My Perfect Boy {Narry} 1/2

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A/N - Abuse mention. 

At first it didn't seem so bad, Niall would have a bruise on his arm and he would claim he "bumped into something" or the ones on his stomach when he "fell over" or "football got a bit physical today" but Harry never believed it, neither did the other boys but they kept their mouth shut. 

* * * *

He noticed it Monday.

"Hey, Ni." Harry smiled, dropping down next to Niall on the sofa. Niall didn't move but his breathing started to become quicker and shorter. 

"What's wrong?" Harry went to put his arm over his band mate but Niall jumped away and said his shoulders hurt from training. 

Liar, Harry thought. Niall had training Wednesdays with Zayn. 


Tuesday was better. Niall hugged Harry and Liam, smiling and laughing along with Louis but it stopped when Niall's boyfriend came to pick him up after being with the boys for a day. Niall's smile dropped and his face paled. Harry's heart started to beat faster and Louis had to pull him out the room so Harry could calm down.

"What's wrong with you?" Louis hissed at Harry. Brushing off Louis' tone, Harry told him about his thoughts of Niall's boyfriend being abusive. Louis agreed and said they have to watch to see the signs. They returned to the room after Harry's breathing became normall but Niall was already gone as was his boyfriend.

"Fuck." Harry muttered, his thoughts trailing off to Niall crying while getting hurt. 


Wednesday Niall phoned the lads saying he was sick and that he'd stay inside. Liam asked if he wanted them to come see him but he said no and hung up before Liam could say anything else.

Zayn and Liam brushed it off and carried on with their day but Louis and Harry couldn't get their mind off Niall. 

Louis phoned Paul and asked him to drive past Niall and his boyfriend's house to see if anyone was home. They weren't and it put Harry on edge. 

* * * *

Thursday was worse, Niall didn't even talk to them.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Harry yelled, slamming his phone down on the table and facing Louis.

"He said he'd drop Niall off after they went out." Louis tried to calm Harry down but it only angered him more. 

"Why does Niall stay with him? He doesn't deserve anything that asshole does to him. Niall thinks he loves him but he doesn't!" Harry fell against the wall and sunk down, bringing his knees to his chest. "I just want him to be safe with me." Harry whispered when Louis sat down next to him.

* * * *

Friday Niall came with the boys to the studio. Lou told Harry that Niall was wearing make up, making Harry cringe.

"Niall, can we talk outside please?" Harry smiled at the Irish lad and walked out the studio, giving Louis a look.

"Sure." Niall followed Harry out the room, keeping close to the curly haired boy.

"Niall." Harry whispered. He couldn't trust his voice at the moment so he went with whispering and he didn't want the other boys to hear.

"Yeah?" Niall hummed, looking into Harry's eyes. Niall loved to do that. He could stare at Harry all day even knowing how bad he'd get it if he did.

"Does he hurt you." Harry didn't ask, it came out more like a demand. Niall shook his head and looked at the floor.

"Does he?" Harry took a step closer to Niall, holding back his fondness because well, it's Niall and he is adorable. The blonde boy nodded and his his face with his hands. Harry's heart broke at the sight.

"Niall, you need to leave him." Harry whispered, kissing Niall's head and wrapping his lanky arms around Niall's body gently.

"I-I c-can't." Niall cried, holding tightly to Harry's shirt. Kissing his head over and over again, Harry whispered soothing words into Niall's ear and soon enough Niall was calming down enough to talk properly.

"I'm scared of him." Harry took a deep breath. Niall's boyfriend was bigger then him, easily but not as big as Liam and Paul together. Of course Louis would want in but no way could Harry risk his best friend getting hurt. One person was too much to deal with already.

"I promise you'll be okay. Just stay with me tonight, yeah?" Niall nodded and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before returning to the boys with a fake smile plastered on his face. 

* * * *

Saturday was better for both boys. Niall had a full nights sleep without having to worry about his boyfriend pulling him off the bed and into the bathroom. Harry, on the other hand, didn't sleep well. He was worried and over thinking things. He'd come to terms with himself about three years ago that he loved Niall and would do anything but risking Liam and Paul was putting him on edge again.

"Haz?" Niall whispered. They were sharing a bed, Niall agreeing with Harry that it made both boys feel safer. 

"Yeah, Ni?" Harry turned to face the boy, smiling softly.

"What happens next?" Harry didn't know how to answer that question, instead he kissed Niall's head and pulled the boy closer, being gentle because Niall was bruised and people needed to be gentle with him.

"Whatever happens, you have me." Harry smiled when Niall kissed his chest. 

"I have you." Niall whispered back, smiling because for once he finally felt safe alone with a man. 


Updated March 2016

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