The New Kid. {Ziall}

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*  Liam's POV  *

"I don't believe it!" Niall yelled, slamming his fist down on the table. "Someone hacked my fucking account, again!" I felt a laugh build up in my throat, Niall's twitter always gets hacked.

"Mr. Horan! Watch your language." Our teacher glared at Mr. Horan then carried on with her work. 

"Yeah, Niall. You gotta watch your language." Louis tutted and then turned back to Harry and Sam to carry on their conversation. 

"Get fucked." Niall huffed, slamming the laptop lid down and storming out the room. This wasn't new, Niall was known around school for his short temper and filthy language.

"Niall, come back mate." Niall smiled at Louis, the one who told him to come back, then stuck his middle finger up at him and slammed the door. 

"He'll need to change his attitude," Our teacher sighed and went to call the school's secretary to tell them that Niall would probably walk out of school. "Or he wont get far in life." Half the class nodded, the half that didn't really understand Niall at all. The other half shrugged, the ones that admired Niall's attitude to life and how he "doesn't really give a fuck" about things.

* * * *

Half way through the class we got a knock on the door. Our teacher smirked, obviously thinking Niall had been caught and returned but it wasn't. 

It was a boy we hadn't seen before.

"Hello, Mrs. Williams, this is the new student we were talking about today..." Our head teacher gave Mrs. Williams a weird look, like they'd been talking shit about the new kid already.

"Ah! Mr. Malik, you can have Mr. Horan's seat. He never stays in this class for more than five minutes anyway." She smiled at Malik and handed him a new book to do his work in. This class was our social studies. We never did the work and just spent the lessons on the laptops messing around on Twitter or Tumblr.

"Whatever." Malik's deep accent was clear, he'd stand out in this class. Everyone having a Cheshire accent. His dark hair styled up in a quiff. He wore black skinny jeans and a tank top on, showing his sleeve of tattoos. When he walked over to me and sat down he stank of fags and Lynx.

I smiled at him, getting a grin in return. "Hi, I'm Liam." He nodded and looked around. I followed his eyes, "That's Harry." He nodded, "That's Louis." Getting another nod he looked at Sam, "And that's Sam." 

"Alright. I'm Zayn. Who's the kids spot I took?" I sighed, I don't like talking about Niall when he isn't here. Some of the kids would listen in and tell Niall, getting me in a fight with him.

"Niall.. Horan." I gave a fake smile and turned back to my laptop. 

"Horan? Perfect." Zayn muttered, I couldn't tell if it was sarcastically or he really meant that sitting in Niall's seat was actually perfect. I couldn't wait to see Niall's face when he walked in class tomorrow.

* * * * 

"Hey guys." Niall smiled, waving as he walked up to us at lunch. "Fucking head teacher found me outside school having a fag so now I got a detention after school." 

"Are you going?" Louis asked, pulling himself away from Harry's lips long enough to ask. Niall shrugged.

"If it's Mr. Davies taking it then nah but if it's the new sports teacher then fuck yes." Normally, you'd think he's talking about some hot woman who's got a boob job and fake blonde hair but nope, Niall was talking about the new male sports teacher. He had short black hair, green eyes and a nice personality (a big ass..)

"Alright mate." Louis giggled and re attached his lips to Harry, blocking us out. How they manage to not fuck each other on the table is a mystery to me.

"Who's that." Niall jabbed me in the ribs with his elbow and motioned towards Zayn. He was currently sitting on the grass, a fag in his mouth and drawing in a book. His face was hidden from Niall because the tree was giving off a shadow.

"Zayn." I muttered, taking my chocolate bar out and taking a bite.

"Zayn.. Malik?" I nodded, smiling when Nialll's cheeks started to show a blush appearing.

"Know him?" I nudged Niall in the ribs this time, he shook his head quickly and coughed. I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my chocolate.

"Oh no." Niall and I watched as we saw the head teacher walking up to Zayn. We shared a look and ran over, dropping my chocolate bar on the bench.

"- And smoking is banned on the school grounds Mr. Malik! That's an after school detention tonight. One hour." The head teacher was clearly losing his temper by the way Zayn was smirking at him. It wasn't even lit, he just had it in his mouth.

"Sir, he didn't know." I lied. He clearly saw all the signs that said "NO SMOKING" in bright red letters.

"Cut him some slack sir, he's only been here for half a day." Niall walked in front of Zayn, almost protectively. 

"Mr. Horan, do not interfere. You already have a detention after school, would you like exclusion for back chatting a teacher?" I sighed, just leave it Niall..

"That's bullshit, you can't exclude me because you're a twat." Niall snorted after, making himself laugh. 

"Mr. Horan! In my office, now. And as for you Mr. Payne, you might want to re think your friends. These two would only end up corrupting you." Niall huffed and walked off in the opposite direction of his office and took out a cigarette. Lighting it and taking a long drag. Our head teacher's face went bright red as he stormed off to his office, to call Niall's father. 

"Thought he knew better than that." I huffed, walking over to Niall. Zayn followed, his note book tucked under his arm and his quiff falling.

"Obviously not." Zayn said, finally speaking up for the first time since social studies. "Thanks, by the way." Niall nodded, avoiding eye contact as he took another drag.

"Well, uh.. What's your number? You seem like an alright guy." I smiled at Zayn as he fished out his mobile and handed it to me. I put in my number and Niall's but the phone already recognised Niall's so I put in Harry's and Louis'. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I smiled. They were still cuddled up on the bench, their lunch far forgotten.

"Thanks." Zayn put the phone back in his pocket. I watched as he pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Need a lighter?" Niall asked, probably wondering why he hasn't lit it yet. The dark haired boy shook his head,

"It's a metaphor." He said simply, walking off to sit back under the tree.

"You going to the detention?" I asked, Niall's gaze still fixed on Zayn as he opened his note book and his phone, typing something out and then putting it back.

"Yes.. Fuck yes." Niall said quietly, reading his new text message and replying. I grabbed his phone and took a look, ignoring Niall's shouts and demands to give it back.

It was a message from someone named "Him.." asking,

Why are you staring at me?

Niall's reply was cute, in my opinion..

Because you're beautiful.


SOrry for not updating in like two weeks.. idk.

Okay I'm making this a short story so if you want to read more then you can read it. :) 

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