For better or for worse. {Larry Stylinson} *requested* 1/2

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Louis has a problem. Not a very big one, just something that's bothering his sleep. It's his boyfriend, a very large boyfriend with a very loud snore. It drives Louis crazy. He can't sleep, and when he goes into the spare bedroom he can still hear Harry snoring. 

He knows he can't really blame his poor boy for it, but jesus christ he could at least get some of those plasters you put on your nose at night to stop the god forsaking noise, right?


Harry's in denial. He doesn't believe Louis when he tells him and it only annoys him.

"For fuck sakes Louis, I don't snore! I think the boys would've told me when we were in the xfactor house, don't you think?" Harry yelled, his arms crossed over chest. It was like a mini war. Louis would go all out and scream the house down to try and prove his point but the curly haired boy wouldn't change what he clearly knew.

"How would you know if you snored anyway? You're asleep. It even wakes you up sometimes but you're such a lazy twat that you go back to sleep and snore even louder!" Louis screeched, his lack of sleep pushing him to his limits. He's never been so rude to Harry before, but it couldn't be helped. The twenty three year old needed sleep.

He's tried everything, rolling the boy over in his sleep ever so gently to see if it stopped him snoring. It didn't. Louis has even tried closing Harry's mouth to see if that improved anything, but it made it worse. 

"Anne I just need your help..." Louis was laying on the sofa, Harry out with his friends. He was on the phone to Harry's mum, asking if she knew anything that could help.

"Has he really started snoring again Lou? It was like a motorbike was stuck in his throat when he was younger. I really pity you Louis, we couldn't get more than three hours sleep some nights." Anne sighed into the phone. She really did feel for the man, knowing how sleep deprivation could affect how you act.

"It's getting worse, it even wakes him up sometimes. We can't sleep for more than thirty minutes each. It's driving me crazy!" Louis was close to tears. His boyfriend wouldn't agree to anything Louis suggested and Louis himself was contemplating if it was a good idea to sleep at a hotel for a while.

"I'm sure he'll see soon. You could try recording him when he's asleep, just show him what he's been putting you through." Anne suggested, Louis thought it was a great idea and was going to say so but Anne started talking again, "Oh, Louis honey, I have to go. Gemma's home with the baby. Must dash, talk to you later? Give Harry my love, see you soon dear." And that was the end of that call.

"Record him eh?" Louis said to himself. He liked the idea of that a lot, but where could he get a small enough camera so that Harry wouldn't see it? "Zayn has to have one." 

* * *

"Are you sure he wont see this?" he asked nervously, "I don't want him thinking I don't trust him or something..."

"He won't even look behind the flower pot, Lou, this plan is fool proof." Zayn reassured his friend and handed over the camera.

"If you say so." Louis put the palm sized camera in his pocket and handed Zayn the money. Tonight he'd record Harry's snoring and they could finally get it sorted.

And if Louis didn't admit to have a spring in his step and a smile plastered to his face on the way home, he'd be lying.

* * *

It wasn't so much the hiding of the camera that was the problem, that was easy. It was just the anticipation Louis had to finally show Harry that his snoring was very much a big problem.

Sitting in the living room, his foot tapping on the floor and the clock slowing turning to nine o'clock at night, Louis smiled when Harry walked in the front door.

"Hi baby." Harry smiled, his giggling boyfriend jumping up off the sofa and running to give him a hug. "Missed you." Harry whispered into Louis' neck as the cuddled in the door way. The stress the boys both had was hard on their relationship, this was the first time in a couple of days they haven't shouted at each other for anything.

"I missed you too." Louis sighed, his small hand linking his and Harry's together. He loved Harry with all his heart but he loved to prove him wrong.

"I'm tired as hell, have you eaten?" Louis shook his head. Always waited for Harry to come home and cook him some food.

"Lucky I picked us up some Chinese food then," Louis clapped his hands like a little kid and jumped in the air, "Child." Harry muttered, he was sure he's in love with Louis.

"Oh shut up, you don't mind when I bounce up and down in the bedroom." sniggered the older boy. Harry blushed but nodded, he was too tired to even try to lie about it.

* * *

"Hungry..." Louis whined, finally sitting down on the sofa. Harry joined him and handed him the plate of hot food. He wasn't exactly sure what he ordered but it smelt good and anything that made his whiny little boy quiet was good enough for him. "What is it?" 

"Dunno. Eat. Trying to watch Doctor Who." Harry shrugged. The food tasted good so he didn't see the problem.

The two sat their for at least an hour, cuddling and crying when Rose was cut off from the Doctor. Harry yawned, taking a sip of his drink and turning the TV off. Louis was nervous. If he was the camera it would be game over.

"I'm gonna go to bed. You coming?" Louis shook his head and stayed laying on the sofa. He tapped his thigh nervously and watched Harry disapear into the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

Louis was imagining how amazing he'd feel when Harry knew he snores. It would be better than winning a gold medal in the olympics. He can't wait for the curly haired twat to fall asleep tonight then reveal the snoring in the morning.

Harry came out the bathroom and kissed Louis' head, his eyes were drooping and Louis felt bad for him. No way he'd get a lot of sleep tonight either but it affected Harry just as much as it did to him.

"Goodnight baby." Harry smiled tiredly, waving to him like a little boy and padding down the hallway to their bedroom.

Louis waited. He waited for Harry to yell 'what the fuck is this Louis?!' but it didn't come. He must've waited for ten minutes or so because he could hear Harry's snoring begin. Oh balls to this, Louis thought. He walked to the kitchen and opened the box that contained their medical supplies. Looking for some sleeping pills, he took two out of the little tub and got some milk out the fridge. He downed the pills and half the milk with one go and went back to flop on the sofa. 

"Goodnight baby indeed." Louis said smugly, his eyes drooping and the loud sound of Harry's snores slowly fading as he waited for the sleeping pills to finally take full effect.


Ookay sorry this took so long to do but I've been sick and I just had no motivation to write. I broke it down to two parts because my hands are so cold and it hurts to type. bitch reason to not write anymore until later but yeah, sorry haa.

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