Chapter 36

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Luna's POV...

Aiden had the maid drop off a long red dress with sparkling stones all over the top. She also dropped off a white and red mask, also with beautiful stones on it.
I sat in front of the mirror putting on my earrings. Once I finished I stared at my self for a long while. I look like I'm living a life of luxury but in reality I'm miserable.
I wanted so badly to leave this place, this life, everything. I wanted to leave everything behind me but I can't. I wouldn't know where to go, who to turn to. This time I'm truly alone; no Zhavia, no parents, and no Dakota. Just me myself and I.
"Hello beautiful." Aiden said, coming up behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror again. My facial expression represented depression. Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me on my feet. "Why are you sad doll face?" He asked, cupping my cheek. I made sure I didn't look at him in the eye. I couldn't look at him knowing that his child is growing inside of me. I turned around and put on my mask.
"We Ready yet?" I asked anxiously.
"Yes. I suppose we are." He said. Aiden pulled his arm out for me to take it. I slowly took it and walked downstairs with him. There were very many people here already, it made my stomach churn.
"Here gorgeous, sit down while I go get you a drink because it looks like you need it." He said, placing me down on the chair and turning around.
"I can't drink." I said, stopping him. He turned back around and looked up to the ceiling then back down at me.
"Right. You're right, how can I be so foolish? I'll get you something with absolutely no alcohol in it." He said, bending down and kissing the top of my head. He then finally walked away. I watched as more and more people walked in. Secretly I hoped for Dakota to run in and take me away back home with him and Justin. Deep down I knew that there was no chance.
"Here you are, my queen." Aiden said handing me a glass of fruit punch. I took it but didn't say a word. I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment now so I didn't open my mouth. "You alright?" Aiden asked. I nodded yes and forced a small smile. "Don't lie to me." He said. I somehow managed to get words out of my mouth.
"I'm going to get some fresh air. Excuse me." I said standing up and walking out quickly.
I stood outside ignoring all the people walking past me. After a couple of minutes a couple walked past me. I thought I was going crazy because when that man walked by me; his cologne smelt like Dakota's.
I looked up at him and he was just there staring at me. He was wearing a mask that covered most of his face. In fact most men are wearing masks that cover most of their faces. I think Aiden arranged that.
I walked back inside and stood by myself until Aiden saw me. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Why are you by yourself? And frowning?" He asked. He connected his forehead with mine. I felt a little woozy so I fell forward a little bit. I put my hand on his shoulder to try and keep my balance. Aiden took it as some sort of sign to hold me. I shut my eyes and tried to pull myself together. "Do you need to go up to our room?" Aiden asked.
"No I'm fine." I said. I didn't want to seem weak. I never want to seem weak in anyone's eyes, especially Aiden's. I didn't want him to think that I need him for anything.
"Can you get me some water?" I asked.
"Yes of course. Anything for my princess." He said planting a kiss on my lips. He caressed my cheek and walked away. I once again stood alone until that same man walked up to me.
My heart began to beat really fast. I don't exactly know why I was panicking. There's nothing to be panicking about.
"Why?" He asked.
"What?" I whispered.
"Why?" He asked. I didn't quite understand what he meant or what he wanted. He turned around and walked away immediately, making me feel confused. I immediately understood when Aiden walked back up to me with a cup of water.
"Here you go doll." He said. I turned around to see where that man was but he wasn't there. I began to look everywhere but I didn't see him.
"Who are you looking for?" Aiden asked.
"N-no one." I whispered.
"Alright, why don't you go mingle with other guests, while I do that exact same thing." Aiden winked at me then walked away. It only took a few seconds to be lost in a big crowd of people.
I turned around to see that man once again standing in front of me. To tell the truth he was beginning to freak me out. I'm not sure if he was real, this could just be me finally losing my sanity and imagining this person.
"Why?" He asked again.
"Why what?" I asked, beginning to feel anxious.
"Why did you fall in love with him?" He asked.
My jaw almost dropped to the floor. I stared closer into his eyes. My heart nearly ripped out of my chest.
"Dakota?" I whispered. A tear ran down my cheek.
"You abandoned us." He said, almost growling.
"I-I..I-" no words were able to escape my mouth.
"You don't know what to say huh? Maybe you'll start talking when I show you something." He took the beautiful woman that acted as his date and kissed her passionately. I stared at them until I fell and passed out. I heard everyone in the background gasping. Aiden screaming my name was the very last thing I heard. I wish it was the very last moment I lived.

Helloooo! Thank you for reading this chapter! I will continue to update until the book if finished! I'll update when I catch the time! Thanks!

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