Chapter 40

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We walked into Aiden's place, once again I was blindfolded, I couldn't stop crying. His hand gripped my arm hard, dragging me with him, he stopped walking then took the blindfold off. I kept my eyes shut all I can think about was Dakota bleeding to death.
"If he dies I'll kill you!" I yelled. I began to attack Aiden but he grabbed my wrists and stopped me. I gave up and slid down to the floor. I didn't have the strength to fight him, all that was there was pain.
"Get up." He simply said. When I ignored demand he got impatient. He picked me up and took my upstairs. He laid me down onto the bed. I turned the opposite way and held the pillow as endless tears ran down my face. "When will you ever stop caring about what happens to him? He doesn't love you like I do." He said behind me. I didn't care for his question. I just laid there sobbing my life away. "You know you used to be a strong woman. Where did she go?" He asked. When I didn't answer his question once more I heard him leave and shut the door behind him.
After a while I decided to pull myself together. I won't let him do this to me anymore.
I got up and opened the door to leave the room. I checked the hallways to see if it was safe to step out. When I saw that everything was okay I decided to walk around and look for a weapons room or something related to that. I needed to get out of here and the only way I'm going to accomplish that is if I kill the bastard. I was ready to run back into the bedroom due to finding absolutely nothing until I found a unique door with a weird devilish design on it. I decided to open it. The room was filled with guns, knives, bullets, anything that can be used as a weapon. I instantly felt relief, I took something basic like a pistol and a knife just in case I need it. I loaded the gun and took it with me.
I walked back into the bedroom. He still wasn't here so I decided to get a change of clothing. I tried to put on something similar to what I would wear as a bodyguard. I put the knife in my pocket and the gun in the back of my pants.
The door opened behind me, "What are you doing?" Aiden asked, I turned around. When I saw his face my first instinct was to pull my gun out and shoot him but that was too easy.
"Nothing. Just getting dressed because I was a mess. I'm okay now and I understand you did it for love." I said. He seemed surprised at my response. I walked up to him and kissed him. He hesitated for a moment but then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. He kissed my back hungrily, he twirled my around and pushed me onto the bed. He took his shirt off and smiled, he got in between my legs and kissed me again.
"Finally." He whispered, between kisses. Me moved down to my neck and removed my jacket. I couldn't let him see the gun under my shirt so I had to stop him.
"Aiden?" I asked, he growled.
"What?" He asked.
"Do you want to play a game daddy?" I asked, seductively. His expression changed, he smirked.
"Yes I do baby girl." He said.
"Let me go change then." I said, biting my bottom lip. I got up as he waited. I got an outfit from the closet and put it on with some high boots. I painted my lips red and got some handcuffs from the room I got the gun in.
I walked out of the bathroom swinging the cuffs on my index finger. Aiden smirked then bit his lip. I got on top of him.
"Do you want to play daddy?" I asked, moaning his name.
"Yes indeed." He said. I smiled then took both if his wrists and handcuffed him to the bed. I teased him a little to get him into the mood.
"I forgot something. Let me go get it." I said, winking. He had no idea what was coming to him. I grabbed the gun from the bathroom and walked out with it.
His expression went from pleased to confused.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.
"What does it look like you bastard!?" I asked, rasing my voice.
"Put the gun down!" He demanded. I only laughed at him and ignored everything he was saying.
"You don't tell me what to do!" I yelled. I shot him in the leg ones making me scream on pain.
"Fucking bitch! Have you gone mad!?" He asked, hissing in pain.
"You made me!" I yelled, I shot his arm this time making him almost gasp for air. He was having trouble getting the second cry out. "I hate you! You made my life a burning hell! You killed the love of my life! And now it's your turn!" I pointed the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger. I'd be locked up for this but to me this was worth it. After staring at his dead body for a moment I heard a small gasp behind me. It was that maid girl who claimed to live Aiden. Her eyes became glossy.
"No! What have you done!?" She yelled, she ran towards him. She put her hand over her heart and got on her knees in front of him. I ran out of the room and shot any man that was in my way. Before I left I took a few my bullets and got the hell out of there. I stole a car and drove in the same direction as when I ran away from this place.
I stopped the minute I saw one of Bella's men parked on the road. I parked the car that I had stolen and got into his. I pointed the gun to his head and demanded he'd take me to Dakota.
When we arrived I immediately jumped out of the car and barged into the place like I owned it.
"Who do you think y-" I cut Bella off.
"Where is he!?" I asked.
"In no condition to see you." She said. I had no time to play her pathetic games. I slapped her across the face and demanded to see him again.
"Do that again I dare you!" She said angrily. I took my hand and wrapped it around her neck. I pushed her up against the wall and pointed my knife and her neck.
"And I dare you to keep playing your stupid game bitch." I said gritting my teeth. She put her hands up.
"He's.. he's.... upstairs-" she said gasping for air.
I let go and ran upstairs to find Dakota with his hand over his wound.
"Dakota!" I said running towards him.
"W-what are you doing here?" He asked. I didn't answer him, instead I decided to kiss him. He didn't reject me he only kissed me back. I pulled away when I realized he was almost gasping for air.
"Dakota..I'm so sorry." I said. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"I love you." He said. A tear ran down my face when I heard those words escape his mouth.
"I love you too." I said smiling. I out my forehead on his while I let the tears slip from my eyes. "I killed him.." I whispered.
"What?" He asked.
"I killed Aiden and I don't think I'll get a pass for self defense. I knew what I was doing." I said.
"Luna-" I cut him off.
"I did if you you... I did it for us." I said. "We need to get you out of here." I said.
"How if I'm in pain?" He asked.
"Well I guess we can wait until you heal." I said.
"You're willing to wait for me that long?" He asked.
"I am. I'll wait for you until I can anymore." I said smiling.
"Come here." He said. I got in bed next to him carefully. He put and arm around me gently. "This hell is almost over." He whispered.
"I miss our son." I said.
"What are we going to do about the one on the way?" He asked.
"You're not going to make me give him up are you?" I asked.
"Never." He said, "I'll make sure to bring in a doctor to check up on you." He said.
"Promise me something." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Promise that you'll take care of this child like it was your own if i get locked up." I said. He didn't answer, he only held me tighter.
"Please don't talk like that." He said.
"I'm sorry but I know it'll happen." I whispered.
"Dakota! Don't worry the doctor is here!" Bella said, running in. I got out of the bed so the doctor can work. I was worried about him. The doctor made Bella and I step outside.

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