Marry Me? {Larry}

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Stepping out the shower, I ran a hand through my soaking hair that would soon turn back to it's curly state. Looking in the mirror, I grinned to myself. 

"Hurry up Harry!" a bang at the door was signalling I was already late as it is and I wasn't even changed, let alone my hair was still dripping wet and my brown ears sticking through my hair. Laughing a bit, I towel dried my hair and ran a hand through it again, making sure my ears were covered though I flattened them myself. Thank god I don't have a tail, that would've been worse.

Pulling on my boxers, black skinny jeans with the rips in the knees and a white t-shirt, I looked in the mirror once more before cleaning my teeth and going to the toilet. Smiling once more in the mirror, I looked pleased with my appearance for once so I unlocked the door and looked round my room. No one was here but I do know it was Louis, my boyfriend, who disturbed me.

"Hurry up, curly." Zayn appeared in the doorway of my bedroom, smirking. 

"Why? It's only-" I looked at the clocked "10:23, the interview isn't until 12." I said in a matter-of-factly voice. Zayn shook his head but still had a smirk placed on his tanned face.

"Just hurry up 'arry." He winked before going back to his room to probably do his hair again. Smiling, I walked out my room, shut the door and walked down stairs to see my boyfriend, Liam and Niall sitting on the sofa eating toast and watching re-runs of The Simpsons. Rolling my eyes, I reached over to grab a piece of Niall's toast but only got my hand slapped away.

Sighing, I looked to Louis hopefully. He nodded at me before looking at Niall.

"Oi Niall, share your food piggy." Louis smirked, resting his empty plate on the coffee table, turning back to the TV. Niall sighed, passed me a bit of toast and then shooed me away. 

"Guys, we should go." Liam muttered just before I was about to sit down. Rolling my eyes, I stuffed the bit of toast in my mouth and walked to the front door, grabbing my phone and wallet. 

"Harry, sit in the front with Louis today." Zayn smirked, winking at me. I have no idea what the fuck he's playing at today but it better not be a joke on me. No way can I get water dumped on me during an interview or in the streets. Only the boys, their families and mine know I'm a hybrid, apart from Louis. Probably one of the biggest secrets I have, that and mine and Louis' relationship that still wasn't aloud to come out. Not until 2017 anyway.

"Sure, come on H, time for.. Fun?" Louis laughed, dragging me out by my arm. Looking back, the boys were walking far behind us. I could hear fans shouting and screaming outside our house. 

"Louis! Harry! Louis!" I heard all the cheers. Smiling and waving, Louis turned and winked at me, making my cheeks turn red.

"It's official, me and Harry are married! I'm going to be a daddy!" Louis screamed, making the crowd of girls scream and some even cried. Of course, Louis was joking.. Sadly.

Louis turned to me, smiled and kissed my cheek. Another scream of the crowd. 

"Louis! What are you doing?!" I hissed, stepping back from him. He only took a step towards me, held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me into a hug. 

"Showing them how much I love you, stupid." Louis whispered in my ear. He dropped his arms from my body and got on one knee. 

My body started shaking, Louis was on one knee, reaching in his back pocket. 

"Harry Edward Styles. I've loved you since I met you in that shit-smelly bathroom. I think you're perfect, I'm in love with you and I know you love me too Harold because I can see it when you look at me.. Harry, will you marry me?" Louis smiled at me, holding out a ring in a black box. By now, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. My throat was dry and I found it hard to answer. Louis stood back up, looked at me then ran off. 

"Louis!?" I screamed, he didn't stop. He kept running, away from me. I looked at the boys, their hands covering their mouths. Looking at the crowd, they were silent and staring at me. Well, more my head. 

Reaching my hand up to my hair, I felt my hand brush over my ears.. Fuck.

Running in the direction Louis took off in, I heard people calling after me but my attention was to the Doncaster boy who was running away from me. His own boyfriend. Tears were still rolling down my face but they weren't from happiness, it was from sadness. What if Louis hates me? Thinks I'm a freak and dumps me. 

"L-Lou?" I whispered. I heard a sniff then a cough. Realizing it was from Louis, I walked over to a big tree and looked up. Louis was sitting on a branch, not looking at me but focusing on the lake that was behind our house.

Climbing up to sit next to him, I poked him. He looked at me then down at the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered, playing with his hands.

"I'm sorry. I guess I didn't want you to leave me or hate me." I sniffed, trying to stop my tears from starting again. Louis sighed and put his arm around me.

"Listen, idiot, I told you. I think you're perfect." he kissed my head and we just sat there, watching the birds, the sun setting. It was perfect.

"Oh yeah, I'll marry you Lou." I smiled, kissing his head in return.

"And I'd marry you Harry." Louis laughed, I rolled my eyes and held out my hand for him to take. He took it and we entwined fingers.

"Because it rhymes?" I laughed, jumping down from the tree and pulling the shorter boy with me. Smiling at each other, we leaned in to kiss when my phone buzzed.

It was a text from Liam, "Did you say yes? Did you sort it out?! Tell us!" Rolling my eyes, I put my phone back in my pocket and leaned in to kiss Louis again but this time, Louis' phone went off. It was the Twitter tone he had.

"Oh fuck." He laughed, turning the phone to me to let me see. It was a Tweet Liam sent.

'@Real_Liam_Payne; @Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles HARRY SAID YES!'

I laughed, kissing Louis for the first time today and I felt the same butterflies in my stomach I did the first time we kissed.

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