The Little Nerd 2/? {Larry Stylinson}

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The texting went well actually. Louis and Harry slowly became closer over time and if you asked what they were both of them would reply "best friends" and Louis was okay with that.

Harry was touchy, always sitting on Louis or asking for a piggy back ride. It was adorable, even Louis' friends thought so. Harry's mum and sister agreed that Louis was a pretty boy and they loved him hanging around their little boy.

Sometimes Louis forgets the age difference and sits there thinking about it. In a couple of weeks Louis will be graduating school and Harry will be alone with Milo and his group of friends. It worries him and he doesn't like thinking of Harry being left at that school. With a group of possible future rapists. It made him stay up and worry at night and he refused to speak to Harry about his troubles because it was actually about him.

Slowly but surely it left Louis' mind and he was laying on Harry's bed while the younger looked out his window. They were chatting away when Harry got up and walked over to the bed and straddled Louis' thighs.

"What the hell are you doing Haz?" Louis started to sweat, Harry's always been touchy but this was a new level.

"I know you're worried about me being alone with Milo. Fuck me and you won't have to worry." Harry purred, his hips starting to grind down on Louis. Louis didn't hate it, infact he was starting to get hard but this wasn't right.

"Harry, baby, stop." Louis moved his hands to Harry's hips, making the whining boy stop.

"Please, Lou, do this for me. I trust you."

"You have to love the person, Harry this is an important thing. You can't just give it away." Louis wanted this, as soon as Harry's ass landed on his thighs he wanted nothing more than to pin the boy down and ruin him. But he had a morals. He didn't want to hurt the sixteen year old and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't regret it.

"I do love you, I mean it. I trust you. I'm not giving this away to just anyone, I'm giving it to you Louis. Please." Harry begging was a turn on, massively but the angel on the side of his shoulder was still preventing him from agreeing.

"Right. You might say that now but think about it... I'm annoying as fuck and you don't really mean it, I know you don't. I want you to be over twenty when you make love to someone, not sixteen years old and begging your best mate to fuck you so he doesn't worry anymore."

Harry blinked. He nodded and Louis let go of his hips. Harry moved so he was laying on top of Louis, sniffing and cuddling into Louis' chest. The elder wrapped his arms around Harry and that was enough for the both of them to know that this will be forgotten soon and they'd get past this. After all Harry was only a teenager, his body full of hormones and his mind sending mixed signals.

"I'm so sorry Lou..." Harry sniffed and stroked Louis' arm. Louis didn't answer but he kissed Harry's head. It was a thing they had, Louis would kiss Harry's head if he didn't know how to respond.

The two boys fell asleep, Harry still laying on top of Louis and Louis still cuddling Harry close to him. Anne walked in and saw the two, she ended up taking a picture of them on Harry's phone then sending it to Louis. She decided to ignore the names they had for each other (Louis calling Harry 'Baby H' and Harry calling Louis 'Daddy Lou xo) and left the two sleeping boys alone. She has gained more trust in Louis when she heard her son begging to be fucked by an older man and he declined. It was a nice thought, as crazy as that sounds. She knows her sons finally safe and protected.

~ @ ~

"Lou, wake up." Harry poked Louis' chest. A groan passed through Louis' mouth and a giggle left Harry's. If they were a couple then it'd be a total cliché but they aren't, they're best friends and this is normal for them.

"Let me sleep, ugh." Louis whined, trying to turn around and managing to make Harry hit his head hard on the wall next to his bed, making the younger boy scream in pain and begin crying. "Holy shit, Harry I'm so fucking sorry!"

"You did it on purpose!" Harry screeched, clutching his head and pushing himself away from Louis.

"No I didn't! I swear, fucking hell. Come here, let me see." Harry shook his head and walked out the room, slamming the door. Louis sat there in a daze.

"What the hell just happened?" Louis asked himself. He got up the bed and ran after Harry.

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