Safe {Ziall}

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"I'm not telling you again, slut. On your knees and do what I want!" Jack shouted, giving me my orders. Tears were falling down my cheeks. I wanted to die, I wanted to get away from my boyfriend. The person who's meant to protect me, love me. But no, he hits me and other things..

"Niall?" I heard the voice of my angel and best friend, Zayn. He was knocking on our front door rather loud. This obviously annoyed Jack because the next thing I knew, I was on my own. 

Hearing Jack stomping down the stairs made my heart pound. Zayn knew what he'd get if he came round here to see me. I knew what I'd get too. A black eye and a broken rib, if I'm lucky anyway.

"-Niall! Hurry up!" no body had to tell me twice, the sound of Zayn shouting at me was enough to make me pull myself off the old, rotting floor and run down the stairs. I ignored the pain all over my body and crashed into Zayn's arms. My eyes widend in shock when I realized, Jack was on the floor out cold. I started shaking, see I was only in shorts and the front door was open. Even being in Zayn's warm embrace wasn't enough. 

Dragging me by my arm, Zayn led me to his car. Opening the door for me, I crawled in, my engergy down to nothing, and sat in the leather seat. 

"Niall.." I turned my head to the sound of Zayn's soft voice. He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at my body. I joined and looked down too. 

Black and blue bruises scattered all over my body, my ribs, stomach, arms.. Everywhere. Too ashamed of myself, I pulled my knees up to my body and hid my face. 

"Niall, I won't let him touch you ever again" Zayn told me, rubbing my back but stopping when I whimpered at his touch. I wouldn't normally, I'd ignore the pain and pretend but I couldn't, it was a new bruise and it hurt a lot. Jack thought it'd be funny to see how hard he could hit me. 

Hearing the engine of his car come to life, we drove off into the night. I knew we were going to his. It's where I always went when Jack's beatings got too tough for my small body to handle and my simple mind to put up with.


"Nialler, come here" Zayn yelled, he was in his room. I was in the spare. It was cold but I didn't complain. It was better then anything I've ever had. 

"C-Coming" I said, tripping over my own feet and almost falling into the wall. 

"Oh Niall" Zayn chuckled, pulling his duvet open enough for me to crawl in. I snuggled up to him, my head on his tanned, tattooed chest. He was perfect. Amazing. He was my angel sent to save me and that's just what he did. 

"You're cold Ni" Zayn mumbled, turning the TV on to my favourite show 'The Inbetweeners'. Zayn wrapped his arm slowly around my back and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. 

I was smaller than him so this worked, me cuddling to him. His arm would fit perfectly over my back and onto shoulder. He'd kiss the top of my head every now and then to make sure I knew he'd never leave me. 

That's how I fell asleep, in Zayn's warm and protective embrace. Hearing Will shouting to Simon. 


The next couple of weeks flew by, my bruises getting time to heal. Jack was in prison. I was living with Zayn. We went to a club one night and met 3 guys. Louis, Harry and Liam. We quickly became a group. Knowing Harry and Louis were together, only made me jealous. I wanted Zayn to treat me like that. Kissing my nose and having stupid nick names for each other. Whispering and laughing at inside jokes. Liam was in a relationship with a girl, I know her name but not very well.. 

"Zaynie! Truth or dare?" Louis laughed, he was sitting on Harry, kissing him every so often. Liam was out with his girlfriend so it was just us lot. Laughing and drinking but not too much. Low music playing in the background. The TV on some old show that we werent interesten in at all. 

"Dare.." Zayn mumbled, smiling at the two boys. I was sitting on the sofa, drinking coke and laughing at when Harry dared Louis to eat something they found in the fridge out of date or when Louis dared Zayn to kiss me.. Wait.

"KISS HIM! That's the dare Malik. Do it." Louis demanded, his famous smirk on his face. Zayn rolled his eyes but at the same time, his cheeks turned red. I was looking at the floor, trying to pretend I didn't hear it. Truth be told, I want Zayn to kiss me, but I knew he doesn't.

"Fine." Zayn laughed, getting up and walking over to me. I was still looking at the floor.. No way was this going to happen. 

"I promise, I'm gonna like it" Zayn whispered before he pushed his soft but not too soft lips on mine. I felt butterflys erupt in my stomach. Smiling into the kiss, we started to move our lips in sync. 

Pulling away, Zayn smiled at me. He didn't walk back to his place. Instead, he sat next to me, pulling me onto his knee, holding me tight. This only made my face redder. 

"I love you Ni" Zayn whispered into my ear. I smiled and sunk into his hug. This was perfect. 

"I.. l-love you too Zaynie" I whispered, he smiled and kissed my cheek before pulling me closer. We were in a world of our own, whispering to each other, kissing, hugging. Soon enough, Harry and Louis left. Me and Zayn crawled to bed and fell asleep, spooning.


Me. Niall Horan. Once abused and unloved now in a home with my new boyfriend, with new friends in a new life that they all helped make. I guess, I'm just lucky I had Zayn.

A/N - Sorry for the really crappy ending but I wanted to do one like this for a while but I never thought of the ending. Anyway, I ship Ziall, a lot as a bromance. It's cute. 

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