Chapter 18

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Dakota began to knock on my door. "Baby? Open the door. We should talk about this. It's nothing personal." He said. "I still love you." He said. I opened the door and kicked him somewhere where the son did not shine for any man. He squinted his eyes shut and made a face telling me that he was in great pain.
"I'm not a toy!" I said slamming the door in his face. I sat down on the bed and crossed my arms and sat there to think.
"I didn't say you were. Come on let's talk about this." He said knocking on the door.
I just sat there feeling like I wanted to be left alone. I heard the door open. I didn't even bother to look at him.
"Baby?" He asked.
"Don't baby, me." I demanded feeling pissed off.
"I love you and you should already know that." He said.
"Yeah whatever." I said. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.
"I'm not your friend." I said pulling away.
"Then what?" He asked crossing his arms.
"I'm the mother of your child and your ex that's all." I explained.
"And my future wife." He said grinning. I gave him a confused look.
"I'm not marrying someone who doesn't do relationships." I said glaring at him.
"Remember the time when you said you would never kiss me? Never say never, okay? I see you marrying me." He said taking my smaller hand into his. "You will be dressed in white and I'll be waiting for you at the altar." He said gazing into my eyes.
"You were willing to get into a relationship with me at the age of fifteen when we were madly in love and now you just want me to be one of the others." I said.
"You aren't one of the others." He said.
"Then take me seriously because I'm one of a k-" Dakota cut me off by putting his lips over mine and cupped my cheek. He pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes.
"Marry me." He whispered.
"No." I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because that wasn't romantic." I said. As Dakota was going to say something the doorbell rang.
We both got up and walked to the door. Dakota didn't even let go of my hand. It was that man again.
"Do I need to call the police?!" Dakota asked pushing me behind him. I walked around him and stood by his side.
"I just want to see my son." He said.
"I have to go pick him up." I said taking my hand away from Dakota and folding my arms.
It seemed like Dakota didn't like that so he put his arm around my waist and pulled my really close to him.
"I can wait." The man said with a serious face.
I rolled my eyes at him and got out of Dakota's arm. I grabbed the keys and walked out the door leaving Dakota and whatever his name is alone.

Dakota's POV...

He and I watched Luna walk out looking furious. I just wanted her to be by my side because I feel like I need her there.
"I don't appreciate you walking into our home and demanding us to do things." I said crossing my arms.
"He's still my son! I raised him." He said.
"You didn't even take care of him properly." I stated.
"My wife didn't, I did." He said.
"What's your name anyway?" I asked lifting an eyebrow and remembering that I never asked for his name.
"My name is Killian, Killian Williams." He said holding out his hand. I shook his hand hesitantly.
"Dakota Grey." I said. We sat there talking for a while waiting for Luna to come back home with Justin.

Luna's POV...

I walked in with Justin to find Dakota and that other man sitting and at least trying to have a decent conversation. They both turned their attention over to Justin and I.
Dakota and the other man got up. Dakota walked over to me while the other man walked over to Justin. Justin looked confused and kinda frightened.
"Hey buddy." The man said putting a hand over his shoulder.
"D-d-ad?" Justin asked. Justin looked over to Dakota. I looked at Dakota as well, Dakota looked like he wanted to snap someone's neck.
"Do you hate it here?" He asked getting straight to the point. My blood began to boil. My hand began to make a fist.
"No..I love it here.." Justin said quietly.
"What? I miss you. Don't you miss me?" He asked.
"I..." Justin didn't know what to say he was caught in a situation where he was pressured.
"Justin go wash your hands and come eat dinner okay?" I asked. I didn't want him to feel any pressure.
"Okay mommy." He said. He slowly walked away from his adoptive father and did what I told him. As Justin waited in the kitchen I decided to have a talk with this guy.
"First of all what's your name?" I asked.
"Killian Williams." He said.
"Well then Killian, I don't like you pressuring my little boy like that." I said.
"There's no way he loves it here that fast. You had him for a day!" He said.
"Keep your voice down. Justin will hear you and I would like it very much if he didn't know we were having this conversation." I said.
"Yeah or I will kick you out for good and we won't let you see him again." Dakota said.
"Dakota?" I asked turning to him and putting my hand over his chest.
"Yes?" He asked grabbing my wrist gently.
"Will you go serve dinner to Justin and be in there with him?" I asked.
"But-"I cut him off.
"Please sweetie?" I whispered. He sighed.
"Yes." He kissed me and walked out of the room.
"So why did you let your wife touch my son?" I asked crossing my arms.
"I talked to her about laying a hand on him but she just wouldn't listen." He said.
"You are the man. You should have taken control over what the hell was going on! He's six years old!" I said getting angry.
"Okay I understand your point but calm down you're making me nervous." He said.
"Good because then you know I'm not one to mess with." I stated.
"Okay I got the message." He said putting his hands up.
"I'll let you see my son whenever you want but don't ever ask him those kinds of questions again. Am I clear?" I asked.
"Yes mam." He said.

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