Big Talk, Bad Boy {Larry}

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Harry is a punk, as much as he hates that word. He has dark curly hair that always gets in his eyes but the girls (and some guys) love it, so he keeps them that way. His tattoos hold his story but to others they're just unneeded and weird. Harry's bright green eyes stand out when he has his dark eye liner on. Black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and old band shirts.. He's a bad boy wanna be.

Louis is a good boy. Always has been and always will be.. Louis loves everybody and never sees the bad side of things. Everybody loves him. His amazingly blue eyes are matched with his tanned skin. His soft brown hair makes him look more feminine then the shape of his body, (curvy, by the way) and he has a weird thing for flower crowns and bad boys.

* * * *

"Louis? There's a costumer." Louis' friend Niall pointed to a tall lanky man standing in the shop, looking at piercings and tattoo designs.

"Oh.." Louis squeaked, his face turning red. This was usual for Louis, his normally loud personality drains away when he's in the same room as someone he'd call 'a bad boy'.

"Go! Before he leaves." Niall laughed, pushing the shorter boy out from behind the counter. Louis stumbled and landed on the floor next to the man. Typical, Louis thought.

"Err.. Are you alright?" Louis just about melted at the strangers deep voice. He asked Louis slowly, as if he was scared Louis wouldn't hear him.

"Uh, yeah, fine." Louis' face went bright red as he stood up and brushed down his jeans. He flicked his hair out his eyes and looked at the stranger.

He was beautiful. Bright green eyes, a couple of piercings and tattoos but the thing that got Louis was the curls. Amazing curls sitting on top of his new favourites head.

"Erm.. You're.." The man hinted for the shorter boy to stop staring at him but Louis couldn't. He didn't want to. He could stare at the tall, lankly man for hours.

"Louis." Niall yelled, making both the men jump. Louis looked over his shoulder and glared at Niall, his blue eyes staring into his best friends soul, making Niall feel weird so he decided to leave the room and get some food.

"Oh, you're Louis? I'm Harry." Harry winked at Louis, sending shivers down the older boy's spine. Harry coughed, trying to get some words to actually come out of Louis' mouth.

"Oh. Yeah, did you want..." Louis looked round the room, thinking of something to say. Harry laughed, making Louis look at him.

"A piercing." Harry smiled, showing Louis his dimples. Nodding, Louis turned around and told Harry to follow him into the back room where Niall was sitting on the chair stuffing his face with chicken wings.

"Niall, mate, off the chair." Louis stopped and clapped his hands, earning a laugh from Harry but a groan from Niall.

"But I'm eating..." Niall let out a high pitched whine. Louis sighed and put his hand on his hip, showing he really wanted Niall to get out the chair... Room, even. Just so he's alone with Harry. Not that he's interested in him...

"Alright!" Niall sighed, getting off the chair and putting the chicken bone in the bin. Louis smiled and looked at Harry.

"Sit." Louis commanded and just like that, Harry sat down on the chair. Not that he was scared of Louis.. No, Harry is a bad boy. He doesn't get scared.

"Attitude." Niall mumbled, sitting on a stool and grabbing another chicken wing from a bucket that Louis really needed to get rid of.

"Pardon? I don't have an attitude." Louis sassed, glaring at Niall but smiling at Harry (who was quickly amused by Louis and Niall.)

"No, he's just bitchy." Harry smirked, petting Louis' hand. Shaking his head, Louis slapped Harry's freakishly big hand off his dainty one and grabbed loads of different piercings.

"Where would you like it and what colour... Or something." Louis mused, loving how Harry's tongue stuck out at the corner of his mouth while he was looking at the different coloured, shaped and sized jewellery.

"Ear and umm... That one." Harry smiled when he saw a little yellow one with a smiley face on it. Amused still, Louis looked in a box by Niall until he found the same ear ring.

"Right. Hold on." Louis smirked, getting up to wash his hands and put on gloves. Harry nodded and settled into the chair, awaiting for the new piercing.

Louis put on the gloves and picked up the pen to mark on Harry's ear where he told Louis he wants the ear ring. Smiling when he got it right in the middle of the lobe, Louis put the pen down, wiped Harry's ear with an alcohol wipe and got a piercing gun. He put the gun in place with Harry's smiley ear ring in it and pressed the trigger, making a weird sound that always made Niall cringe.

"All done." Louis smiled proudly, putting the gun down and taking off the gloves. Harry nodded, moving his hand up to his ear but only getting it slapped away by Louis.

"No, don't touch it when Louis is around." Niall joked, mouth full of chicken. Harry smirked and went to touch his ear again, getting another slap from Louis' stupidly small-hand-for-a-22-year-old. He sighed, happy that he pissed off Louis in a short time.

"Going." Niall commented when he saw Louis' pissed off face. He quickly grabbed his bucket of chicken and closed the door, leaving Harry sitting there smirking and Louis sitting there glaring at Harry.

"Thanks, Lou." Harry smiled, getting off the chair and reaching up to his ear for the third time in under a minute.

"Fucking hell, don't touch your ear!" Louis yelled, pulling Harry's arm down.

"Listen, I've had more piercings then you, yeah? So I think I'd know not to touch it." Harry smirked. Louis raised his eyebrow and took Harry's bigger hand in his. "What are you doing?"

"Silly boy." Louis mumbled, dropping Harry's hand and walking out the room. Harry grabbed Louis and pulled him back inside, shutting the door and leaning on it.

"I can't move you, so move yourself." Louis put his hand on his hip, his natural pose, and looked at Harry.

"No. I'd rather stand here and annoy you." Harry smiled, loving how Louis' face went red but just from annoyance, not from being shy.

"Why? I need to go and get some food, shit head. Move." Louis rolled his eyes and waited for Harry to move.

"Because you're sexy when you get angry." Harry moved forward and swapped places with Louis, pressing the shorter boy against the door. Louis groaned and tried to stop blushing. Harry kissed Louis' neck and whispered.

"I'll see you later." Harry winked and opened the door with Louis still standing there, red in the face and silent. Harry couldn't wait to see how loud Louis could really get.


Updated March 2016

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