed you and forced you into the mouse. You almost snickered lightly at the sudden comparison you made to the people that walked around in Mickey and Minnie costumes at Disney World. Well, once you got out of this place, you'd have a story to tell.

Y/N L/N, the rat girl. People would love you. Not that you cared.

While you were fantasizing about being a real life Mickey, you spaced out as Gwess brought you and Jolyne out of the cell. Oh. You were going on a nice prison field trip. How cute. "Alright..you two will scout out our escape route, ok~?" Gwess cooed. Jolyne nudged you behind her, a small frown on her face. "Do you really think we can escape?" Jolyne asked. Gwess looked pissed off for some reason, so you decided to speak. "She was just asking a question. Why is that so range inducing?" You asked. Gwess glared down at the two of you.

"Of course we'll escape! But don't talk to me in those voices!" She snapped, poking her fingers into your sides. You felt Jolyne once again go in front of you. Maybe she was just letting you get out of there? You would gladly comply, but you felt Gwess pick you up. "Hey there." You said with a laid back smile. "Y/N~~ what did I say? Speak in a cute voice, dumbass!" She said angrily. You rolled your eyes. "Oh mwiss gwessie, i am spweaking in a coot voice!" You said sarcastically. 

God, you hated that. 

But Gwess apparently loved that more than Jolyne's cute voice. "Awww, you're just so cute! You might be my favorite! ♡♡♡" She squealed. "Wow, thanks. Can I leave now? I'm just trying to live my life in prison." You stated in your normal voice. "Noo, I think I'm gonna keep you with me while Jolyne scouts~! I'm sure she wouldn't want to leave you behind if she tries to go without us!" Gwess informed you. Glancing at Jolyne, who appeared to be cursing under her breath, you shrugged.

"We just met. I don't think she'd really care much. Well, have a nice time escaping with out us, spidergirl. Make sure you get a costume and start swinging around so you can scare people." 

You didn't really expect Jolyne to care much about you, but the truth was, Jolyne did in fact care, and felt quite shocked that you seemed to not care. Did you really lose all hope of getting out of there..? What had happened to you?

So, as Jolyne jumped through the bars and scampered off, you sat in Gwess's hand, patiently waiting. Jolyne wouldn't come back for you. You knew that for certain. So, what was the use of waiting? You gave up on waiting when your mother never cared to bail you out. There just..wasn't a need to hope anymore. You stared ahead of you, until you noticed some weird sprit thing come out of Gwess.

Ghosts were real. How nice. You watched as the ghost thing went in the direction of Jolyne, before Gwess turned and began to leave. And, as she was walking, you let out a sigh. As much as you didn't care, you didn't want to be inside of a mouse corpse forever. Suddenly, you jumped out of Gwess's hand as you slowly began to grow back to normal. "What?! Y/N, what are you--" 

"Yea, as much as I love Mickey, I'm not going to fucking be a mouse for the rest of my days. I just want to live normally, whether it's in this prison or not." You stated. "W..Why you- HUH?!" Gwess suddenly started to bleed. "Oh." You were surprised, but not as surprised as Gwess was.

..because behind you, emerged a spirit. It was a shade of turquoise and white, along with piercing gold eyes. It had some sort of transparent scarf around its mouth area, and it posed behind you.  "..I don't really care for you that much, Gwess. In fact..I don't care at all. After what you've done..I think it's time I show you just how much I don't care." Before your spirit thing could move, Gwess grinned. "Hey...Y/N, I wouldn't attack me! Look!" She then pointed at the bars, and you glanced over to see Jolyne was there. Her head was stuck in between the bars.

'What..? Did she..come back? But..why?' For once, you showed an expression other than your usual careless one. It was..surprise. Even if she didn't come back for you..she still came back. With a wide look in your eyes, you stared at Gwess. "You better surrender now, Y/N! Or else Jolyne will suffocate! Her throat will be crushed~!" She shouted, before suddenly freezing up. "W..What?"

Your stand was now phasing itself with Gwess. Jolyne stared at you, as you stared at Gwess with a careless expression. "Shrink Jolyne down so she can get out." You threatened. To your surprise, Gwess complied, and used her stand to shrink down Jolyne. "What..? HOW THE HELL ARE YOU CONTROLLING ME, L/N?!" She screamed, as Jolyne slid past the bars, and revealed a stand of her own. "Your stand..you call it Goo Goo Dolls, correct? Well, I'm going to name mine. Stone Free. You hear me? I'm going to free myself from this stone ocean!" She shouted. Your stand slipped out of Gwess, and returned to your side. "Jolyne, I suppose you've earned my respect. I guess I should call my..thing..stand..something as well." And as you and Jolyne began to beat up Gwess, you finally thought of one.

"..Suspicious Minds."


With Gwess out of the way, you faced Jolyne with a small frown. "Oi, Jolyne." You called out, making her stop and face you. "What is it, Y/N?" She asked. "..Thanks for coming back. You made me reconsider accepting my fate. I'll make sure you're respected here, you got that?" You told her. Jolyne stared at you, before a small smile formed on her face. "Of course. Once I get out of here..I promise. I'm gonna bring you with me." She told you.

..You doubted that. No one would ever care about bailing you out of prison.


Yayyy Chapter 2 is finally done! As you can see, I've changed up your stand ability and name. Next chapter, you're gonna meet the priest 👀 and baseball kid

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