Chapter 39

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"Here." Dakota said, putting the food in front of me. I stared at the wall and ignored him. I felt so angry with him for everything that he's deciding to do with me. "Eat so then you don't starve." He said, folding his arms.
"Untie me and I'll do what you ask." I said back. He just stood there and glared at me for a moment. After a few seconds he rolled his eyes then decided to untie me.
"There." He said. I picked up the fork and began to eat what he brought me. He was watching me eat which made me stop.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said.
"This isn't poisoned, is it?" I asked. He laughed at my comment and shook his head.
"Even if I wanted to kill you I couldn't." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just shut up and eat." He said.
"I will eat but I won't shut up." I said.
"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked.
"Because of you." I said.
"So you're pinning this on me now?" He asked.
"If you would have stopped me all those years ago.." as I was explaining, I suddenly shut my mouth.
"We both know you wouldn't want what happened between us gone." He said. Dakota decided to sit down beside me and put his hand over mine. I looked down to his hand and then right back at him.
"Maybe things would have been better if it never happened." I whispered.
"You don't mean that." He said. He glared at me for a few seconds trying to read me.
"You hate me now. If we weren't so reckless long ago we would have fell in love the correct way." He rolled his eyes and got up.
"You know what? I don't give a damn. Do what u I u want, eat, don't eat, who cares." He walked away, shaking his head. I stared down at my food then down to my hands. Maybe it's better if I leave things the way they are. I've hurt him so much that his pain is reflecting right back on me.


I opened my eyes only to feel uncomfortable. I hadn't noticed that I fell asleep in this hard chair. My eyes were heavy and I felt like I was starving. Being in this situation while being pregnant isn't the easiest thing in the world. I just hope I don't end up losing my baby, I would never forgive myself. I sat here in this chair for what felt like decades until that woman came down to see me.
"Look who's finally awake." She said, rolling her eyes.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Just making sure you're breathing." She replied.
"I wish I wasn't." I said back.
"Me and you both but I guess we can't all have what we want, can we?" She said. I rolled my eyes and looked in another direction, I'm sick of her already.
"I'll go get you some food." She said.
"I'd rather not have anything you give me." I said back.
"You think I care if you've eaten or not?" She said.
"Then why are you bothering?" I asked.
"Because Dakota asked me to." She said.
"Do you love him?" I asked.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do and I'm one hundred percent sure he lives me back." She said smiling.
"What makes you think that?" I asked.
"Because he made love to me passionately last night and told me that he loved me with everything he had." She said. My heart dropped to the floor and melted away. I stopped talking and stared at the floor as tears formed in my eyes.
"Did you feed her yet?" Dakota asked, coming down the stairs. And tear drop fell from my eyes down onto the floor.
"Luna? You okay?" Dakota asked. I didn't bother to answer him. He bent down and cupped my cheek. He tried to turn my head to face him but I turned my head away.
"Just go away." I whispered. He didn't say anything he just got up and left with her. I began to sob. This is all my fault for not being strong enough. I should have just freed Dakota and ran with him but I didn't. I let my fear screw me over.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs again.
"Would you like to tell me about what's happening with you?" He asked. I looked down at my legs and shook my head no.
Dakota then decided to untie me. He lifted me up to stand on my feet and held me tight. I tried to hold myself together but I couldn't. Right now my mental state is so bad that he simply held me in his arms and I just began to cry.
"Luna? Seriously tell me." He said, whispering into my ear and stroking my hair.
"I-I don't want to do this anymore. It's so hard to keep going. Just put me out of my misery already, get your revenge already and kill me!" I yelled. I then felt like I lost strength in my legs and began to slid down to the floor crying.
"Luna get up. Come here." He lifted me back up but I wasn't supporting myself so he took me to the couch to sit me down. "I'm not going to kill you, I don't want to kill you." He said. He cupped my cheek again and connected his forehead with mine. "I still love you with a burning passion Luna." He whispered. I was having trouble opening my mouth to speak. All that was coming out of me was complete sorrow.
"I-I... Dakota-" I stuttered.
"It's okay you don't have to say anything." He said.
"I don't love Aiden...I never did- I never will. It's always been you." I said. His eyes lit up but behind them I can also see that his eyes got filled with guilt. He got up and put his hand over his mouth.
"You're telling me that you lied to me?" He asked.
"I didn't do it on purpose, I was trying to save you from dying." I explained.
"You still killed me Luna!" He yelled. I felt too week to argue so I decided not to say anything. "And now you're pregnant with that bastard's child." He said. Nothing was said after that. I couldn't look at him and he had nothing left to say.
"Get some rest." He said, leaving. I laid down and did what he told me.


It was really late when I woke up, I heard lots of loud screaming and random noises. I felt confused. "Give me back my wife!" I got startled hearing Aiden's voice then a gun shot following after. I heard a lot of footsteps coming down the stairs. A bunch of Aiden's men came rushing in and grabbed me.
"No! Let go of me!" I yelled. They didn't even give on damn about how I felt about this, they just kept on dragging me away. As they were taking me out I saw Dakota on the floor bleeding.
"Dakota!" I yelled.
"Shut up bitch!" Aiden said, walking up to me. "You have a lot of explaining to do when we get back home!" He said.
This may have been the night my heart gave up.

Update!😅 I know it's been a while since I've done on of these and I apologize for that but I do appreciate all the support and patience you guys have been giving me! Also thank you all for the 80K reads! Like holy cow! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I'll try to update quicker next time! (Also sorry for the chapter kinda being all over the place 😬)

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