Just Say Those Words {Zarry}

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"Hey Lou," Harry smirked, whispering into Louis' ear. He slapped Harry's arm and went back to learning the set list for their new tour that was starting soon.

"Harry," Liam glared at the tallest of the band, then looked at Zayn. Harry tried to fight the urge to look at the obvious band member staring at him but he couldn't hold up long. Turning him head, Harry saw Zayn standing there, eyes burning holes into Harry's soul. 

"Zayn?" Niall called out from the other room, and Zayn just gave the two boys closest to each other a dirty look and walked off.

"Just go talk to him, sort this out because it's getting on my bloody nerves." Louis ordered before getting out his phone and looking on Twitter. Liam looked like he wanted to follow, but stayed and got his phone out too. Giving up, Harry followed where Zayn went but not before looking at his best friends. There was definitely something going on between Louis and Liam. 

"Zayn?" Harry called, not expecting a response but he got one. Zayn replied and Harry followed his voice, "Can we talk?"

"No. Harry, I'm busy.," Zayn didn't even turn around to talk to him, in fact,  he turned his body around more so Harry couldn't even see his face. Harry was getting irritated and finally snapped.

"Fuck it,. all I wanted to do was say I'm sorry!" Harry yelled, Niall coughed awkwardly and walked out the room, obviously going to tell the other two that they were going to start a fight.

"Then why don't you say sorry? Actually, fuck sorry. I couldn't care less about your stupid apology. Why don't you piss off with Louis? Sure he's missing you by now" Zayn spat, still not looking at Harry directly. He was looking at anything other than Harry, and it infuriated him. He stormed off, slamming his bedroom door and leaning against it, hands covering his face.

* * * *

"Harry, let me in love..." Louis tapped on Harry's door. Getting up from the spot he was sitting in, Harry opened the door and was met with his best friends face.

"No. I'm not saying sorry to him before you ask. I don't even want to see him right now Louis. I don't want to see anyone, can you just... Leave? I'm tired." Harry moped, turning around and going to sit on his bed. 

"Oh god sake H. Just go talk to him, he's just as upset as you. Move. Go. Now" Louis clapped his hands as he gave out the orders. Sighing, Harry gave in and walked to Zayn's room. Pressing his ear to the door, Harry could hear Zayn listening to music. Usually there was his voice to follow, and Harry couldn't help but feel bad knowing he was the reason why Zayn wasn't singing. Harry knocked on the door and waited for a response,

"Go away Liam!" An angry voice yelled, the music stopping.

"It's Harry" He mumbled, feeling annoyed with himself.

"You're so annoying Harry," Zayn smiled when he opened the door and met Harry face to face. He smiled back and pulled Zayn into a hug, burying his face in the crook of Zayn's neck.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Harry mumbled over and over again. He sighed and pulled away from the hug.

"Don't be. I don't care Harry." He smiled again. This was it, it was now or never.

"Zayn..," Harry took a step forward, Zayn stood there with his eyebrow raised, "I, uh, have feelings for you."

"In what way?" Zayn asked, his body almost touching Harry's.

Here it is.

"Way more than a friend." Harry admitted, eyes connecting with Zayn's, "I'm sorry, this was a bad idea-"

"No, no... Harry, I like you too." Zayn said, holding Harry's hands. The youngest smiled, pulling Zayn into a hug. 

"You're sure? This isn't a joke right?" Harry was anxious. Zayn and Louis always played jokes on the others and he was worried Zayn would start laughing and pull out a hidden camera.

"I'm sure." Zayn said, before moving forward and connecting his lips with Harry's. It felt amazing, Harry felt the spark he'd been looking for. It felt perfect. His hand cupped Harry's cheek, pulling him closer.

"It's about time, lads." Louis' voice came from the hall way.

"Oh, shut up Louis." Liam's voice followed, a laugh coming after. 

"Definitely something going on with them." Harry said, pulling away from the kiss. Zayn smiled, nodding. They hugged again, and Harry felt better about this whole thing.


Edited in March 2015,

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