The Punk And The Flower Boy {Larry}

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Placing the flower crown on his brown curls, Harry smiled at his reflection. His smile faded when he heard the sounds from next door. Heavy metal music and shouts from his so called "good" neighbour Louis. He was the kind of person you'd see mum's pulling their children away from. Cats hissed at and dogs ran away from. Bright red hair, dark, evil looking tattoos that littered his tanned body and piercings dotted around places too. Other then his appearance, he was nice. Kind. Just don't annoy him or offer him a flower because to him, it's stupid and feminine. 

Harry on the other hand was the complete opposite. Pale skin that resembled chalk, only in the winter though, in the summer his skin glowed. Bright green eyes whilst Louis' were dark blue. No tattoos or piercings, just some scars from high school bullies. He always had his flower crown on his head, never any other colour then red and white flowers. Love and purity. Or as Louis saw it, hate and pure boringness. 

Sighing, Harry turned on his heel and walked towards the front door. 

"What?" a grumpy looking Louis answered the door, just as Harry was about to knock. All of Harry's confidence drained away, Louis was shorter than him. A lot shorter but he was a lot stronger and as much as Harry hated calling someone this, he was sure the smaller man from Doncaster was The Devil in disguise. Shaking his head, the red haired man took a step towards Harry. 

"I asked you a question, princess." Louis smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I-I.. Um.. Can you keep the music down? Please." Harry whispered the last word, recoiling at the thought of Louis hitting him or breaking his crown. He'd never done it before but deep down, Harry had always known Louis wanted to rip the thing off his head and make the curly haired lad watch as he ripped each flower out, letting them float to the floor.

"Oh, sorry Harry." Louis smiled, not a smirk, and shut the door in Harry's face. 

Well that was weird. 

* * * *

Saturday Night. A new club that just opened down the street from the block of flats both Harry and Louis lived in. 

For Louis, it was easy. He's simply go with his best friend Zayn and Nick.
For Harry, it was a battle for both Niall and Liam to try to get the younger boy to come and finally have some fun. After all, he just finished University, how else could you celebrate?

"Please, please, please Harry!" Niall begged, grabbing Harry's hands. Shaking his head, Harry pulled his arm back and went back to making another crown. 

"Sorry Ni, I.. Louis would be there and he.. Doesn't want me around?" Harry tried giving them an excuse, he knew they were scared of Louis too. Thinking it was a believable one, he smiled when he finally entwined the last white flower in place.

"No, he doesn't hate you. I can tell, he always gives you a look. Please Harry! Live a little." Liam laughed, ruffling the curls on his best friends head.

"Ugh, fine." Harry grumbled. Giving in to the whining of the two older boys. After all, a little fun couldn't hurt, right?

* * * *

"This place is awesome!" Louis shouted over the music to Zayn, they were both dancing in the middle of room, fuled on alcohol. Louis had his ripped, black, skinny jeans on along with his Hipsta Please shirt on. Zayn, dressed almost the same, was nodding and attempting to twerk along to Gas Pedal. 

Laughing, Louis turned around to the bar but stopped when something caught his eye. Harry, Liam and Niall were standing there, well.. Sitting, at the bar and having a convosation. Smiling when Niall and Liam laughed at something Harry said. 

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