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   Taehyung P.O.V

   In the next seconds I felt like my heart will explode from too many times is beating right now from the moment when Jungkook change his stare at me and come closer in my way, slowly...connected his lips with mine,that was too fast to realise something.
   Is so unexpected,I can't move right now from the wave of pleasure that it gives his soft lips pressed on mine and the shock that come with it,what is in his mind to do this?!he's crazy?
  One of his hand traveled under my shirt,touching the chest and then the stomach,I flinched at the sudden feeling of his cold skin.
  My thoughts were dissapeared from my head,I wasn't able to reject this now,I gripped his hair and push his head more closer,deepening the kiss.I took control and bit his lower lip,he know what I wanted and did it instantly,letting me explore his sweet mouth with my tongue like first time,now I know how much I missed this sensation.
  Our lips were moved in sync with eachother,the atmosphere hit up when the kiss become more passionate and lewd sounds that were heard in the empty room,but still I could see clearly he have feeling for me,but...I can't accept this,this is not right,my body is controled by pleasure and I forgot this is not good.
   I released my hand from his soft hair,I get up and push him out of the room,closing the door strongly,I was scared.
  After this I hit my back to the door,fall of on the cold floor,hugging my knees and cry,Jungkook knocked very loud on it,desperate to enter again "T-Taehyung!I-Im...so s-sorry,it comes i-instantly,I didn't want it...please open"his words doesn't affect me,I will not do that,I closed my eyes,waiting for him to go but he continue so I shouted,still crying and trying to reach my words "JUST F-FUCKING GO A-AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!I H-HATE YOU!JUST L-LEAVE..."
  "No,Tae,p-please don't say t-that..."sobs were heard from Jungkook,and then his voice cracked,is he crying?! "Im...so...so s-sorry Taehyung,I can't hide m-my feelings f-for you a-anymore...I know you w-will never love an i-idiot like m-me...I r-ruined a f-friendship,I don't w-want to lose you,Taehyung..."now I know surely that he loved me all this time,why,Jungkook?Why you fall for a monster like me?from all the people...he didn't even know my true side,he will be so scared of me, I mean I fucking torture and kill criminals in the most painful ways,I smiled like a maniac with tears in my eyes at this thought.
  "T-Taehyung....p-please forgive m-me,f-for ev-everything...I wi-will not t-touch y-you a-anymore,jus-just d-dont l-leave me,y-you're the o-only one t-that r-remained in my s-shit li-life"his words break my heart but I can't do anything,he need to let me go,anyway this moment will come in the future,no human can stand around me so much,and the truth will hit him too.
  After an hour of crying I didn't even know the time passed so fast when I check my phone to see the clock.
  A death silence appeared,I couldn't hear his voice anymore all this time,my tears didn't stop from falling continuously,there are so many to think about that I lose myself,I think he left,finally.How pathetic I am...to cry.I squeeze my cheeks with my hands and speak alone,almost whispering "Be happy,Taehyungie,be happy...BE FUCKING HAPPY ALREADY"I get up from my knees and broke a vase with my fist,now I feel better.I cleaned my hand that was covered with few drops of blood and threw away the pieces from the floor.
  I think food will made me happy again,cereals will help,mhm.I opened the door and my eyes remained shocked,I curse silently watching Jungkook stretching down on the floor,sleeping peacefully like a baby,he was here all the time?!what is he waiting for?
  Even that I want him to wake up I couldn't do it,and I can't leave him there,I carried him slowly in a bridal style,whispering "the floor is cold,you dumbass...".Now he sit comfortably in my bed,covered with a soft blanket.I stared at his facial features,sighing,what I will do with you now?...such a kid.
   I can't go in the other room to sleep because when Jungkook will wake up he will be lost in my house and scared of my dissapearence,beside this I will cut his hands if he will touch something from my room without my presence.I didn't want to sleep with him in bed too so I get another blankets,putting them as mattress on the floor and then covered myself with another.
  I couldn't stop laughing because I was rich and now I stay like an orphan in my house,but this is better than let that annoying kid on the cold floor,I think he forgot something in my room,that should be the reason why he still stayed here.
  After 3 minutes I started to fall asleep,until Jungkook voice and yawn  disturbed my tired mood,I mean seriously?Best moment.
  "W-Where am I?..."after few seconds he remembered that is in my bed "Holy shit,how I come here?!I was on the floor,Im s-sorry"he said preparing to leave.
 " Keep calm,you can stay,I put you there"I said looking at his tired mood "But...but Tae,why you lay on the floor?!I think is because you...you don't want to be around me..."he said with a sad tone looking down to his blanket,biting his lips nervously.
  "No problem for me,goodnight"I said placing myself in the previous pose to sleep until I heard his annoying voice again,pleading "Taeeeee,I feel b-bad....you deserve to sleep in your bed,please stay here and I will go in your seat"
   I sigh "No,I stay good here"then he replied,making me rolled my eyes "Tae,I can't...."
  "Did you know you're more silent when you sleep?bye"he get up from the bed and hug me tight "What the fuck are you doing?Don't touch me...ughhh FINE,WE WILL SLEEP TOGETHER IN MY BED,HAPPY?!"I couldn't let him stay on the floor like me,is super uncomfortable,and my ass hurt.
  "Yaaaay"he clapped happily and he broke the hug instantly,he is so evil.Now I lay distant to him in the bed,turning my back to him and hold tight my pillow in my hands "You know Im still mad at you,right?We are not friends anymore because you...you know what"
  "Uh,please Tae,I will not touch you anymore...is better than to lose you forever..."he said shaking hard.
  "You can go home now if you w-"I was cutt off by his loud voice "NOO,I WILL STAY HERE,IN MY HOME IM ALONE"oh my god,I can't escape from him now.
  "Okey,by the way,what you forgot here that you didn't left?"
    "Huh?Nothing,Taehyung"after this I closed my eyes,smiling a little,with a small drop of tear in the corner of my eye,my lips were trembling



   It happens what I was scared the most in life...to fall in love


   ●Hey army😍Im backkk with another chapter,I hope you like this one,kisses😘LOVE YOU ALL 💜💝

    I love how Taehyung is totally mesmerized by Jungkook voice everytime😍😍😍The way he look at him

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    I love how Taehyung is totally mesmerized by Jungkook voice everytime😍😍😍The way he look at him...IM DEAD.


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