♤ Christmas Special ♤

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Christmas Special


"This mall has no good engagement rings, Y/N!" Anasui complained as he pushed you through the store with a cart he had stolen from the previous store.

"Maybe you should check somewhere else. This is a Macy's, Anasui." You said calmly.

"You're right..I have to find the best of the best so I can propose to Jolyne! Then after that I'll ask her if she's okay with a threeway so I can propose to you." Anasui said.


You then hopped out of the cart, startling Anasui. "HeY! Where are you going???" Anasui shouted.

"Shopping. Imma get some things for F.F." you responded casually.

"Hey!! Get back in the cart!" Anasui chased you, pushing the cart at godspeed.

You quickly decided to hot foot it out of there, sprinting through the mall. You then ran into a little Christmas exhibit, falling on the mall Santa, who paused.

"Oh ho! Hello there!" He said. "Yo." You said. You saw the lady next to him look at you. "This is the first time we've had someone who isn't a kid come in here to tell Santa what you want for Christmas!" She said with a warm yet terrifying smile.

Mall Santa stared at you. "So, what would you like for Christmas?"

"Uhmm..well, all I want for Christmas I--"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed you, and pulled you out of the exhibit. The lady dressed as an elf watched you go, her eyes narrowing. Who dared to stop you from sharing your Christmas wish?

She turned away. She knew what she had to do. Mall Santa watched with confusion as she walked off. "Uhm..Carol? We still have a l-"

"Be quiet! You're not the real Santa, so I have no reason to respect you!"

The Mall Santa slowly blinked, as he heard a sniffle.

"You're..not the real Santa..?" A child exclaimed.

The Mall Santa sat there awkwardly as the line of children immediately began crying.


You watched the scene unfold. "Damn. Uh, thanks for saving me from the awkward situa-" you then turned to your savior, only to groan as Pucci nodded at you. "Of course."

"Actually, nevermind, I'm leaving-"

"Relax, I'm not here to cause anything. I'm..going Christmas shopping." Pucci reassured you. You raised an eyebrow. "Really? For who? Last time I knew you had no one to gift-"

"HEY PRIEST GUY! I WANNA BUY THIS COLORING BOOK!!" An interesting male with a purple beanie ran over, waving a book in his hand as following him was a blonde with an arrow in his hair, and a dark haired guy with a cow looking outfit.

"Damn, when did you get friends?" You asked.

"Ah..Y/N, these are the sons of Dio. That's Ungalo, that one is Donatello, and that one is Rikiel."

You looked at each one. "Uhm..okay, can I go back to find Anas-"

"Hm? So this must be the Y/N you talk about, Pucci." Donatello remarked. "I....uh..guess she's pretty..? (I'm not too sure what you want me to say)." Rikiel commented awkwardly. "C o l o r i n g." Ungalo whispered. "I know, I know." Pucci muttered.

"Y/NNNNNN!" Anasui came out of the TJ Maxx behind the group and rammed the cart into you, causing you to fall over into the cart. "How dare you steal Y/N! We're trying to go Christmas shopping!" Anasui informed Pucci, who stared back calmly.

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