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  Jungkook run like his life depends on it, and it was the truth. For his luck he wasn't followed by that giant men, they must be after Taehyung, to kill him. He struggled to keep going to nowhere and not fall on the ground from exhaustion. All Jungkook know is that his mind doesn't process anything right now, just one word: survive, and that's essential.

   The cold air hitted his nostrils and for seconds he doesn't breath fully, lack of oxygen because it was all wasted, in and out. The darkness was the only thing that engulf him, with some few strangers walking to their own way, too dark to see the patterns of blood from his clothes, they were invisible for Jungkook.

   Suddenly his heart beat so fast, maybe because the fear of being catched or the future consequences. What is sure is that Taehyung is in more danger than him, how much he wish to be brave like him and help. He can't do anything, and that's like a ping in his heart, but more surely he trust Taehyung enough to escape from every sudden situation, he must be a gangster from a long time.

   All the harsh words that hitted Taehyung so hard weren't even true. Jungkook feel like running back and tell Taehyung everything, to hug him tight, and that it's just a false alarm so things will go back to normal. But he isn't egoist, wanting Taehyung for himself means a not fair justice to the loss of his father, all by him, he caused it. Better live without Taehyung than his secret being revealed, after his lover almost killed him at the club because a breakup, imagine now if he discovers the worst.

   But Jungkook meant nothing back then, he knows well that Taehyung isn't a monster. That's what he was forced into when he made a deal with Jingso and oh, how much he hate that person, he would gladly punch him in the prideful face until it bleeds. Because of him all he had is gone, the love of his life. That man is like a curse that life permanently gave him and he can't return him back. Maybe he's right, but he interfere just to separate both of them from eachother, using blackmail. And Jungkook is scared, really, who knows what plan come into his crazy mind again? Does he had enough of this bullshit? Does Jungkook make him happy for eliminating Taehyung out of his life?

    Jungkook was indeed a loser. Jingso must try to gain Taehyung as his lover, he suspects, but his determination means nothing. All Taehyung did was to ignore and hate Jingso, no way they will be together.

   He breathed hard, ignoring the fact that his clothes were so messy by blood, it was disgusting but doesn't matter now.

   After losing his whole energy and was sure no one follows him, he took a rest, sitting on the ground with his back layed on the wall. His hand touched the area Taehyung hitted him with the punch and his eyes become teary once again, shaking. The bruise is there, bleeding and numb, a symbol of hate from Taehyung, but he had rights to, Jungkook said horrible things to him. That's a true signal that Taehyung will lose contact with him forever, hopefully. Jungkook still needs his warmth back, needs touches, needs Taehyung now. It's a great challenge to stay away from him, but is for the best.

   He quietly sobbed while his body burnt from running fast, his hair was messy and his skin sweated. Jungkook closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself, he told that he's safe now, most importantly he's alive with just a bruise on his cheek and teary eyes.

   Jungkook doesn't mind the cold surface of the wall as it chilled the fire inside him. It was darkness all around, and after minutes taking over he was done with the coldness that take over his body, he begun to freeze alone. He lifted up himself and walked broken all the way to his house, he is glad to have a phone that helped him find the way back and lucky that Jungkook knew this location before, some parts.

   He looked down until he faced the door, he unlocked it fast and hurried inside. The first thing was burrying himself on the sofa, covered by soft and warm blankets, the nice temperature from his house made him sigh in delight. He can take care of cleaning his clothes later.

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