Chapter 3

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Years later...

Today I turn 21 years old. Also it's the day where I move out of this place because I need to leave. I can't stand seeing my parents after what they have done to me.
"You're really packing and leaving?" My mom asked folding her arms. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. After what they did to me I did not say a word nor looked at them.
"Yes...I can't stand you people." I bluntly said.
"Don't be like that.." I turned around.
"How can I not!? You stole the one thing that kept me happy and kept me close to Dakota!" She gasped and finally shut her mouth. "What? Cat got your tongue? Or is it because you know it's true! You yourself even told me to keep my baby and I did and look what the hell happened!" Her eyes got glossy.
"Don't talk to me like that Luna." She said with a sniff.
"I'm leaving now." I said walking around her.
"So you're going to pursue your dream and be a bodyguard?" I stopped and turned around to her.
"Yes and I don't see what's wrong with it." She shook her head in disbelief.
"I don't understand why you want to be that when there are so many other things you could be doing and isn't dangerous. You know like the company." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't wish to be CEO of any industry. Cars aren't my thing okay. Put that through your thick skulls! I will not be someone you want me to be! Get over it because it's not going to happen!" I turned around and walked away leaving her in her own thoughts.
I got in my car and drove away. Of course I took money with me I'm not stupid and it's not a big deal because they are filthy rich and they took something far more valuable from me.

Dakota's POV...

I wonder how Luna is doing. I can't stop thinking of her and it's been years.
"Dakota!" My manager yelled, approaching me, he handed me clothes. "Here this is what you will be modeling." I took a look at it and nodded.
"Okay I'll go put it on. Thanks Jake." I said.
"At your services." He said walking away and giving me a peace sign. I chuckled.


As I was in a photo shoot we all of a sudden heard yelling and gun shots. "Everyone get down!" Jake yelled.
"Nobody move! Where's Dakota Grey! Where are you, you son of a bitch!" The masked man said screaming. Then I felt someone's hand on my forearm trying to pull me. "Dakota follow me." Jake whispered. I followed him carefully and got out of there. We got into a limo. "People are trying to kill me?!" I asked.
"Yes they've been wanting to." Jake stated.
"But why?" I asked trembling a little.
"Because of your dad. Remember. your dad is a criminal. He has killed people in his life and still does. They think by killing you that they will hurt him." I took a deep breath.
"Well then what do I do?" He thought for a moment.
"We are going with your dad maybe he will have an idea." I rolled my eyes.
"Sure." I muttered.

Luna's POV...

I was accepted as a bodyguard! I'm finally feeling some sort of happiness in my life. I still need to find my son though. That's what comes next.
"Luna!" I turned over to one of my new friends her name was Zhavia Gomez.

"Hey Zhavia

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"Hey Zhavia." I said with a smile on my face.
"I got your new assignment!" She said humming.
"Really? Already?" I asked.
"Yeah here!" She said handing me the piece of paper.
It said; Beck Grey, Dakota's father. My heart stopped, was it really him?

Dakota's POV...

"A bodyguard? Really dad? I don't need one because I can take care of myself." I said.
"Son listen, if they are trying to kill you then you aren't safe. You need someone there who would take the bullet for you. For money of course." I rolled my eyes.
"I will not let someone risk their life for me. In the end someone dies." He took a deep breath.
"Fine how about I get you that a personal assistant that you've needed and been asking for?" He asked.
"Sounds great but, no bodyguard?" He chuckled.
"No bodyguard." He said. I smiled and left the room and upstairs to shower.

Luna's POV...

I followed the address and led me to a gigantic home. I rang the doorbell and waited. A maid opened the door and led me to what looked like an office door.
"Sir? The bodyguard that you have requested is here." She said she turned to me "Go right in." I thanked her and walked in.
There he was. Dakota's father with a giant grin on his face. "Luna it's been years! How are you?" I kept a straight face.
"You were the one that wanted a bodyguard?" I asked.
"Woman of independence? Well good just the woman to take care of my son and to follow orders correctly." I raised an eyebrow.
"This is for...Dakota?" He smirked.
"You still remember him?" He asked surprised.
"How can I forget?" I asked.
"Well I'm surprised because it's been awhile," He said "Anyways here's the deal. I need you to be an undercover bodyguard because my son is in great danger and he feels like he doesn't need one because he thinks he can take care of himself. The reason they want to kill him is because of me. I've killed many people that were important to others but were in my way or pissed me off and now they want to go after my son. Can you do it?" He asked.
"Of course but it will cost you double for hiding my identity." He laughed.
"Money has never been a problem for me." I raised my eyebrow.
"Good. Let's start. Where is he?" I asked.
"I'll get him. Dakota!" He yelled. Dakota came rushing into the office.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Dakota meet your new assistant, Luna Anderson. Luna this is my son Dakota." He held out his hand for me to shake it. I took it and that same feeling when I was younger hit me but I didn't make it obvious.
"Come with me." He said. I followed he lead me to a room that was beautiful. "This is where you'll be sleeping." He said.
"Thank you." I answered.
"So your name is Luna?" He asked.
"Yes it is. Did you know a woman named the same? Or is it that you like the name?" I asked.
"Yes as a matter of fact I did know a girl named Luna. She was my best friend until something happened and she disappeared." He said sadly.
"Interesting." I said.
"Anyways I'm going to a club tonight and you're coming with me." I nodded in agreement.
He walked out the room and left me in peace. Luna Anderson? Well he never did know my mother's last name. Of course he wouldn't know it is me.

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