Chapter 34

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I sat there for about twenty minutes crying. "Luna? What are you doing on the floor? You're ruining your makeup. Come here get up. Let's go get you cleaned up." Aiden picked me up and escorted me to his room.
He had me sit down on the chair in front of the mirror.
"Makayla make sure she calms down. Also, help her with her makeup problem." Aiden ordered. I put my head down and kept on crying.
"Madame? Everything is going to be alright. Come on now let's get you cleaned up." She put her hand on my shoulder and I only reacted in anger. I took her arm and twisted it. She was on the floor screaming in pain.
"Madame?! Stop! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do anything that made you angry please just stop!" Aiden walked in with a panicked look on his face.
"Luna let go!" Aiden came over to me and pulled me away. I began to fight him so he would just let go of me.
"Makayla get out." He ordered. She ran out the door. When the door shut Aiden threw me onto the bed.
"Get off of me!" I said, struggling to get him off.
"I won't allow you to act like that especially to Makayla who was just trying to help." He said.
"I don't care about her or you or anyone in this stupid mansion of yours!" He gave me a devilish, one sided smirk. He came closer and began to plant soft kisses on my neck. He stopped then looked down to my lips telling me that he wanted to kiss me. Before he got the chance I kicked him where no man should be kicked. He groaned in pain. He then grabbed my face and squeezed hard.
"Alright my little bitch wife here's the deal; you play nice I'll be nice, you play bad I'll be bad. Don't test my patience. Don't make me do things I don't want to do to you. Am I clear?" He asked with the darkest expression on his face. I only stared at him with a depressed yet angry face. He got off of me and straightened up then left me in piece.


The next morning I caught myself completely naked. I didn't have any undergarments on me just skin. I began to freak out because I don't remember taking my dress off. The only way I could have ended up like this would be Aiden. And if Aiden did this then I might be in trouble.
"Good morning my love." Aiden said walking in with a big grin on his face. He crawled on the bed getting close to me.
"Why am I naked?" I asked.
"You don't remember, do you? Well my queen you must have had too much alcohol last night." He said with a big smirk.
"I don't remember drinking anything." I said beginning to feel alarmed.
"Well after your breakdown you began to drink the alcohol on the table over there." He said pointing me to a table full of empty alcohol bottles.
"No." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I didn't drink all of that there's no way. No one could handle that much alcohol. Plus I know how to control myself. I don't get drunk so it's impossible." I said beginning to feel nervous.
"I helped you drink all of that. You didn't want me to leave. And when you felt you've had enough you pulled me and got a little freaky." He said. My eyes grew wide.
"No- I didn't." I whispered.
"You did," He said smirking. "And may I just say, you're amazing." He said winking and biting his lip.
"Can I please be alone." I asked.
"Yes but don't take too long, breakfast is almost ready." He said practically forcing a kiss on me. I turned my head another way to make him stop. He got up and left me alone. I ran to the bathroom because I started to feel sick. I began to throw up. After I was done I threw myself in the shower and began to cry. How could I be so stupid? I just don't understand why I don't remember about what I did. It only happened yesterday and I let him, I let him do whatever he pleased to me.
After I finished my shower I got into whatever I had in the closet and walked downstairs.
"There you are. What took you so long Luna?" I didn't want to answer so I kept my mouth shut. "Luna? Have you been crying again?" He asked cupping my cheek with his hand. My eyes drifted down to the floor. I didn't want to see him or anyone. I feel unclean. The only man I wanted to give myself to was Dakota and now it's not possible.
"Come, let's eat , maybe you'll feel better." He said, putting one of his arms around my waist and leading me to the dining room.

Dakota's POV...

I woke up in a strange place. "What the hell is going on?" I whispered, holding my head. I still felt pain. I sure as hell am not home and I want to know why.
"Oh good you're awake." I got startled by a very beautiful woman coming towards me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"They call me The Queen Of Broken Hearts." She said.
"You serious?" I asked chuckling.
"Yes it's not a joke." She said getting kinda angry about me laughing.
"What do you want from me? I don't remember meeting you at any point in my life." I said.
"I want you to help me take down the devil himself; Aiden Monroe." My blood began to boil.
"What's your game here?" I asked getting angry.
"There is no game. I want you to help me take that bastard down." She said sitting down right in front of me.
"Why would I want to help you? How does this even involve me?" I asked.
"He killed my husband and I want revenge. Don't you want revenge? He did steal your lover from you recently, didn't he?" She asked.
"How do you know that? How did I even end up here?!" I asked.
"I've been..observing and I kidnapped you obviously. I saw the two men taking you home and I then took advantage of the situation." She said.
"If you help me you'll get your revenge just as much as I will. Not only that, but you'll have your lover back." She said.
"I don't want her back." I said.
"You may be angry with her but I know you still love her either way." She said. "So, are you going to help me or not?"

Update! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Yes the story will continue so don't worry about that! 😄 I'll update when I can and I'll talk to you all later!

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