Cheeky Rabbit {Lirry}

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"Going out for a walk, mum." Harry called out, though he knew his mum was still asleep. It was only five in the morning but Harry was out to watch something special. The other day he was out and saw something that captured his interest. He had no idea what it was but he did know he wanted it.


Wondering through the woods, Harry felt like someone or something watching him but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Hearing a couple of twigs snapped, he looked round to try and find the culprit.

"Who's there?" Harry asked, trying to stop his nerves getting the best of him. It failed when he heard another twig snapping. Hiding behind a bush, Harry waited to see if he could spot the thing making the sound. What if it's the it he wants so bad?

"Hello." a hand rested on Harry's shoulder. Spinning around, Harry met a pair of bright brown eyes. That wasn't all but it was in shock. A hybrid. Brown floppy ears, a pink nose that twitched and a brown fluffy tail just above his bum. Of course, Harry wasn't staring at the strangers bum.

"H-Hi.. You.. You're a-"

"Rabbit, yeah I know." the shorter boy huffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'd prefer bunny." Harry smiled, showing his dimples and trying to win the beautiful boy over.

"Well I'm not a bunny, I'm a rabbit. You looked lost so I was going to ask you if you wanted help to get home." rabbit boy took a step back but smiled at him.

"Um, yeah actually I'm very, very lost and I could use your help." Harry lied, trying not to laugh. He knew the woods like the back of his hand.

"Right well,  what direction did you come from?" 

"How about you tell me your name first?" Harry winked.

"How about you tell me the direction before I leave you here?" the boy snapped but shook his head then smiled again. Right, a rabbit with anger issues. Lovely.

"Right well I'm Harry and you're..?" 

"I'm Liam. The direction?" Liam mumbled, his face turning red. Harry smiled. Liam, what a perfect name.

"Oh, I forgot. Guess I can stay here with you then eh?" Harry took a step closer to him. Harry was never shy and always got what he wanted and he wanted Liam.

"Um. Sure." Liam whispered, his face still red but his ears giving away how he really felt about Harry staying with him.

"So, Liam. How old are you?" 

"20. You?"


"What you doing out here then?" Liam asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I was looking for something, I've always wanted it since I saw it a while ago." Harry said. He wasn't lying. He found Liam, the rabbit/bunny boy who was the only thing in his mind. 

"Find it?" Liam said, amused.

"Might of. Depends if they-it was looking for me." Harry sighed, Liam laughed though. Raising his own eyebrow, Harry looked the boy up and down. His shirt was ripped and so was his pants, leaving a part for his pompom tail to come through.

"Well, never know unless you ask." Liam was looking at Harry this time, eyeing him up and down, smirking when he finished. Too easy, Liam thought.

 "So, how long have you had.." Harry flicked his finger up to Liam's ears. The older lad shrugged, making Harry huff in annoyance. He finally found what he wanted but what he wanted was being so difficult.

"I'm cold." Liam whispered, Harry took this as an advantage and draped his arm round Liam's smaller shoulders.

"Thank you Harry." Liam smiled, leaning into Harry's touch. Feeling a spark, Harry kissed the top of Liam's head without thinking. Feeling Liam tense then ease again, Harry smiled and drew circles on his arm with his finger.

"Come home with me." Harry mumbled, Liam looked up at him then to his lips. Both of the boys inched closer but stopped when they heard thunder.

"Now we really need to go." Harry mumbled, his mood changing to something similar to the weather.


*3 months later*

Harry and Liam's relationship grew. They learnt pretty much everything about each other, even the grim details of Liam's past. Harry vowed to Liam to make his life worth living and treat him like a human, not an animal. Though Harry found it adorable when Liam's nose twitched or when Liam's ears were touched he would jump about a metre in the air and hide behind the sofa. 

Harry's mum was fine with Liam sharing Harry's room. Harry knew Liam didn't have a family any more so he was all he had.

"Bunny!" Harry yelled, causing the half asleep boy to jolt up right and run to the noise.

"What?!" Liam puffed, trying to catch his breath since he ran from the other side of the house. Harry looked at him, puppy eyed and pouted, rubbing his stomach for extra effect.

"I'm hungry." Harry whined, pretending to cry like a 6 year old. Liam huffed but went downstairs and got Harry some food. Marmite and cheese. Weird, but Harry loved it and Liam had no trouble making it for his best friend. Though he often questioned his feelings towards Harry, he did know he wanted the dimpled boy to be more than his friend, but he didn't know if Harry felt the same. He did, he just didn't know it.

Walking back upstairs and handing the still pouting boy his food, Liam sat at the end of the bed and watched Harry lick his lips before sticking his tongue out before taking a bite.

"What you looking at Li?" Harry asked, finishing the food in four big bites. Liam wondered what else he could fit in his mouth.


"Come up here. I'm cold and wanna cuddle." Harry mumbled, pouting. The TV was playing a movie and the wind and rain was hitting Harry's bedroom window.

"Um, okay." Liam whispered, crawling up to Harry and sitting under his arm but smiled when he felt Harry pressing a kiss down on Liam's head.

"Perfect." Harry whispered, not thinking Liam could hear him but he was far from right.

"What's perfect Haz?" Liam mumbled against Harry's shirt, his head laying on Harry's chest.

"Um, this. You." Harry laughed, pulling Liam closer. Almost pulling the boy on his lap.

"Really?" Liam's cheeks turned red as he felt Harry kiss his temple. 

"Mhm, you're very perfect." he told the smaller, giving him a hug.



"Kiss me." Liam mumbled, turning his body around so he was facing Harry. 

He didn't hesitate. Harry pushed his lips towards Liam's. They both paused for a minute, taking it all in. When he felt Harry moving his lips, Liam started too. They both loved it, how it finally felt after only guessing for three long months.

Pulling away, Harry and Liam shared a smile. This time, Liam pulled Harry so his head was resting on his chest.

"I love you Harry." 

"I love you too, bunny." 


Updated March 2016

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