My Baby Bump {Larry, mpreg!Louis}

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"I don't know Liam, he's been sleeping a lot lately." Harry spoke into the phone, his eyes wondering over Louis' sleeping body laying on the sofa. It was three in the afternoon, about fourty minutes ago Louis complained to Harry that his stomach hurt and he wanted to sleep. Ignoring it the first time was easy, Harry thought his boyfriend just ate some bad food but Louis' pain was getting more constant and he fell asleep anywhere when he got tired.

"Maybe take him to the doctors Harry, he's twenty two, almost twenty three so this can't be growing pains or anything like that." Liam spoke softly, Niall's laugh clear in the background. Harry agreed and they said their goodbyes. Sighing, Harry walked over to the sofa and kneeled down beside Louis.

"Lou, baby... You have to wake up for me now." Harry kissed Louis' cheek, rubbing his arm as Louis slowly came to it and opened his eyes.

"Hi." Louis croaked. His hands moved to his stomach and he frowned. 

"Hurts? Are you in pain?" Harry asked, leaving Louis' side and walking to the kitchen. 

"No, Haz, I'm getting fat! Come feel my fucking stomach." Louis screeched, his hands not leaving his stomach as he pushed himself off the sofa and ran to Harry.

"Don't be stupid Lou," Harry chuckled, his hands moving to the lower part of Louis' stomach. "You've hardly eat-What the fuck?" Harry pulled his hand back and looked Louis in the eyes.

"So what? Are you going to leave me now? Fine, fuck you! Get out. I want to be alone forever and die alone." Louis stamped his foot like a five year old and ran out the kitchen, leaving Harry shocked at his random outburst.

* * * 

"So he just yelled at you and locked himself in your bedroom?" Harry nodded, his feet scraping along the pathway as he and Niall made their way down the road. "Told ya that one was a diva, you always go for the ones with an attitude." 

"Niall shut the fuck up. You know he hasn't got an attitude, he's been sick lately so I guess it doesn't help his mood."  Harry argued on behalf of Louis.

"All I'm saying is go get him a doctors appointment." 

And that's exactly what Harry did. He described Louis' symptoms to the doctor and they asked him to make sure Louis came in before he got any worse. They agreed that tomorrow afternoon would be best because it gives Louis time to get enough sleep and get ready slowly so he didn't make himself sick.

* * *

Louis' heart was racing. He was sat on a chair in the waiting room, his small feet tapping against the floor and his head spinning. Harry was rubbing his hand, trying to calm him down but nothing would work. It was three in the afternoon and Louis was getting tired. His head hurt and so did his stomach. He felt insecure about his sudden weight gain and demanded he wore one of Harry's hoodies, thought he regretted it after walking into the hospital because the heat in the building was kept on high for the ill people.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Both Louis' and Harry's head moved so they were facing the short nurse that just walked out a room. "Your doctor is ready to see you now." Nodding, Louis stood up slowly and waited for Harry, clinging onto his boyfriends hand though his own was no doubt sweaty after working himself up so bad. What if I'm really ill? What if I'm dying? Oh god... I can't leave Harry by himself, the poor kid can hardly walk let alone cook and clean. Louis' thoughts made him giggle as they walked into the brightly lit room.

"Ah! Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, right?" The doctor smiled at the couple holding hands. He gestured to a seat for Harry and instructed Louis to lay on the bed in the corner of the room. Being far from Harry sent Louis into overdrive. He only trusted the taller lad and not having his boy close gave him separation anxiety.  "Right, Louis, tell me what you've been feeling like for the last couple of weeks?"

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