Better Than This {Larry}

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Louis' POV - 

"So, Harry, you and Kendall have been seen together. Anything official?" A blonde girl asked, her face showing nothing but hate. I couldn't blame her, I was pretty angry about all this shit too. 

"No. We're just friends." Harry laughed, making my cheeks heat up. I looked up at Harry, his bright green eyes looking dull.. 

"Good! I think Niall and Louis are cute together." the girl winked at me, making me choke on air. I laughed nervously and turned away. If one more person brings up me and Niall I'm going to scream. Niall is cute, sure, but Harry is my everything. I just wanted to get this interview over. It's one with fans. We sit in a room and they come in, asking anything they want.

A short brown girl with blue eyes walked in, her focus went straight to Liam. I smirked, the look she was giving him gave me the impression this was going to be a rude question.

"Liam, hi.. Uh, my friends were wondering.." the girl trailed off, unsure of how to finish her question. Niall shifted in his seat and looked at Zayn who was half asleep. I looked at Harry, he was already looking at me so I went back to looking at the girl, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Ask away, babe." Liam smiled, trying his best to make the girl feel comfortable.

"How big is your dick." the girls face went bright red. I tried my best to hold in my laughter, so did Harry and Niall but we couldn't. The look on Liam's face was priceless and it was too good.

"W-What?" Liam choked on his spit and had to take a deep breath before having a coughing fit.

"How big?" the girl asked again, trying to act cool. I sniffed and looked back to Harry. He had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. He looked perfect..

"11.." Niall muttered but laughed loudly when Liam nudged him with arm, almost pushing him off his chair.

"Well.. Bye!" the brunette ran off and the next girl walked in with her friend. One was tall and one was short. The tall one had brown curly hair and from the looks of it, green eyes. The short one had brown straight hair and blue eyes. I smiled, they reminded me of Harry so much it made my face heat up all over again.

"Hey, boys." they giggled, I sighed. Girls giggling always annoyed me, especially if they faked it.

"Hello." we said together, laughing a bit. I felt like Harry's eyes were on me.

"So..? Questions?" I tried not to sound rude but I really wanted to get this over with, no one had anything interesting and I bet the fans new all these things they were asking anyway.

"Is Larry real?" 

"Oh my god, Chloe! You can't ask that." the shorter girl slapped the taller ones arm. I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. Harry coughed.

"Um, I'm the ring leader. They don't wanna talk about their relationship right now." Niall sighed, at least he knew. 

Me and Harry are together but we keep fighting. Kendall and Nick seem to always get in and try to ruin things, so I'd get jealous.. Harry would get jealous too, over Stan and Eleanor and it really pisses me off because he was there when Eleanor signed the contract. Stan doesn't even like me in that way and visa versa.. Honestly, he's such a drama queen.

"Oh, sorry." the girls sighed and walked out, closing the door a bit harder then I think they wanted to.


"Fucking hell." I sighed, getting into mine and Harry's shared car. He gave me a worried look but didn't say anything. He turned on the engine and we drove home in an awkward silence.


"Can you just talk to me?" I pulled Harry back from going up the stairs to the bedroom, like he always does.

"Why? So we can talk about Stan?" Harry's face dropped and his eyes were dark.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled, losing my temper.

"Nothing! Why does something always seem like a problem to you?" Harry yelled back, probably louder. I sighed for the millionth time today and ran a hand through my hair. Harry was glaring at me, his eyes looking dark.

"Why don't you want me anymore?" my voice cracked, I knew I was going to cry but I can't hold it in anymore. I needed to know why Harry treats me differently.

"What?" Harry's voice lowered and he started moving towards me.

"You heard.. Why don't you want me? Am I not good enough? Has Kendall finally turned you against me? Answer me!" I was screaming, my chest rising up and down faster then I thought it could before I felt Harry push me against the wall. Holding my hands over my head by my wrist.

"Don't say that." Harry whispered, his lips close to mine.

"If you're teasing me then get lost, I don't need this shit Harry. Every time I see you with her my heart breaks and it's fucking me over!" I yelled, tears rolling down my cheeks. Usually I'd fight them back because crying showed how weak I was to him.

"I love you." Harry whispered, kissing my cheek. I felt a spark, my whole face heating up and my head started to spin.

"Babe?" Harry's voice cracked. I felt him pull down my sleeve. I felt regret fill my body. I only planned to try it, to see if it really did get rid of the pain but I got addicted. It was finally letting me feel like I was in control of my body again, of my feelings.


"I thought we stopped this, Lou. I thought we were doing better." Harry dropped his head and let my hands fall to my side. He looked up at me, his eyes watering. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, finally defeated. There wasn't any point hiding it anymore, if Harry knows then so will the boys soon.

"You're so perfect." Harry mumbled, picking up my arm and kissed it. It stung but I didn't tell him, probably because I like the pain.

"Don't lie." I huffed, trying to pull my arm away but Harry grunted, he pressed his lips to my skin and littered it with kisses. My heart swelled. No ones ever cared enough or even bothered to see if what a fan said once was true. He was the only one who tried.

"I'm not lying. You, Louis, are perfect. You need to stop this, I'll help you baby. We need to get through this and I promise it'll get better." Harry kissed my arm once more before moving so he could pull me closer to his body, wrapping his arms around my middle. I was full on crying now. I let my head fall between the crook of Harry's neck. He kissed my head and started rocking our bodies side to side. 

"I'm so sorry." I repeated. Harry sighed and put his hands under my bum, lifting me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his middle. He kissed my cheek and turned to head upstairs. I rested my head on his shoulder and hummed. For once I finally felt happy. I was so lucky to have Harry in my life, god knows what it would be like without him or the rest of the lads. 

"Sleep, Lou. I'll look after you." Harry kissed my head as he laid me down on the bed. I smiled up at him, taking off my shirt and pants before kicking off my shoes and sliding under the covers. I hummed again and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of Harry singing along.

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