I Don't Share {Lilo}

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Sitting in his room alone, Liam could hear them downstairs.. Laughing, hugging, probably kissing too.

Louis is my your, go remind him.. His brain kept telling him to go down there and shout at Louis but Liam couldn't. He wouldn't want to embarrass Louis, especially in front of their friends.

Groaning, Liam fell back on the bed and tried to sleep. He was almost drifting off but a loud laugh brought his attention back to focus. How does Louis make Niall and Harry laugh so much? Why can't I? Why was I stuck labelled the sad loser who's only known for being the sensible and boring one. Sighing, Liam pulled his phone out. Louis tweeted that he was doing a live show with Niall and Harry. Liam rolled his eyes and pulled his laptop up from under the bed and clicked on the link to their live show. So nice of them to invite me down.

Three familiar faces popped up, a smile was plastered on Louis' face while he sat on Harry's lap. Niall was busy and out of the shot, but Liam could hear him getting a drink before returning into the shot and kissing Louis' cheek as a joke. He knew Niall was as straight as anything but wasn't afraid of joking around for the fans. Especially with Louis, because for some reason the fans thought he was the only gay one in the band. Pfft.

Harry was playing with Louis' hair, petting him like a cat. He don't know why he got jealous, Louis is his  boyfriend and they all knew it. Maybe Louis knew Liam was watching and was doing this to piss him off. I mean, that's textbook Louis behaviour. He loved to push Liam's buttons and annoy him just for the reaction.

Liam had finally had enough and clicked off the live show, huffing and slamming the lid shut. He let the laptop fall on the floor, making a loud bang that he was sure the other boys heard. The sound it made was almost like it broke when it hit the floor, but Liam didn't care. He had enough money to buy the actual company that he gets his laptops from so that wasn't an issue.

Liam tried his best to tell him it was just a joke, and they were only being so friendly towards Louis because he loved showing off about how much the boys loved him but he couldn't. He had doubts about his relationship with Louis sometimes, simply because of the way Louis acted around them. Harry especially. It was like Liam was just there for Louis when he got bored. Liam was pulled out from his envious thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

He sighed, got up and walked over to the door, ready to tell anyone to leave him alone because he really wasn't in the mood to talk right now.

When he opened the door, bright blue eyes connected with his and suddenly all the anger he felt was gone. Louis had come up to see him when he heard the bang, probably worried. 

Louis was standing there, hand on his hip and frowning. That only brought back his anger, and infuriated Liam more.


"Shut up, Louis" Liam spat, grabbing his boyfriend's arm and pulling him to the bed. Resisting, Louis tried to get out from Liam's grip but he only tightened it. Smiling, Liam pushed Louis on the bed and straddled him. Pinning his arms down, the younger glared at him, making him stop squirming and trying to break free. Their eyes connected and Louis blushed.

Liam leaned down and kissed Louis' neck. He knew Louis loved this more than anything they did before sex because it felt so intimate to him, but Liam wasn't planning on fucking him today, just teasing him. Quiet moans filled Liam's ears and it only encouraged him to continue, one hand letting go of Louis' wrists and cupping Louis' cheek instead. He loved Liam's personal attention, so so much and it meant the world to Louis when he was so gentle.

"Liam-" Louis began but cut himself off with a moan when Liam started sucking a love bite on his skin.

"Louis, you shouldn't parade around like you do, showing off to the fans and letting them think you're with Harry when you're with me." He sneered, kissing his neck again but working his way down his stomach.

Moving back up, Liam whispered into Louis' ear,

"You're mine. Not Harry's. Got it, Louis?" He nodded and moaned again when Liam's hand brushed over his crotch. He nodded to himself, satisfied with what he was doing to Louis. Leaning closer to him, Liam whispered again, "Say it then" Liam demanded, glaring at his sweaty boyfriend. Liam always did love how quickly Louis could get worked up.

"I'm yours. Not Harry's. Yours. Ngh, please Liam." He begged. The younger shook his head and got off him. He whined but sat up with a questioning look on his face. Liam laughed at him, getting off the bed and walking to the door.

"What's going on down there," Liam said, pointing at the visible hard-on  in his boyfriend's pants, "Isn't my problem." Liam took one last look before turning around and leaving, shutting the door behind him.

Liam sat down quietly by the bedroom door, waiting, until he heard quiet moans. They grew louder and Liam heard his name being called out and then eventually yelled. Liam loved when Louis yelled his name just because it let other people know that he was Liam's and Liam was his. 

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