Thunder Storms {Larry}

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(Set in 2013)

It's not that Louis is scared. That's not the reason at all. He just hate loud noises, it didn't scare him... It just made him nervous.

It's stupid actually. He's twenty and scared of thunder storms. But this isn't like London storms, the boys were in America and Harry spent the day telling Louis how storms usually turn into tornadoes and millions of people go missing. It put Louis on edge but Liam scolded Harry. He said sorry, and the two boys spent the day cuddling, waiting for the thunder storm to end. Unfortunately for Louis, it didn't end by night time and Harry ended up regretting telling Louis those stories.

* * * *

"Louis?" Harry called his boyfriends name, waking up when he felt all the movement in the bed. When he sat up, Harry could see Louis moving around, almost thrashing in the bed. He knew Louis was scared of thunder storms, and he had made it so much worse with those stories but he didn't know the stories would lead to nightmares, or whatever this was. "Lou, wake up, baby..." Harry tried to find a way to pull his boyfriend to him, his head finally landing close enough so Harry could run his hand through Louis' hair. He used his other hand to stroke up and down Louis' arm, a comforting gesture for his boyfriend.

"Nngh," Louis started to wake up, eyes opening and body calming down. "Harry?"

"Hi baby." Harry smiled, happy his boyfriend was awake. "You okay?"

"No, I- Had a bad dream." Harry nodded, ready to listen. "I was stuck outside, in the thunder and I guess what you said got to me because there was a tornado coming and I couldn't hide. I was alone, and no one was there with me," Louis sniffed, and Harry just kissed his head.

"You know that wouldn't happen." Harry sighed, laying back down. Louis' head was now resting on his boyfriend's stomach.

"I know that."

"Do you?" Harry teased, his hand still in Louis' hair.

"Of course!" A thunder clap made Louis jump, the lightening after making him shut his eyes. "Eh... I hate this."

"Why are you so scared of thunder?" Harry asked, interested to know the reason. Louis shrugged,

"I guess it's just a natural fear? I don't remember anything happening for me to be scared of it by memory." Louis sighed, rolling off Harry so he could move to face him. "But I've got my frog, so I'm okay." Louis laughed when Harry snorted, a smile spreading across his face.

"Always," Harry said, kissing Louis' head. "Try and sleep, okay? I'll stay awake longer, just in case." Harry kissed Louis' head once more and smiled when his boyfriend closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Harry would always look after Louis like this, random things setting him off and making him nervous, but it was okay. He didn't mind, and didn't think he ever would. Harry had loved Louis from the moment he laid eyes on him and was over the moon when he learnt those feelings were returned. The two had always been close, but just from these little experiences and intimate moments, Harry and Louis' relationship was becoming stronger and stronger and it was the best thing ever.


Re-written in March 2016, this is the larry version :)

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