Happy Birthday {Ziam Hybrid} 2/2

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A/N - Anywayyyyyyy. I didn't forget the plot line and it's still set in 2011 but it's not going to be carroty. .---.


"I'll go see if he's okay." Liam muttered to no one. Niall went back to his game, not really caring about Zayn. Louis and Harry were already in the kitchen, doing anything other than cooking. 

"While you're up get me some chips? Curly cunt said he was gonna' get me some but he hasn't." Niall asked, but Liam was already out the room and searching for Zayn.

* * * 

It only took him ten minutes. Zayn was upstairs, hiding in the closet. He wasn't crying but his ears were hidden so Liam guessed he was upset anyway.

"Hi..." Liam smiled, sitting on the floor next to Zayn.

"Hi." Zayn muttered. The atmosphere was awkward, the hybrid was breathing quickly and his ears were still flat on his head.

"I- Uh. Are you okay? I know Niall is rude but he's a good friend really. It's just, I don't know. You purred and it probably reminded him of a vibrator. The little sex pest." Liam snorted at his own words.

Zayn sniffed awkwardly, "I do not know." 

"That's okay. Oh! Um... I'm not master, by the way. We're friends." Liam stated firmly.

"Really?!" Zayn smiled and sat up properly, throwing his hands around Liam's neck and kissing his cheek. "I've never had a friend!" 

Liam smiled and stood up, Zayn still hanging to him. "Well, now you've got four friends." 

Letting go of Liam, Zayn ran down the stairs and barged into the kitchen. Louis had Harry pinned against the wall, kissing his neck while Harry was palming Louis' ass, "What the bloody fuck mate, calm down!" Louis snorted, turning around so his back was against Harry's chest. Harry whispered something to Louis about "slowing down" and being "hard" but Zayn didn't really listen.

"You two are my friends!" Zayn said loudly, going over and hugging the pair. Louis and Harry shared weird looks but hugged the boy back. His ears were back, spiking up through his hair. "Niall is my friend too!" 

"Woah, he upset you. Make him say sorry first, then hug him." Zayn nodded and ran into the room Niall was still playing a game on.

"Say sorry to me." Zayn kicked Niall's chair.

"Eh, sorry, what?" Niall asked, confused. Zayn smiled and sat on Niall's lap, wrapping his arms around Niall's neck and hugging him. Liam walked in the room, as did Louis and Harry.

"Erm. Mate, he's Liam's present, not yours." Louis said, just as Zayn got up and walked over to Liam and kissed his cheek.

"Li," Zayn smiled, "I'd love you to be my daddy."

Louis screeched and ended up having to hold on to Harry so he wouldn't fall over. 

"What?" Liam asked, blushing. Not that it wasn't a turn on.

"Louis told me in the car, that I have to ask you to be my daddy and I'll be your slut." Zayn snugged Liam, his ears still visable and a quiet purr coming from his chest.

"Louis! There's only one daddy in this house." Harry pinched his boyfriend. Niall was still playing his game. Obviously in the zone because he didn't even have a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, sure babe." Louis sniggered, slapping Harry's chest and sat down next to Niall to watch how he was playing.

"So, will you?" Zayn asked, Liam's cheeks were back to normal colour and he nodded. Zayn clapped his hands and jumped on Liam. His hands caught Zayn by his bum, holding the boy close to him. "What do daddies do?" Zayn asked quietly.

"They fuck you, buy you nice stuff and other shit..." Louis commented, Harry sighed and Liam blushed again while Niall was busy slashing Manchester in Fifa.

* * * 

The boys spent the night together, having chats and drinking beer. Niall wanted pizza but Louis called him a little bitch and ordered Indian food instead. The movie choice was Zayn's, he picked movies that Niall loved and Harry despised because "why watch movies about cars turning into robots when we can watch a love story of two people on a boat?" and although Louis didn't agree, he still stood up for his boyfriend and since it was two against two (Liam didn't really care) they had to watch both Transformers and Titanic.

Zayn was cuddled up with Liam, purring all night while they nibbled on naan bread. Louis and Harry took turns cuddling each other and stealing kisses, not bothered with the films at all. They left early because Louis was misbehaving while sitting on top of Harry, so they went to sort it out.

Niall ended up falling alseep on the floor, Indian food covering his face and the TV still blaring the end song to Titanic but this was their lives now, but they didn't have a problem with it at all.


Sorry this wasn't very long but some of yous was asking me to update. I will probably edit this at some point and add more but yeah, just wanted to update. :) remember to vote, and comment bc it rly helps me out 

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