Interviews {Larry}

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Harry's POV - 

Interviews are so boring. You end up answering things that our fans probably even know, the woman who usually does it is a try hard and wears too much make up and if it's a man, he's rude and snobby.

* * * *

"So, who's single and who isn't?" The man asked, his yellow teeth giving off an ugly smile as he pretended to care about our relationship statuses.

"I'm.. In a relationship.. With a girl." Louis mumbled, looking down at his hands. The man nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm single." Niall smiled, his cheeks turning red. Again, the man nodded and raised his eyebrow again.

"I got an amazing girlfriend." Liam forced a fake smile. It's like he doesn't even try anymore.

"I'm getting married soon." Zayn said proudly, the man scoffed, making Zayn glare at him. This isn't going to end well, Zayn hates rude interviewers, more then the rest of us.

"Harry?" The interviewer coaxed me on but I just stared at him. He sighed and moved on, asking us about our new tour in 2014.

"So Harry, any girls you plan to get?" He laughed. I sighed, shaking my head. The boys were glaring at the man but he didn't even notice.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean plan to get?" Louis raised an eyebrow, sitting back in his seat. I know how this will go, the guy will call me something and Louis will get defensive. Liam would end up trying to change the subject while Niall and Zayn would sit back and keep quiet.

"Oh you know. Harry's the classic British man whore." There it is.

"I don't agree." Niall spoke up, I mouthed 'Thank you' to him and went back to listening to what Louis was planning to say.

"How?" Louis asked through gritted teeth. His face was turning redder and his fingers were tapping on his leg.

"A home wrecker. He's with Kendall Jenner but seen with Taylor Swift again." The smirk was back on the interviewers face.

"I'm sorry but Harry isn't a home wrecker and there is no way he's more then friends with those girls. If you have anything else to say about my boyfriend then you can tell that to your boss when you get fired." Louis laughed at the end before getting up and walking out the room.

"Good luck mate." Zayn laughed, getting up and going off in the direction Louis ran off in.

"Not cool." Niall rolled his eyes and ran off. Liam was looking between me and the interviewer.

"Bye." I laughed, putting my middle finger up to the man. Liam gasped and pulled me out the room.

"What the hell? That was live! Louis called you his boyfriend. You.. Oh my god, management will kill us!" Liam rambled, I nodded and looked over to Louis who was already standing with his hand on his hip, telling something to Niall and Zayn who just stood there, nodding.

"Sorry man." Liam pulled me into a hug. It didn't bother me. I'm used to getting called all these things, the only one that annoyed me is when they would say something about the boys or my friends. I learned to ignore it and smile, just like my mum told me to do.

"It's okay. Let's just go before Louis says something else, yeah?" Liam nodded and we walked over to the boys. Louis' face was still red, Niall and Zayn were biting their lip, looking anxious.

"Let's go before that fat twat says something else." Louis flicked his hair out his eyes and strutted off to the door. I chuckled but we all followed him. Louis the leader.


"Babe?" I knocked on Louis' door. I heard a grunt then the door opened. Louis looked up at me then smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling me in his room, shutting the door after him.

"Something wrong, Lou?" I mused, holding my arms out for him so I could give him a hug. Another thing I couldn't do in public any more.

"No. Well, yes. How dare that man say that about you. You're perfect, I can't see why he'd even think that about you. Does he not know how much you mean to me? How easy it would be for me to kick him in the ugly head because it's just like football, kick and win. I hate him so much, Harry. Why didn't you say anything?" Louis ranted, his face getting red again. 

"I don't need to when I know I got you to look out for me." I smiled, kissing the top of Louis head.

"You're lucky Styles, try getting Kendall to do that shit for you every time some dick tries to make you upset." 

"I wouldn't want her to do that anyway." Louis smirked, knowing he's won.

"I love you, H."

"I love you too, Lou."


Updated March 2016

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