You Need Me, I Don't Need You {Tomlinshaw/Larry Stylinson} 2/3

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Louis was sitting in his hospital bed, sleeping while Harry stood at the end of his bed trying to control his anger towards Nick. The doctors confirmed Louis' miscarriage and that's when Louis broke down. Harry spent hours with Louis, trying to calm him down so he wouldn't have a panic attack. Louis was heartbroken and Harry hated seeing him like that. Zayn phoned him and said Nick hasn't been caught yet so Louis would have to be careful if he was out alone.

"Harry?" Louis' soft voice broke Harry's concentration pattern and brought him back to reality.

"Hi, baby." Harry moved so he was sitting by Louis. The smaller boy gave a weak smile and sighed. "How are you feeling?" Louis shrugged, breaking eye contact with Harry and looking out the window, "He won't come near you anymore, I promise you."

"I know," Louis wiggled around in the bed and groaned. Harry knew hospital beds weren't comfortable from past experiences. He wished this never happened to Louis. He remembers the first time he met Louis and how happy the boy was.

The closer they got, the more Harry could see the cracks in Louis' personality. The insecurities, the shame he had for being himself. When he found out Nick beat Louis on a regular basis, it wasn't a pretty ending. They were both drinking and sharing a comforting silence until Louis slurred out the words "Nick beats me when I don't behave" with a smile on his face. Harry watched the smile fade and the tears fall down his best friends face.

He promised that he'd never let Nick touch him in the way he didn't want it, but he let Louis' down. He knew the younger boy always wanted a baby, a family, to call his own.

"I want to go home, to yours. Ours." Harry always smiled when Louis referred to his house as theirs, but he wasn't allowed to go home yet.

"Not yet baby, the doctors need to talk to you after. Okay? So try and get more sleep." Harry smiled as Louis closed his eyes.

Harry stayed until Louis was asleep, before sneaking out the room he kissed Louis' head and told him he'd be back.

Harry was determined to find Nick, luckily he knew where he would be hiding out.

Getting out his phone, Harry dialled Zayn's number and waited for him to answer, "Hello? If you're phoning to talk to David then fuck off." Zayn huffed.

"It's Harry. Who the fuck is David?" Harry laughed, it was a new name every week. Last week it was Mikey.

"I don't fuckin' know man, been calling for a David all bloody week. How's Lou?" Harry could hear the worry in Zayn's voice even when he didn't show it.

"Sleeping. I need you to come with me, I'm going to find Nick. Meet me at the old children's hospital in ten minutes." Harry didn't wait for a reply before ending the call and putting his phone back in his pocket.


"This is a stupid idea, you know he's always got a knife with him. What if we get hurt?" Harry huffed, he already told Zayn the plan but the older boy still had doubts.

"If you're scared then piss off mate, I don't need someone who's going to wimp out. He ruined Louis' life, he deserves what we've planned, yeah?" Zayn nodded and they took a deep breath before sneaking through the broken window around the back of the hospital.

They looked around the room they ended up in. It was empty but they could hear something coming from the other room that was next to the current one they were in. They shared a look before following the noise.

"What the fuck?" Zayn whispered. Both boys were looking at Nick sitting on the floor, his back against the wall and a gun by his leg.

"Oh look, Malik and Styles have showed up. Fucking perfect, go on.. Shoot me, kill me, I killed him and the baby after all." Nick let his head hang before bringing it back up and hitting it against the wall. Harry cringed at the sound it made as the mans skull hit the solid surface.

"Hurry up!" Nick screamed, getting up and storming over to Zayn and pushing him against the wall. His back hit the wall and Nick started shaking Zayn by his shoulders, "Do it, hurry up and kill me already!" Harry pulled Nick off him, allowing Zayn to punch the man in the stomach.

Harry was ready to kill him, he had so much anger built up in him. He knew the pain Louis felt and it fuelled his anger even more. He was chocking Nick, loving that Nick could now feel what Louis had been feeling for over four years.

"Police! Drop your weapons and put your hands where we can see them!" Four men in blue uniforms stormed in the room and pulled Harry away from Nick. Zayn didn't need to be held back but Harry was screaming. His face was red and, because of his habit of biting his lip when he was angry, one of his snake bites were bleeding, making him spit blood in the direction of Nick. "Mr. Styles if you don't calm down then we'll have to arrest you." It was enough to make Harry stop fighting against the bigger man holding him back.

"Nicholas Grimshaw, you are under arrest for attempted murder and three other accounts of rape and domestic abuse." The police officer who was holding Harry felt the punk boy stiffen up under his grip and start shaking. The other police man picked up the gun in a plastic bag and put it in his pocket.

"You sick fuck! I'll kill you Nick, I fucking swear!" Harry screamed, "How could you touch him like that, you disgusting human!" Nick didn't reply, but he smiled at Harry, trying to make the boy even angrier.

"Get him out of here, Styles needs to calm down." The police officer who was currently putting on handcuffs on Nick nodded his head in the direction of the door. Zayn followed Harry out of the room and into another one so his best friend could calm down and they could go back to the hospital and tell Louis before the police could.


Im so sorry I really don't know how long it's been since I updated anyway here is something I haven't followed up on though it's been in my drafts for three months? Maybe. Anyway, hi and again sorry.

Vote, comment and maybe I'll do a double update?

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