°His presence°

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     Taehyung P.O.V

     It passed an hour and I still can't fucking sleep,Im so tired,but the infinite thoughts doesn't let me stay in peace,I think Jungkook slept long time ago because his annoying voice wasn't heard from last time.
   My eyes finally closed,the little moment that I was waiting for was ruined by Jungkook,why the fuck he's still awake?!I though he slept "Psst,Taehyung,you're awake?"he said whispering,I decided to don't give a fuck and pretend to sleep because if he saw me it will never stop talking,like everytime.
  After 5 minutes he get closer to me and hug me.Huh?!He use the fact that Im not awake and touch me?What a snake he is.
   I couldn't push him away,his warm body was pressed against mine,it become addictive already. I feel like my heart is not empty anymore,even if is just for a little time...
   Cold shivers run into my whole body when his hot breath hit my neck,his head was very close to my back,is good that Im not facing him right now.Jungkook sigh slowly and whisper with his hand in my hair,touching it gently "I love you so much,Taehyung,I will made you mine someday..."
   How could he still love me after all I did to him?Im not worthy to being loved by someone,I don't know what to think anymore,is too much for me.
   He is the first person that I sleep with,I mean not in that sense of "fucking",that will be weird,this sounds so awkward,it made me laugh hard but I need to mantain the silence.
    His warm hug made me fall asleep very fast,it was morning already,the time passed,somehow I didn't want to be ended.I yawn,I didn't wake up in his hug like last time,he surely broke it knowing that is not allowed to touch me anymore,he is so sly,I smiled and shook him.
    Jungkook's look was very messy and he tried to open his eyes "Get up your lazy ass already,let's eat"after he heard that he wake up instantly,smiling happily "YESS,Let's go"well,that was fast,from now on I know what made him be alive.
   We walk to my huge kitchen,Jungkook just followed me silently,a surprised expression appeared "Woow,your kitchen is so huge,you even have two fridges here"he put his hand to his mouth fast,looking sad at me "Ahh,forgot that...you will think again that Im friend with you only by the fact youre rich,Im so sorry Tae!The thing is that Im only fascinated by your house"Jungkook stared at me worried,making me curious"What are you waiting for?!"
  "Im such a bad friend..."he sit next to me on a chair,pouting like a kid "Don't worry,you're not that bad,only annoying"I know already anyway, Jungkook proves is not like them.
  I smiled a little,catching his attention,he stare at me with his chin that stay in his palms "Don't stare at me like that,you're creepy"I leaned my hand to him and cover his eyes.
  He only sigh and nodded "So what you want to eat?"I said looking at his hair that shine from the light.I flinched when he shouted instantly "Let me cook,pleaseee,I do this everyday at my home because my father is in other countries!"
   I give up and nodded,he really want to cook,well I have a lot of ingredients around and I don't know to cook either,just simple things,Im good only to kill people after all,I laugh and drink a cup of orange juice.
  "Hey Tae,what is with this gun here?!Is yours?"he said trembling and pointing at the object from the shelf,my eyes were wide open and I facepalm myself,I need to lie him fast before he discovered "Uhm,of course is not a gun!You think Im a criminal?Is just...is just a toy gun,I know that it looks too real"I said joking.
  Is good that I warn him a lot to not touch what's mine,if not he would see is a real gun with bullets,I always put them in different places in my house,I need to be prepared for possible intruders that may come.
  Jungkook recovered his normal mood,is good he trust me, too easy.I hope he don't open the shelf from the left because there are some long swords and axes,I can't lie to that fact.
   "Ouch,I cut my finger"why it doesn't surprise me?I mean it only passed 5 minutes with a knife in his hands "You're such a helpful bunny"I smirked and go to take the box with dressings.
   When I come back he cried like a baby so I sit with him at the couch "I-I wanted t-to cook for you and a-already this h-happen"he hiccup and look sadly at the floor.
   I patted his head and lifting his chin up "No problem bunny,I will order pizza"
   "S-Seriously?!I love you Taehyung"after he realise he scretch his neck awkwardly blushing and distance himself from me "I m-mean t-thank you..."

   I smirked and then open my phone to order 3 pizzas,after 7 minutes it appeared.I put them on the table licking my lips,I eat already one because I was very hungry.
   I saw how Jungkook devour the food in few minutes,damn he really love food,in this case I will need another 2 fridges if he live with me.
  "Tae,it remain a pizza,you don't share it in two?"I looked at him and shook my head "No,is yours"
  "But you already buy it and I...I did nothing,you deserve it!"he said with puppy eyes giving me the pizza "Don't made me repeat and beat you,IS Y.O.U.R.S,deal with it"after that we fight like kids and I win because he is too weak when it comes to food.
   I never though I will share food,almost everytime I just steal or annoy someone to have it in the end,Jungkook is something else after all.
   It arrives the time for him to leave,he get up from his seat walking to the door until I stopped him by his wrist very tight.

I wanted him to stay with me....

To made me feel like a normal human...

To look at him....

To stay together....

To feel his warmth....

His presence can change my whole life....

Just stay a little more....

   "Goodnight,Jungkook"I said trying to smile "Goodnight,Taehyungie,I'll miss you,thank you for letting me stay, bye"he waved happily to me.
   After he left,the deadly sound of silence broke me again like everytime,it destroy every part of me,the darkness is too suffocating,I looked at my trembling hands,trying to calm myself

   When will be gone forever?How much time will pass after I'll lose you?



   ●Hey army,I hope this chapter is good,love you all!❤❤❤Also do you guys saw the vkook pics on twitter?I WAS DEAD,MY HEARTU CAN'T HANDLE THAT,Tae is Kookie's model😏😍They're so subtle💜💜💜.

   ●Hey army,I hope this chapter is good,love you all!❤❤❤Also do you guys saw the vkook pics on twitter?I WAS DEAD,MY HEARTU CAN'T HANDLE THAT,Tae is Kookie's model😏😍They're so subtle💜💜💜

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