New To This {Hybrid Narry}

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Harry was lonely. He craved some attention but he couldn't get any. Louis was Eleanor, Zayn was with Perrie and Liam was back with Danielle. 

"Why don't you get a hybrid?" Liam suggested one day. So, being Harry. That's what he did. 

*Harry's POV*

Today I get my hybrid. I'm adopting one of course, no way could I find one or could afford to have one created for me and I would feel mean for taking someone's life to mix it with an animals DNA.

Walking up to the store that sold old, new, abused, lost or unwanted hybrids, I couldn't wait. I finally had just enough money to adopt a kitten boy. That's just what I wanted, a ball of energy, bright eyes and blonde hair. He had to have blonde hair, I think that was the only thing I wanted him to have the most. It would be a plus if he was gay too, so we could cuddle and it wouldn't be weird for him.

"Can I help you, sir?" the woman smiled, standing behind the counter.

"I'd like to adopt a kitten?" I smiled back, showing off my dimples. I was proud I had them, I think they gave me more attention with the men.

"Of course, follow me." she walked to a door that had a sign on it 'Kittens and dogs'. Reading it, I sighed. This wont be easy to chose.

"So, you can have a look at them and then chose the one that you think suits you." the smiled at me, I nodded, not really paying attention to her. It was amazing. Cages, big enough for them of course, lined up with one kitten or dog in one each. I walked to the first one, a boy. He hissed and ran behind his bed. Sighing, I walked past several more that hissed at me until I got to a cage with a little kitten in it. He was smaller than the rest and was shaking. His dirty blonde hair up in a quiff to the side but the thing that got me was his blonde ears. Perfect little blonde triangles but getting darker near the ends to match the roots showing on his hair. 

Looking at him, he showed no interest. Humming, I tapped on the cage door. I got nothing and started wondering if he was deaf. Kneeling down, I picked up his papers to read more about him.

'Niall, 17. Irish. Niall was rescued after we received a call mentioning Niall getting abused. His old owner had raped and used Niall for chores. Niall needs a loving, trusting home but not with too many people.' 

My eyes widened. He was perfect. 

"Excuse me?" I called, getting the woman's attention. She smiled at me but frowned when she saw I was standing beside Niall's cage.

"Sir, are you sure about this one? He's not very trusting and he doesn't talk." she told me, pointing at Niall.

"It's fine, I'd love to have him." I smiled, trying to get her to give in and let me.

"Alright, if you'd come this way to sign his papers and you can be on your way with him." she mumbled, gesturing me to follow her.


After signing all the papers, paying and getting Niall into the car, we were home.

"Niall?" I whispered, kneeling down behind my sofa.

"Niall.. I wont hurt you, you can trust me." I tried, to only get a sad smile back from him. Smiling back, I went to the kitchen to make dinner. Niall can eat the same as me for today, I was having fish anyway.

Frying the fish, I could hear small feet padding into the kitchen slowly, as if he was waiting for something to happen.

"Niall!" I yelled, smiling at him. At least he came out from behind the sofa, I had no idea how long it's been since I cleaned behind it.

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