YouTube Kings {Larry ft. Niam}

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I don't know how many parts there will be, but I'll try and keep it to a long one shot rather than little parts. (TRIGGER WARNING: Self harm mention.)

BountifulBananas (a.k.a Harry Styles) is a twenty one year old bisexual YouTube vlogger with over five million subscribers from Cheshire.

InfactSmalli (a.k.a Louis Tomlinson) is a twenty three year old gay YouTube vlogger with over seven million subscribers from Doncaster.

The two met in the comment section of a British YouTuber called AmazingPhil. They shared different opinions on the pizza top Phil was wearing and decided to follow each other on Twitter to carry on the "banter". The fight soon caught the attention of Louis' fans and Harry's, shortly after their argument their fans started to write fan fiction and create fan art about them. Much to Louis' anger, they still carried on until one day he had enough and tweeted to his seven million followers;

"I wish you guys would stop insinuating things. I might be gay, but my standards are higher than that. Big love to you all !!"

The reaction he had wasn't really planned but he didn't care. No way he'd lower his (imaginable) standards for his fans. Not in hell.

Harry was sitting on his bed, in the middle of recording when his phone declared that he had a Twitter notification from Louis (he didn't know how to turn the notifications off... Not that he wanted to).

"And, before I say anything else, Louis. I think you'd be lucky to have someone like me. You little shit." Harry added, smiling at the end. "Well, that's all I have for today guys. Have a good one, all the love." Signing off, Harry turned the camera around and ended recording.

* * *

"How dare he!" Louis shouted, Harry's video just finished playing on his computer. He didn't know he was in it but he's thankful he did watch it because this was an outrage! How dare that curly headed boy call him out in a video.

"I know... He said something nice, wow." Louis' friend, Liam replied. He was bored listening to Louis go on and on about Harry and how rude he is.

"He called me a little shit!" Louis screeched, stomping his size six vans and placing his dainty hand on his woman-like hips. "I mean I know I'm a shit, but I'm not little!"

"You know what you are, Lou?"




"No, Lou. You're a little shit. Deal with it." Liam yawned, his attention going back to his phone.

"Why do you even own a phone, Li? No one talks to you anyway." Louis cackled, dodging a pillow that Liam threw at him.

"It's so when you call me up after having one-too-many and declare your love for me, I can record it." The bigger boy laughed, though Louis grimaced and walked into his bedroom. He had an idea for a video, and would call it "Dear Harold, fuck you."

* * *

Louis didn't know why he felt so bad when he woke up the next day. It was probably because he actually uploaded the video and thought he could play it off as a joke. The views on the video grew and the fans that loved the idea of Louis and Harry together quickly changed their mind and stuck up for Harry.

Harsh comments were left on Louis' video. Some didn't even have anything to do with the actual video, just pointing out Louis' flaws.

Liam wasn't home, and Louis needed him after he finished reading the comments. The itch on his thigh started to creep back and all he needed was his best friend, but he was alone. Trying his best, Louis sadly gave in and went to his bathroom, locking the door and picking up his razor.

* * *

"Dear Harold, Fuck You?" Harry laughed, how mature of Louis. He loved it. Harry watched it at least five times before looking at the comments. Shocked, Harry quickly wrote out a comment of his own.

"Guys, it's just a bit of banter. Please keep mean comments to yourself, it's not nice and Louis doesn't deserve this. Even if he is a little shit. x"

Posting it, Harry was anxious for Louis' response. It was always quick and made Harry happy that he was always so attentive to comments.

But nothing happened. No response, no cheeky tweet. Nothing.

* * *

Harry was worried, it was a week since Louis uploaded that video and a eight days since they last spoke.

Worried was an understatement.

He took to Twitter and tweeted,

"Has anyone heard from Louis? Anyone of his fans seen him this week??"

Sending it, Harry waited for Louis' fans to answer him and reassure him. That didn't happen either. Instead he got tweets like,

"You haven't heard from him either?"

"We were hoping you were talking to him..."

The trend #WhereAreYouLouis was soon world wide and both fandoms were working on trying to find out.

One fan sent Harry a file, a leaked bit of information about Louis. His phone number and address was on it. Taking a screenshot, Harry dialled the number and tapped his foot.

A low voice answered and said, "I'm sorry but Louis is in the hospital. I'll have him call you when he's better."

"Wait! What? Where? Can I see him?" Harry's heart was on overdrive.

"What's your name?"

"Harry. Styles... Harry Styles. I do know Louis, I promise. I was worried and I didn't get a response from him-"

"Harry? You better get your ass here. Now." It turns out it was Louis' friend Liam. He told Harry the hospitals name and gave him thirty minutes to turn up or he wouldn't let Harry see him.

"I'm leaving now." Harry said, ending the call and putting his phone in his pocket. Anything could've happened to Louis, but the way Liam's tone of voice changed, Harry had his suspicions that it had something to do with him. It made Harry uneasy and the drive to the hospital was anything but comforting. But at least Louis was okay, right?

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