°Same Habit°

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   Taehyung P.O.V

    He kept blabbering some words that I couldn't decipher,after he ended the call I grit my teeth in anger.

     My walk become more piercing with each step on the ground as I growled,making him look back and I could feel him tensed up instantly"You want to be dead,slave?!You forgot about the fucking rule:d.o  n.o.t  use the phone while we are in a mission,time is precious and the blood doesn't flow up from nothing!"

   Jingso stared blankly at me with a little gulp,I took the phone out from his hand fast and shaking it "You see this?"I teased with a fake smile.

    It was only an awkward silence,the others members only stay petrified next to the car at few metres away,with widen eyes.It was like no one dared to answer because they were scared of it.

   "I said you see this?!Answer already"I raised my tone impatiently,he nodded as I bit my lower lip.

   "I'll show you a magic trick"he showed a "wtf" expression as he took few steps back thinking intensly what I'll suppose to do next.

   I threw his phone very harshly on the ground,broking it in pieces,few were scattered in any way,the impact being loudly heared,making all jump in surprise "Look!The phone dissapeared!"I overreacted excited with my mouth in shape of "o" because it was a successful trick "Wow,Taehyung is so good!I can be a magician but killing is more fun"I clapped my hands,and felt proud in myself.

    All of them stared blankly at me like what just happened.I felt pretty sad because no one was cheering me or be happy but meh,they're cowards who have no life.No words escaping their mouths as the darkness of the night engulfed us.But we could see the street clearly by the neon lights.

    As a last warning I come more closer to Jingso,widening his eyes.My mouth become few inches apart from his ear as I started with a cold tone"Next time my trick will be you dissapearing,more exciting"

   I giggled,tapping his shoulder and looking into his dark eyes as I smirked amused at his flinch.

   "Now let's go trashes,we lost enough time because of someone from here"I gave an intense and suggestive glare to him like a last warning.

    I walked to the car where all were outside next to it and then go in the front seat,motioning them to join in.

   In few seconds we were in our way to the destination,prepared with weapons.I followed the GPS while I stared cautiously on every details of the streets.Yoongi sent me the address of location.We never knew when an ambush can appear in any moment.

    "Finally here"I mumbled with a low tone after 30 minutes of driving,taking off the keys,the loud sound from the club was already heard,my victim need to be here. 

   "All of you will protect my back if something happen and will not let intruders come in the vip room,be very cautious to not bring attention"I stared at them seriously,giving them more courage "Oh...and n.o party here,concentrate,and don't die so easy"

   They gasped as their suits were fit with the atmosphere, to be subtle in the crowd,they know better the price of being in my gang.

  Of course,what place to waste the dark money if not in fun and bitches,a  sassy club is their perfect den .These horny asses are easy to catch in my cage,especially with a beauty God like me.

   I arranged my hair as I bit my lower lip and enter in the club.From first time the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes filling the air,making me vomit like everytime.

   All the members scattered in the crow,but still following me from a close view.

    I could put poison in their drinks but sadly where would be the fun?Also sometimes they have bodyguards around because they're pussies so no sneaky movements from me,anyway I love to torture so no complain.

    I looked continuously left and right to search that man and I walked slowly to him when I finally found,pretended to be shocked,like I didn't come for my mission.

   He sat on the chair with money on his hands because he counted them one by one. I could see he was young,dressed elegant and filled with expensive accessories,that made me choke him right there thinking about what he did to earn them.

   Next to him stood up 4 tall bodyguards with guns in their pockets.

   I faked a sweet smile,checking him out with my blue eyes,faking a little move of my body in sync with the music.

    I get more close to him as he practicaly responded with a smirk,he made things too easy for me.

   "Hey sweetie"I winked and then sit on a chair next to him,crossing my legs sassily like a diva that I am.

    "Umm...hello?"he raised an eyebrow as my sudden action,questioning himself what's up with me so suddenly.

    "Uhh...daddy have a lot money I see"I licked my lips provocative as I glare at the money from the table,behaving like a needy bitch now.

   "Do you mind sharing with me a little?"I showed my puppy eyes as I rubbed my thigh again and again.I continued my phrase as I leaned next to his ear,whispering deeply with my free hand on his inner thigh teasingly "Of course I'll do something in return,daddy,just let me"

    "You're such a bitch,no?"he grabbed my jawline harshly as I moaned "Of course I am,especially for you,please"

    This bitch just called me a bitch?Wait until you're single with me.

    The rest of people from the close dance floor don't even watched us as they were drunked as fuck and couldn't espect a thing suspicious,not like they would hear our whispering.

     "Just take me on a vip room daddy,I can't wait to be pounded hard against the bed- nhn,show me what you can do"I whined as his eyes become lustful,making me smile devilish.

   "Huh little baby...I can,but with one condition,my bodyguards will be in the room"he wanted to made sure,maybe he think I'm a weak impostor who try to steal his money.Play hard to get?Fine,shithead.

    I didn't wanted to give up now,he will escape from my claws and maybe leave the country next day to hide his footsteps,killing people.

     "Everything for you,daddy"I breathed hard and stood up like I'm impatient to go"C'mon,I can't wait"I pushed him to me by his strong arm to stood up too.My chest was bumped with his.

    "Calm down,kitten"he cupped my ass,making me shiver in disgust,resist Taehyung.

   But his words made me laugh internaly because...

    Sadly he is the fucking kitten,eaten by a tiger


   ● Warning!!NEXT CHAPTER CONTAIN BLOODY SCENE.If you're a sensible bean don't read it,read only the last phrase from the end.
   I wrote the next chapter already but I'll post it tomorrow(I swear)cuz I'm hella evil.New chapter soon yay.💜💜💜Don't forgot to give me opinions and vote if you liked my shits.Vkook forever, bye-

Vkook forever, bye-

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