Angel {Zarry} 2/2

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Zayn's POV - 

I don't know how this happened. If I could take it back and tell him how much I love him then I would, but I can't. I messed up and that's why I'm out side in the dark looking for Harry. I have been for at least 4 hours and I've tried everywhere but no ones seen him. It's like he vanished.

* * * *

"Hello? Harry?!" I yelled into my phone over the rain and thunder. It's cold and I'm getting scared but Harry is out there alone, somewhere.

"No, Liam.. I take it you haven't found him yet?" Liam's voice sounded strained and tired. I sighed..

"No Li, I don't know what to do! No ones seen him, not even our fans. I'm so worried." I sniffed back my tears but it was no use. My hair was sticking to my face, my jacket was soaked and my shoes were full of water. Adding to the fact it's getting dark makes it more scary for me.

"Zayn come home. He'll come back." I heard Niall shouting for me to come back or go back to mine and Harry's flat because he's probably already home but I didn't believe it. He wouldn't go home, he'd take a walk like he always does when we have a fight.

"Can't. Need to find him, what if he's hurt? Then what? He could laying in a ditch crying for me and I'm just standing here talking to people who want me to give up! Not going to happen." I ended the call and shoved my phone back in my pocket. 

If I was Harry, where would I go..?

* * * *

It's 3 in the morning and I still haven't found him. I've tried everyone. Simon, Nick, Ed, Anne.. Even Kendall and Taylor. No ones heard from him or seen him and I'm started to feel sick again. He can't just disappear.

I know what you're thinking, just phone him or text but he won't answer me. His phones off, not like he'd answer me anyway.

"Fuck, Harry. Where are you?" I sighed, running a hand through my soaked hair. I was running down the road, looking for a mop of curls.

"Zayn!" A broken cry came from an alley way. 

"Harry?!" I screamed, I was trying to see through the rain but I could only see black and some lights from a hotel.

"Zayn!" Harry's voice rang out and I tried to follow it. 

"I'm coming baby, hold on." I saw figure laying on the ground but I stopped when I saw a second one standing closer.

"What the fuck? Get away from him!" I screamed, grabbing a brick. The figure ran off, leaving Harry laying on the floor.

"Oh Harry.. No, please no." I cried as I used my phone's light to see a knife sticking in his stomach. His shirt was covered in blood. I grabbed his hand and kissed it, over and over again.

"Hold on baby, helps coming okay?" I dialled 999 and yelled down the phone, giving the man our location.

"Zayn.. I love you." Harry whispered, squeezing my hand. I cried, kissing his hand again.

"I love you too Harry, so much. Hold on okay? We're going to be okay. We're going to be fine, you'll see and then we can get married, yeah?" I rambled, picturing me and Harry sitting in our house with our daughter and son, telling them how we met and fell in love.

"Zayn.." Harry's voice trailed off and his body went limp. I screamed and squeezed his hand. Begging, hoping for my Harry to come back. Not to leave me, not like this.

"Baby come back!" I could hear police sirens and ambulances. Someone pulled me away, even through my attempt to get back to Harry.

"No! I need to stay with him, he needs me!" I was hysterical. I knew I looked like a mess and I knew people were looking at me, coming out from their homes to see who or what was screaming.

"Zayn, calm down. It's fine, we're here." Louis' voice, even though he attempted, didn't calm me down. I kicked and pushed him away but he was stronger, Liam and Niall were crying. Once again, Louis was the one to hold it together though I knew the loss of his best friend was wrecking him.

"Get off! I need him!" I screamed, shaking and crying into Louis' arm. He held me tighter.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Malik, but.. He's gone." The words I never wanted to hear, my world came crashing down and I felt my heart break.

"No, no, no, no. You're a liar! He's fine, you're lying!" I yelled, anger filling me. Liam pulled me into the car, rocking me backwards and forwards in attempt to calm me down though he was breaking inside to.


Four years ago tonight, a man took my Harry from me. I didn't get a chance to say good bye and I didn't get a chance to say sorry to him. Harry died thinking we were still in a fight, even though we were stronger then ever. 

It's pretty stupid.. I got up and walked over to my wardrobe, pulling out the jacket I wore that night. I opened the pocket and pulled out the ring I was going to give Harry when I found him. I played with it between my fingers, smiling at the thought of how Harry would've reacted.

"I miss you." I whispered, putting the ring back in the pocket, zipping it up and putting the jacket back in the wardrobe.

"Zayn?" Liam knocked on my door, opening it. I wiped the tears that were about to fall in attempt to stay strong.

"Yeah Li..?" 

"He loved you so much. It's okay to miss him, Zayn." Liam pulled me into hug. He was right, it's okay to miss him. But it's my fault, if I didn't storm off, he wouldn't of thought I didn't love him and my Harry would still be in my arms.

"Zayn?" Liam let go and walked away. I started to follow him but I couldn't, I felt like I was glued to the floor.

"Zayn, wake up." What? Wake up.. I opened my mouth to ask Liam what he meant but no sounds came out.

"Wake up, Zayn." Liam smiled, he began to vanish and I felt myself getting dizzy.


"Baby?" Harry's voice made my eyes snap open. I sat up and looked around. I was in hospital. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and my mum were sitting in the room too.


"You're awake!" Louis cheered, hugging Niall and Liam. My mum got up and walked over to me, giving me a hug before going to sit back down. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Harry. He was sitting on the edge of my bed with his hand on my leg.

"I missed you, babe." Harry leaned down and kissed my cheek. I stared at him, he was meant to be dead.

"No.. No, Harry, you're dead. What are you doing here? You're dead!" I started to hyperventilate and I heard doctors coming into my room.

"Mr. Malik, you need to calm down and breath, okay? Can you do that?" A nurse patted my back.

"You.. You were dead Harry, he killed you. He took you from me." I felt tears run down my cheeks and Harry's face showed nothing but worry.

"Zayn, you were found passed out in the rain last night. You were out looking for Harry and when you stopped answering your phone I came out to look for you, you were freezing." Niall was looking at the floor and everyone else was looking at me. I shook my head but gave up. 

"You dreamt it babe, nothing happened to me." Harry smiled, kissing my head.

"I.. I did-"

"Zayn you must of hit your head because Harry came back as soon as you left." Louis frowned, moving so he was sitting on Niall. 

"I.. Right." I couldn't believe it. My Harry was okay, no one took him.

"I love you." Harry whispered, moving so I could cuddle into him. I felt him kiss my head and his arm snake round my middle, I sighed. Everyone else muttered good bye and that they'd come see me tomorrow. Me and Harry said bye and went back to talking.

"I love you too H." I kissed his arm and closed my eyes, I sighed again. I'm never letting him go.


Updated March 2016

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