Better Off Alone {Niam, mpreg}

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A/N - Oh sorry for not updating or being active on here for like 293875928 years but I've had things going on to do with friends and such.. 


"Liam, can you get me some ice cream?" Niall pouted at Liam, sitting on the sofa while surrounded with blankets. Liam's boyfriend was seven months pregnant and to him, the most beautiful person in the world. His cheeks were always blushed and his hair was messy because he didn't really bother to style it like he did before the pregnancy. 

Liam loved how Niall would complain at night because the baby was kicking or that it was too hot but he didn't want to move so demanded Liam to move the covers from his small but bloated body. Liam was also worried about the extra weight Niall would have to support. His knee wasn't better yet, still in the healing process. Of course he'd always be around to help Niall when he thought the boy needed it but he'd only get a snappy "I'm fine, Liam! Honestly, it's a couple of pounds, not fuckin' stone." but he'd shake it off because Niall is his boyfriend and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Of course I can, babe." Liam smiled, moving from under the blankets and walking to the kitchen. He'd prefer Niall to get the ice cream because he loves watching his boyfriend waddle around like a little penguin but it would be unfair because Niall needs his rest.

"And some strawberries..." Liam turned around to watch Niall, knowing he'd ask for something else along with said fruit and ice cream. "... And a straw because I like to mash it up, no no wait! I want some banana in it too, because it tastes so good." Nodding, Liam smiled to himself because how could he get so lucky? Niall Horan is his pregnant boyfriend.

Walking into the kitchen, Liam retrived the ice cream out the freezer and placed in on the counter. He grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and got the strawberries out the fridge, (Niall liked the ones from M&S and if you got the ones from Tesco then you're in for it.) 

"How'd you want it?" Liam shouted, knowing from a bad memory that if you get the order of fruit and ice cream wrong then the younger would start crying and asking Liam why he didn't love him. 

"Strawberries, ice cream, bananas. Thank you babe!" Niall's accent clear, another thing Liam loved about him. He'd never get the pronunciation right, so it sounded more like "tank you" but everyone thought it was adorable so he never worked on it.

"Of course." Same as last nights order. Preparing the dessert like Niall asked, Liam cleaned up and walked back in to the living room with the bowl, a spoon and a straw.

"Thank you!" Niall pulled Liam in for a hug and covered his face with kissed, like he did the night before. It was cute, though Zayn said it made him look like a hormonal bitch, Niall stuck his tongue out and muttered that he's jealous because Liam wouldn't make him food like this, pregnant or not. 

Harry and Louis were in love with the idea of Niall having a baby and them being the god fathers. Louis because he just loves babies, no matter the age because they're adorable and Harry because he's never had a smaller cousin, brother or sister. Just him being the baby, so of course he was crying when Liam and Niall announced that they'd be the god parents. 

Zayn wasn't as exited, he wasn't annoyed nor angry but he didn't and couldn't, (he tried very hard) get his head around the fact that his best friend or "mate" was having a baby. It didn't cause an argument and it didn't make the boys split up. Niall and Liam knew not everyone would understand so they didn't expect them to.

Everyone else was amazed, calling Niall a blessing from the gods above. Niall's parents we're supportive, as were Liam's. Greg was hesitant at first, not knowing how to take the news but soon enough he warmed up. 

The media went crazy. Fellow member of One Direction, biggest boy band on the planet, is pregnant. Someone obviously blabbed, Niall stayed inside since he found out and everyone swore to secrecy though he had his suspicions.

"It's fine, babe. Wanna watch a movie?" Liam noticed that the end credits from their last movie, Marley and Me, were rolling. Niall nodded and mumbled that he wanted to watch Shaun of the Dead.

"Are you sure?" Niall rolled his eyes, huffing as he pushed Liam out his seat. 

"Fine fine." Liam smiled, Niall blowing him a kiss. 

As the movie started, Liam returned to his spot and put an arm around Niall. Moving in to his touch, Niall couldn't get comfortable. Sighing, he pushed the blankets off the sofa and laid down, Liam following and spooning.

"Better?" Liam whispered, kissing Niall's neck. He nodded, moving closer.


About fourty minutes into the movie, Niall started to fall asleep. You couldn't blame him though, being pregnant was hard work and he'd been up all night the because the baby was kicking. Liam ran his hand over Niall's stomach then reached down and pulled the blankets up and over their bodies. 

Niall was snoring lightly, short breaths coming out and his hand subconsciously rubbing his stomach in his sleep.

Sometimes Liam would sit there or lie next to him, just to watch. Not in a creepy way but to just admire Niall's pure beauty. Without the makeup he wears in photo shoots, the hair products gone and his braces off. Niall was perfect to Liam before he changed his image but he never said, he didn't want Niall to feel insecure about changing. He didn't do it for the fans or the media. Niall changed because he didn't like it. He made it clear, millions of times that other peoples opinions don't mean a lot to him but the way he sees himself is.

Liam understood, everyone in the band did. Louis starting football again because he didn't want his tummy (Harry pouted when he suggested working out because he did love Louis' tummy.) Zayn never cared about anyone elses appearance but his was important to himself, and nothings wrong with that. Harry just likes changes every now and then. Liam would admit he's changed a lot. Shaving his head, going to the gym and eating healthier. His attitude changing from "Be careful!" to "I don't really give a fuck." in under two years was rather shocking to Niall but it was accepted.

In under two months they'd have their baby girl. Still not sure on the name, they were worried that it'd be a flop and their daughter would hate them when she grew up. It wouldn't happen, but they had the doubt at the back of their minds. 

One night Liam and Niall couldn't sleep, they sat up and talked about their future together. What happens to the band? Do they plan things or just go with it? They couldn't decide on the simplest things like the kind of nappies to buy or if she'd have curly hair or straight hair. Blue eyes or brown. Her personality, (they both agreed not to let her spend too much time with Harry because she'd surely turn in to a princess or a certain amount of time with Louis because she'd turn loud and rebellious. But nothing was wrong with either..)

Niall really wanted her to have big brown eyes and a loud attitude, much like his own and Louis' but also caring and artistic like Liam and Zayn. Harry is an odd boy and Niall was sure his approach to life would rub off on his daughter in time itself. 

Liam wanted a tom boy daughter, one that would play football with them or watch it on TV while eating popcorn. He couldn't wait until she was a teenager, still remembering all the cringy moments he had about five or six years back.

No one was ready, no one was even beginning to get ready but they knew everything would fall into place. Their daughter would be perfect, and they couldn't wait to meet her.

"Goodnight," Liam mumbled, more to himself than Niall but he wouldn't know so it doesn't really matter.


A/N - Again, sorry for not updating for idk how long.

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